So...I had a regular doctor's appointment today. 1st was the ultrasound. Clay's HR was 154. He's laying a little diagonal...but still mainly head down. Dr. Ramsey doesn't think he'll try to flip...but you never know. With him being in this position we got some pics of him. He's such a cutie...and I think he's going to be a little chuncker too!!! He did his breathing the whole time...which is excellent!! He's now got hair all around his head too! The cord still looked about the same but w/him getting bigger it's harder to see. I still go see the specialist this Thurs. and Dr. Ramsey said they'll be able to tell alot more.
2nd was NST. By this time I had a wild little man on my hands!!! Needless to say he did all he needed to in 10 mins. but the nurse kept me on there another 10 mins just to see what all else we could get. I kept getting asked what I had ate to make him move so much. Apparently he likes chicken sandwiches from Wendy's cause that's what I had...plus about 7 livesaver gummy bears. It was soooo funny cause there was another girl who came in while I was doing my NST. I heard her telling the nurse her baby is usually quiet. The nurse got her on the monitor and he started out quiet but I guess Clay influenced him w/all his kicking and carrying on to do the same because that other baby became wild too!!! It sounded like the battle of babies on the NST machines!!! The nurse said she was surprised but glad that I didn't have any contractions during that 20 mins.
3rd was to see Dr. Ramsey. She said everything looked good and both tests and he got perfect scores on both. She said she's anxious to see what the specialist has to say because they will be able to see lots more. My BP was 108/48 and I gained 1 lb which puts me to 17 lbs. gained. I told them about my back pain I had last night and having to cuddle w/the heating pad....and I kind of got in trouble for being too active on Sunday@ our nephews bday party. But they are glad to hear that it was just 1 day...and the heating pad took the pain away. Dr. Ramsey said also we can probably count on pre-term labor being out of the picture since Clay was sooo active today on the NST and I didn't have any contractions.
So...I'll be updated sometime on Thurs. w/the specialist appointment. I also need to update about Grant and Gabriel's 1st bday party...I'll try to find some time to do that :-) Hope you enjoy the pictures and keep those prayers coming!!
again- i'm glad you had such a great appt. can't wait to hear what they have to say on thurs. hopefully, more good news!!
ReplyDeletemr. C was trying to get away from the doppler today and wouldn't hold still either!