Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We are still here...

Clay talking to his dog...looks like a pretty serious conversation!
Mommy's happy & smiling boy in the morning :-)

Clay's 1st time in the snow...which lasted about 2 mins

Mine & Jeremy's Valentine's Day dates. We went to BWW & watched the UK vs TN game. It was a late night but the kids did really good!

Clay & his sissy watching M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! He loves watching that...esp w/his sis!

Sorry it's been a little while since I've updated. It seems like when I get a free quickly gets interrupted by the laundry, dishes, a phone call, get the!
Things have been good since I last updated...except for the kids having a cold...which I hate for both of them but especially Clay. Good thing is that it's just a cold and he didn't have to see the doctor and he is getting better!!! Crystal got over it in 5 days and Clay's had it for almost a week...but like I said he's getting better!!!
I can't believe next week my little man is going to be 3 months old!!! Time has flown and feels like just yesterday I was making 3 trips to Evansville a week!! Now we stay @ home as much as possible and I enjoy every second I get w/him and Crystal :-) Have I ever mentioned that being a mommy is tough and challenging...but nothing has a better reward than being a mommy :-)

So what has Clay been up too??? Well...he LOVES being talked to and smiled at. He'll talk back and smile @ you now and I could sit there and do that all day long!! Probably why nothing gets done around the! He loves to be held and LOVES TO SNUGGLE!!!!! I LOVE that part about him :-) His hair is getting a little bit of a red tint to it...but I think it's going to be dark. His eyes have us confused though. He wakes up in the morning and they are blue. Then midday they have turned to almost a green color and by night they are a slate blue. He's our kind of kid...camo!!!! He's still nursing but also taking formula too...I don't produce enough milk so I've got to supplement. My goal was 3 months and I think I'm going to make it! I'll probably go a couple of wks longer just to make sure we ge through RSV and flu season. For about 1 1/2 wks he's been sleeping from I'm finally getting a full nights of rest...ahhhhh :-) He's still in 0-3 month clothes...but not for long.

He's been out in public and does really good. He doesn't care too much for his carseat. In fact if he's in it...the truck better be moving or he's not happy. He still love to sleep on his belly and has to have the back of his head touching the side of the bassinet. I guess makes him feel like he's being held (he's not!) The past couple of weeks he's been eating about a tablespoon full of yogurt and LOVES it!! I eat a cup everyday for lunch and he's right up there w/me chopping his mouth and whaling those arms until I give him a little. He chuckled for the 1st time on my bday...what a WONDERFUL bday present!!! Yes I cried like a little baby because just see him smile, hear his voice, and now hear him laugh is a beautiful sound!

There are alot of things I've learned to do one handed now! Typing is the biggest one but I can do dishes one handed, fix supper, do laundry, kind of fold the clothes (that's a tricky one and usually he likes laying on the bed and watching), exercising. It's getting a little better because when I put him in his bouncy seat he likes to try to hit the animals hanging down. Plus between Crystal and Chase (our dog) they keep him entertained for a short while.

Well...hope you enjoy the pics and I'll update later. He's on my lap and ready to eat...which requires to hands. But that ok cause that's me & him time :-)

Our Little Diva...

Who would have thought that 1-2 years ago when this little barefoot beauty who was in love w/Spiderman, never wanted to wear shoes or a shirt, & acted like a complete tomboy would today be playing dress up w/my old dance costumes & barbie dresses, liking for me to curl her hair & put makeup on, loves Hannah Montana & the Jonas "Brodders" (as she pronounces, & be the biggest little mother hen to her baby brother. Her personality, characteristics, outlook on life is one out of this world! She is a definite well rounded child!

Jeremy & I decided to let her start playing the 1st sport she's involved in will be soccer!!!! It starts the 1st weekend if April & last until May 8th. We are so excited to she her play & interact w/the other kids. I just hope she doesn't get hurt because you'll see this momma go flying out onto the!

We also decided that this next school yr we are going to let her attend preschool. We are trying to decide on either our church's which she'll go 3 days a week from 830am-1pm or to Bethal Memorial where she'll go 5 days a week from 815am-1145am. Decisions decisions...

Well...that's about all for now...just wanted to do a lil brag'n on her because she's done really good since Clay's been here.

Her "Cowgirl" outfit for the Wii game Just Dance. She put it together all by herself!
Her Valentine's day poster of the Jonas Brothers. It's right across from her bed so she can see them 1st thing when she wakes up. ..that's what she told!

Dancing w/the Wii in her Cowgirl outfit to Cotton Eye Joe!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Clay's 2 month appointment!!

OMG...I can't believe my little guy is getting soooo big tooooo fast!!! Last week he turned 2 months old...boy time flies when you are having fun!! He obviously didn't like his dr. app...he had to get 3 shots & on oral vaccine for the Roto virus. But he did weigh 12lbs. 3 oz (75% percentile) and was 23 3/4 in long (75% percentile). He did really good for the most part. His dr. was so shocked that none of us has been sick and hopes things stay like that. She said there's some pretty nasty viruses out there. So we are going to keep doing what we are doing and pray everybody stays healthy!!!

So some things Clay has accomplished this 1st month of being born....he LOVES being talked to and will talk back and smile HUGE @ you!!! He'll brighten anybody's dark days :-) He's found his hands and likes to suck on them. He LOVES his big sissy and really likes looking @ her pictures we have on the wall. At 6 wks. he started on a little cereal and liked it from the get go. When nobody else can get him to burp...mommy does the trick ;-) He likes being held...maybe too much...but that is probably because I'm spoiling!! He actually likes having socks on and is liking bath time only when mommy gets in the tub w/him.

He is bringing soooo much joy to our lives. At the time I could imagine why God wouldn't answer our prayers to get Mason here safe...but life's like a that Clay's here...things are starting to come together. I love you bubby!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

2010 WRAY Redneck Woman Contest

Hey Ya'll...I need your votes!!! I'm running again for WRAY'S 2010 Redneck Woman. It's a voting competition like the last time so everybody needs to vote as much as they can everyday until 2/25!!! So tell your friends and tell your friends to tell their friends and so on and so on!! Thanks to everybody who has voted so far and keep them coming!!!