Saturday, March 6, 2010

My typical day...

I got this from a friend and I'm suppose to tell how my days go. I'll try my best...but we really just kind of take it day by day...a lot less stressful that way!!

7am - Me & Clay usually wake up...nurse and bottle feed. Take him and change him and get his clothes on for the day. Usually Crystal wakes up shortly after we get up and after I feed Clay I get her some strawberry milk and breakfast. Then she gets ready after a round of cartoons.

8am - If it's Mon, Wed, or Fri I'm trying to load the kids into the Expedition to head to work. I have a WONDERFUL job that I can take both kids to. I only work 8 hrs. a week...but it's an extra $80 for the week to do what we want with. The kids do really good @ work too. Crystal has a tv and toys and Clay has a bouncy seat. If it's Tues or Thurs then we just sit and watch some cartoons. I'll sit w/them for awhile and then usually put clay on the floor to play w/his kicker while I clean the kitchen.

9am - 10am Either working or cleaning and playing. At about 930am Clay is hungry again so I bottle feed (I'm weaning him from nursing) and then he takes a short cat nap.

10am-11am - Either working and getting ready to head home @ 11am or playing w/Crystal while Clay sleeps a little.

11am-noon- We eat lunch.

noon-1pm - Crystal does her K books and I feed Clay (nurse & bottle) and then he goes down for his big nap.

1pm-2pm - Clay's napping, I'm either doing cleaning/laundry or Crystal & I are playing the Wii and exercising.

2pm-3pm - Clay's napping, I do my workout Wii for 30 mins and Crystal is usually playing baby dolls or barbies.

3pm-4pm- I start supper. Clay usually wakes up and get changed and feed (nurse and bottle) and Crystal watches some Dora or whatever she's in the mood for.

4pm-5pm - Either fixing supper, finishing cleaning. The kids are playing.

5pm-6pm - Daddy's finally home!!!! Eat supper @ feed Clay (bottle) @ around 6pm. Crystal is usually drawing a picture for her daddy :-)

6pm-7pm - Have some family time and play w/the kids. Sometimes Jeremy & I might get to watch one of our shows.

7pm-8pm - Every other night is bath night for all of us. I usually just get in the tub because it's easier to wash Clay that way. Plus he likes being in there w/Crystal and smiling and laughing @ her. I usually get Crystal washed 1st and while Jeremy is getting her ready I wash Clay and then he gets him ready while I wash myself.

8-9pm - Feeding Clay (nursing & cereal bottle). Crystal gets a little strawberry milk & a bedtime story.

9pm-10pm - Mine and Jeremy's time :-) then off to bed!!

10pm-5am - sleep, sleep, sleep

5am-6am - Clay might wake up when Jeremy's alarm goes off @ 515am and usually he'll just nurse from one side and goes back to sleep snuggled up in my arms.

6am-7am - Sleep. Usually by this time both kids are in bed w/me and Jeremy is off to work.

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