Monday, April 20, 2009

Morning Sickness has hit!

Six weeks & 1day!!

Well...the past couple of days morning sickness has started to kick in a little more. I found this thing on the internet that says to suck on lemon heads and it's suppose to help. So...I got some and it did help. I don't mind the sickness though because that means that the pregnancy is going good!

Alot of people have heard about our expecting news. Our church family also knows and I don't know of anybody who isn't praying for us. It means soooo much to hear somebody come up and say "We will pray for this baby to be healthy and to make it here!" I use to only think that you needed lots of prayers when you were sick or something bad had happened...but this pregnancy has brought awhole new meaning. So...thanks for everybody who is praying for us and please continue to!!

Crystal is some what excited. It's not going to hit her until she can start to feel the baby move or see it on the ultrasound. She has asked questions about what the baby is doing and if it likes or dislikes something. The other day Jeremy & I were tickling her and she turned to me and said "I'm going to tickle the baby!" So...she knows there is one in there. Another thing...she doesn't think it's Mason...which was something I was a little worried about. I think letting her see and hold Mason was the best thing because she knows Mason was a little baby and not just something in my belly. She can't decide whether she wants this new baby to be a boy or a girl. She goes back and forth...which a lot of people then say "maybe it's twins". We aren't even going to go there!

I can't wait for May 6th...which is my 1st doc. appointment!! I have an ultrasound scheduled for 1045am; lab @ 1120am; then Dr. Ramsey @ 1130am. I talked to the nurse a little over the phone when I scheduled my appointment and she said my doc. would talk lots about what they want to do and a timeline of stuff. I'm considered high risk because of my past which I was warned about when I had Mason. But I have confidence (w/a little nervousness & anxiety) that things will be fine. I know that God and Mason are watching over me and this new little miracle and will do all they can to keep things safe and sound.


  1. Since I know that it means a lot to you I am praying for you. Im excited because its due close to my bday. :) I cant wait to see if its a boy or a girl. hmmm should find out about July? hmmm we'll see. let me know how your doctors appt. goes! :) oh and glad you like the pants! they are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo comfy. take good care of them for me. hopefully they will give that baby a comfy place to grow :)

  2. i'm glad you started a blog!! :)
