Monday, March 30, 2009


First off...way to go Tigers!!!!! That was such an awesome and intense game...but it was soooo well worth it! Jeremy, my cousin Natalie, Crystal, & I got to go and I'm so glad...I wouldn't have missed it! Of course I've caught a lot of crap about it (I'm from Gibson Southern) but hey...I'm supporting a Gibson County team and I know alot of people from for this year (after GS was out of it) it was GO TIGERS!!! As far as I see it...until Crystal gets into school we can root for who we!

That has been pretty much how our week had been...getting ready for that game. So now what do we do???? I'm glad it's warming up outside cause we have a garden that we will be tending to. It's almost time to start mowing again. I think Crystal and I will jump on the mower towards the end of the week and chop some grass down. I'm so glad it's starting to warm up. I can't wait to go out and hunt some mushrooms and start grilling out and spending the days outside!'s kind of short...but that is all that has been happening since last time I blogged. I hope I can figure out how to put some more pictures up bear w/me and I'll try.

1 comment:

  1. woooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I wish i couldve been there! GRR kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place though. u know how that goes!
