Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh My How 7 weeks Can Just Fly By!

The best way to describe how the past 7 weeks have been would be by pictures. So here ya go...

Clay laying on his favorite blanket...that is when he will lay down and not want to be held...he's not the least spoiled :-)

Crystal & Clay watching cartoons the morning after we came home...she's soooo glad to have a cartoon watching buddy...however she doesn't understand why he always falls asleep. Before too long she'll be wanting him to fall asleep so she can watch "her shows"!
Crystal got to give him a bottle the 1st full day we were home. She's such a proud big sister!

A rare moment...both kids asleep @ the same time. You better believe I worked like a mad woman to clean and get anything done I could. However that only lasted 30 mins and Clay was up ready to eat :-)

After a week of no new pics I had people asking for new we took some. More thing is going to hate the camera when he gets!

His 1st holiday was Christmas. He stayed awake some. This is the 1st pic of all Jeremy's mom and dad's grandkids

On Dec. 20th we baptized Clay. He was 2 wks. old. The reason we did this so early was because he wore Jeremy's little outfit that he wore when he got baptized. I also had a blanket made that has his name, our church, and the date. Another reason this was a special time was Jeremy's dad baptized him (in our church). His dad has baptized/dedicated all of his grandkids...even Mason. So it meant alot to us to have him involved and have our family and friends there. We are also soooo blessed and thankful for our church family that has prayed for Clay to be healthy and get here safe.

Clay looked sooooooo cute in his daddy's outfit :-)

There's that happy boy!!

The outfit, shoes, and even the socks were Jeremy's.
Crystal & Clay w/Kevin & Isaiah. This is the 1st time we got to do a pic for my mom and dad of all their grandkids.

The same day Clay got baptized we got to play Joseph, Mary, the angel (Crystal) and baby Jesus (Clay) for our church's Christmas program. I got to sit in a rocking chair and rock Clay while the choir sang the most beautiful song about a mom rocking her newborn (how fitting considering Clay was 2 wks. old). During the middle of it I lost it because the words were soooo touching. I was told afterwards there wasn't a dry face sitting in the crowd during the song :-)
One of our lazy days and Crystal playing mother hen to Clay.

Clay got to meet his great grandma...Mamaw Jo. She's my mom's mom and she's 92 yrs. old. She was sooo thrilled to see and hold him.

His 1st meeting w/Santa Clause.

Celebrating his 1st Christmas @ home. Crystal loved that she got to open double presents (hers and his). They got sooooo much...and not from just us either :-)

His sleeper he wore on Christmas morning

Christmas @ my mom and dad's house. He also got to celebrate Christmas @ his great grandparent Seitz & his mamaw and pappy's house.

1st time his papaw got to feed him a bottle. He's pretty proud of him!

We went on our 1st mini vacation to Nashville, TN. We stayed @ the Opry hotel. They had all their Christmas lights up and he loved looking @ all of them. I think we've started a new family tradition of going down there on winter shutdown and having fun :-)

He likes his new stroller too!

He really liked sleeping in that big bed too
He's finally starting to go some distance in his car seat and not falling asleep instantly too.

He attended his 1st wedding and got to meet my dad's side of the family. This is his great grandma Carol holding him.

We've reached 1 month here!!! I got him and Crystal matching Vols outfits!

This is what we usually do when we are home during the day...I hold my babies and snuggle them :-)

Technically not his 1st trip to Bass Pro Shop...but he liked this one alot better and stayed awake the whole time we were there ( 2 hrs. I think). He really liked watching the fish in the fish tank and listening to the water from the waterfall.

This is Jeremy's dog Smokey. Now he gets shared by Clay & Crystal.

Now we are @ 7 wks. and things are starting to become alot of fun!!! He smiles, laughs ( a lil), coos and loves being talk to. I could sit and watch those little faces he makes all day long and get all kinds of cute smiles from him. He really melts my heart and I'm sooooo thankful for him.

Here's Clay & Abi. She wasn't due until 2/8 and was born on or around 12/15. So there's 2 wks. difference. This was the 1st time Clay had interaction w/another baby too and they both kicked and made all kinds of noises...almost like they were talking to each other.
So...I think I'm up to date on things. I'll try better to keep updated now that we are in a set schedule. It's hard work...but I wouldn't trade it for nothing and I'm loving every minute of it!!!

1 comment:

  1. i have been missing your updates so i LOVED THIS!!! your little man is so adorable (and of course Crystal is too!). I can't believe it has been 7 weeks! 30 days to go until Corbin gets here- I am so nervous, but so excited... i don't think it will feel real until he is here.
