I figured w/all these doctor appointments and such I'd start combining my blogs for them. So we'll start out w/the appointment I had this Tuesday. Ultrasound went good. Clay was laying sideways & had his face buried so we didn't get very good pics of him. He weighed 5lbs. 9oz. which meant he had gained 1/2 lb. since Friday which was only 4 days ago!!! So needless to say he's growing really good :-) I think his HR was around 137 BPM. The NST went really good and he passed both tests w/perfect scores. My BP was good and I hadn't gained any weight...still holding @ 17 lbs. gained. Afterwards my mom, Crystal, & I went to Babies-R-Us & Target and I got all I need know for Clay arrival...so we are set!!
Then Fridays appointment was another good one. I was a little nervous w/it being Friday the 13th...but I thought positive thoughts. Well...doing that paid off...it was one of the best Friday the 13ths I've ever had!! 1st the ultrasound...he was head down...finally and again :-) I knew he had changed positions because the day before I could feel his little butt, legs, and feet in my right ribs. He started doing this rocking motion and it felt like he was going to pop open my ribs like a soda pop!!! It hurt and I hope he's figured that since it was that difficult to get there...then maybe he'll just stay there :-) He weighed 5lbs. 13 oz so another 4 oz gained in just 3 days!!! He was kind of laying on his side and we got some really good 3D pics of him!!! The tech & I was having sooooo much fun taking pics of him. In some of them you can tell how much hair he has...he's going to be a handsome little guy is all I can say :-) His HR was 139 BPM and he did he's breathing the whole time I was in there. Then the NST was next. By this time the gummy bears I had ate to get him active had worn off...so I had to be on the monitor for 40 mins and Clay had to get buzzed 3 times!!! He just wanted to sleep by that point...poor little guy. But he did end up passing that one too. Afterwards I went to see Dr. Ramsey and she said everything is looking perfect!! That was such great news to hear...even though I have been seeing that he's been doing good...it's good to hear it come from the doctor too!! She reminded me that anytime I needed to bail out because of nerves and anxiety I could do so between 36-38 wks. Right now my nerves and anxiety are surprisingly low and under control. I think it's been the extra testing and seeing how good Clay's been doing that is keeping them that way. I would LOVE to be able to get my hands on him next Friday or Saturday...but I know waiting until Dec. 4th will be better for him. So we are still sticking to that :-) I had gained 1/2 lb so I'm @ 17 1/2 lbs. gained. Don't ask me how I do it because I am eating and not really exercising. I guess just lucky. My BP was good again...I think it was 100/62.
We are all getting very excited and can't wait to meet Clay!!! I can tell that these past couple of months have been a little rough on me emotionally but now that we are getting sooooo close to having Clay here and he's doing soooo good on his testing...I feel like my life and emotions are pulling back together. I will tell anybody and everybody...you can call my kids spoiled because they are and will be...w/lots of love, hugs, & kisses. After last yr. and loosing Mason, I don't worry about those little things and know that all that counts is making sure I give my kids the best lives they could ever imagine :-) I sometimes feel like Thomas the Train...I went from "I think I can, I think I can" to "I know I can, I know I can". So please continue to keep those prayers coming our way. They are working and keeping all of us strong!! Enjoy the pics...and just think...2 weeks and 6 days until I have hospital pics up...HOW EXCITING!!!!!!

he really is gorgeous!! i can't wait to see what color his hair is!
ReplyDeleteglad your nerves are doing okay! i can't believe it is less than 3 weeks 'til he gets here!! how exciting! makes me even more anxious to get our little guy here! 13 more weeks 'til then... that sounds like forever, but i know the holidays will make things go pretty fast too...
glad everything is going so well!