Saturday, August 15, 2009

10 Year Class Reunion...

22 weeks 6 days...

I have never experienced so many closed minded people! Just recently our class president decided to start a page on Facebook to get ideas and suggestions for our 10 class reunion. We didn't have a 5 year reunion (now I know why) so this will be the 1st year for all of us to get together again. I can tell there are a lot of people who still hasn't grown up and it'll be exactly like high school was...everybody will be in their own little "groups". So...what's the point? Isn't class reunions suppose to be about EVERYBODY mingling?? Here's what is most aggravating...a girl suggested a "family day" to be part of our reunion. So she put this suggestion on the page and you would have thought she was a piece of raw meat being fed to starved dogs...people shot that idea down 6 feet under! There was some that said "they hated kids", "if we want to talk about our kids we should bring our little brag books", "they were NOT coming to a family day...BAD IDEA"...I mean just down right RUDE...and some of these people even have kids of their own. My mind is boggled!

So what does our class want to do...DRINK, DRINK, DRINK and socialize in a tavern setting where there will be people smoking and I guarantee by the end of the night they'll be several of them showing their "true colors". Oh ya...and NO KIDS ALLOWED!!

Even though I am a senior class officer will be voice be heard...probably not because I'm not part of this "group". I actually liked school and I liked all people...from the preps to the goths and everywhere in between.

Well...I feel better after ranting a little bit. I hope this all works out and everybody gets along. I know you can't satisfy everybody...but I hope everybody feels like they can voice their opinions and share their input too.


  1. the pike central class that had their 10 yr. reunion this year had a family day luncheon at the park and then that night whoever wanted to went to friends to drink/socialize whatever... i thought that was a good idea- b/c then you could do both or whichever suits you at that time.

    i was also a class officer and i didn't get to our 5 yr. back in june. i was at my cousins wedding up north, but i probably wouldn't of went anyway, b/c i wasn't going to go hang out at a bar and watch people get drunk.

  2. Hey Kali...that is what I told my husband. Some people never GROW up. He had his 15 year a couple weeks ago and it was the same for that. There were a few girls that he called to see if they were coming and they told him no because it was going to be the "Vicky and Sonia" show, which were the 2 girls that organized it. That just goes to show you that some people never do grow up and tend to hold grudges. I think it is awful...I personally think that we should have both. If you want to attend the family day, then you can and if you dont, you dont. But still have something for just adults as well. We went to both for Derek's...

    I wouldnt let it get to you...

    Hope all is going well with your little ones!

