This week has been full of doctor's appointments!!! So I'll just start w/the 1st one.
Tues...My doctor app. w/ultrasound, NST, and Dr. Ramsey. As far as I can remember things went really good. I had ate a chicken sandwich from Wendy's on my way down to the doctor and apparently Clay REALLY likes them!!! He was a little wild man on the NST!! He passed both test w/perfect scores. My BP was good...I had gained 1lbs. which put me @ 17lbs. gained...not too bad for 34 wks :-)
Here are some pics that we got from that ultrasound. I think he was a little diagonal for this appointment but still mainly head down.

Wed. Crystal had her 4 yr. doctor appointment. She weighs 40 lbs. and is 40 in. tall!!!! She really is growing up wayyyyy tooooooo fast!!! She did really good and like always entertained the nurse and Dr. Meyers. She thought it was neat that she got to wear a gown to get checked out in...silly little thing :-) Dr. Meyers said next yr she'll get her physical for school and her booster shots. She won't start school until Aug. 2011 because of how her bday falls. I'm glad cause that will give me a yr. @ home w/her and Clay.
Thurs. was my specialist appointment. I was kind of nervous but felt much better afterwards. This day also marked the 1 yr. anniversary of when we were told Mason no longer had a heartbeat. I was upset but yet I knew I couldn't be down because I needed to be strong for Clay. My ultrasound took 45 mins!!! That machine up there is AWESOME!! They did a very detailed scan of everything from his brain, heart, and even blood vessels going to his kidneys and stomach. Clay was head down and laying on his right side so we got some really good 3D pics of him!!! The news we were there to discover came back that his cord is not around his neck! It comes up over 1 shoulder and then down by his jaw line and then down. I was sooooo thankful to receive such great news on that. The specialist said he would induce me @ 36 wks. if I wanted but I'd have to have an amniocentesis to see how strong Clay's lungs were. I told him I wanted to talk to Dr. Ramsey & Jeremy 1st...which he was fine with. They also weighed him and he was 5lbs. 1oz. so he's growing good!! The specialist did mention something about my placenta looking more mature than I have far along. Once again he said that would be grounds for an early induction too.

We have a pic of Crystal @ 4-5 days old and she's sitting in her swing and these 2 pics look identical to each other!!!
Then on Friday I had my regular appointment w/an ultrasound, NST, & Dr. Ramsey. I had the ultrasound tech look @ my placenta and she said on a scale of 0-3 w/0 being very bad and 3 being the best mine looks to be between a 2-3 which is where is needs to be at. I was really relieved to hear that because I didn't want to really have to deliver @ 36 wks. and take chances on Clay being in the NICCU...unless it's life or death for him. He was back to being sideways again...little booger just can't get comfy in!! We got some pics of him actually awake and smiling and sucking his thumb!!! I really loved the smiling pic because the day marked the 1 yr. anniversary of when Mason was actually born and I had a rough morning...but was able to pull through the day. On the NST he did really good @ 1st and then decided to take a nap. So he had to get buzzed to finish his test but got perfect scores on both test :-). Then I talked to Dr. Ramsey for a little while. We went over the app. w/the specialist and the ultrasounds and have decided that as long as Clay is doing good on his tests and is kicking good then we are going to keep the Dec. 4th date for the induction...which will make me 38 wks. We also decided that between the 36-38 wks. we will do testing 3 times a week for a safe measure and if at any point my nerves become too much for me to handle then I can bale out and go ahead w/an early induction. I really believe though that as long as Clay's doing good and kicking good...I can do my part and keep myself under control. I've got alot of people that I can talk to or turn to if I need keep me strong and going. Here are some pics that we got from that ultrasound.
He's smiling @ us :-) He knew his mommy needed that...esp. on this day!! I love him soooo much :-)

He's got his mouth open and ready for that thumb to go in...

He's got his mouth open and ready for that thumb to go in...
So that is how all my appointments went this week. Next wk I go Tues & Fri. It's kind of nice being down there because on Friday I got a little bit of Christmas shopping done...more looking than buying because some little redhead was w/me and you can't sneak anything past that child!! I'm going to try to go to a couple of my apps. by myself so I can buy a little more without Crystal finding out what it was.
Keep praying for us...we still need it and we are all sooooo thankfull to have such wonderful & supportive friends to help us through all this. :-)
glad to hear more details about your appts :)
ReplyDeletedid you see dr. fitzpatrick??
sooo cute pix!!! glad everything went well. god has answered yet another prayer.