I can't begin to explain how much joy this little boy has brought to my life. He is everything and more that I ever imagined and dreamed about. I couldn't imagine my life without him now...he's everything to me...just like his sissy :-)
So Clay is 3 1/2 months old now. Last night he slept in his baby bed...from 9pm-6am!!!! Needless to say...I think he likes it and that means no more bassinet in our room :-( ...but that doesn't mean he can't sleep w/me after Jeremy leaves for work. From about 5:45am-7am is our little snuggle time and sometimes I'm sandwiched between both kiddos...but those moments are why being a parent is the greatest!!!! I think with Clay sleeping in his baby bed...maybe...he might start rolling over. He's almost got it from his back to his belly...but not so much the other way. Oh well...he'll get there :-)
He is a little ladies man!!! I've never seen a baby talk, smile, & laugh @ girls the way he does. We thought we were in trouble w/Crystal...he has already graduated from Charming School 101 w/flying colors!!! He's attracted to redheads too...hummmm...wonder why???
Everything esp his sissy is funny now!!! His laugh is soooooo cute too!!!! I have it on video and am trying to find a way to put it on here and facebook...but haven't figured that out yet.
He's still a momma's boy...but he's starting to find Jeremy very interesting. They are definitely going to be sport watching buddies...he LOVES to watch basketball and football!! We are hoping he'll add in baseball too! He loves to be outside and going for wagon rides. We'll have to get some sunglasses to keep the sun out of his eyes so he can see everything around him.
He is a cuddler which is why drying up from nursing is probably going to be hard. He is starting to become attached to nursing because of the snuggling...so we'll have to figure something else out. I promised him though that just because the nursing was over didn't mean he had to stop snuggling!!
I fall in love with him more and more everyday and thank God for him. They say there's a reason why things happen. I always wondered..."Why Mason" but now that Clay has been here...maybe he's more of what I needed...and I can't explain that feeling...it's just there. It probably sounds horrible how I just worded that...but I can't explain how I feel about Clay. I was so scared about how could I possibly love somebody as much as I love Crystal...but I know how now :-)
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