7 1/2 wks. old
Monday started off good...both kids got up easy & we actually got to work a little early than normal. I was sitting feeding Clay when he started grunting. I was really happy because he hadn't pooped for 2 1/2 days! I wasn't to concerned because he wasn't acting constipated or anything but figured if he hadn't pooped by the night then I'd help him out a little.
So back on track...he grunted a few times & I heard the explosion. I let him lay for another 5 mins & he started to fall asleep so I knew he was done. I picked him up under his arms & carried him like that to the changing table. Sound mean...but I knew there would be a lot of poop & I didn't want it coming out.
I laid him on the table & started taking his pants off & noticed poop sliding down his leg w/his pants. So I lifted his pants up & saw nothing but poop!!!! He was well awake now & I said "Clay Briley...want did you do????" He smiled all over himself. So got the pants off & out of the way.
Next I noticed some poop coming out from the side & he had some on the leg part of his onsie. No big deal until I went tp take the onsie off & noticed poop on his belly. So I lifted his onsie up & he literally had poop all the way up to his neck!!!!!!! At this point I serious thought about cutting his onsie off because how on earth was I going to get this off wo/it getting into his hair, all over his face...you get the point. If we were @ home I would have just put him in the tub & been done w/it... but we were @ work :-(
So I carefully got the onsie off & did not get it on his head...don't ask me how. So there he lays 100% naked cooing, kicking & smiling @ me. So I started wiping him down. I got the front half done & picked him up just to lay a changing pad under him & the little fart peed on me!!!! Luckily I had on another shirt under my sweatshirt.
20 mins later, probably 10 wipes, 2 diapers, a new onsie, socks & pants we finally had the huge poop mess cleaned. The whole time I was cleaning him he just kicked and cooed at me and threw these huge smiles...so even though it was a nasty big mess...getting all that and knowing he was happy made it all worth while :-)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Oh My How 7 weeks Can Just Fly By!
The best way to describe how the past 7 weeks have been would be by pictures. So here ya go...
Clay laying on his favorite blanket...that is when he will lay down and not want to be held...he's not the least spoiled :-)
Crystal & Clay watching cartoons the morning after we came home...she's soooo glad to have a cartoon watching buddy...however she doesn't understand why he always falls asleep. Before too long she'll be wanting him to fall asleep so she can watch "her shows"...lol!
Crystal got to give him a bottle the 1st full day we were home. She's such a proud big sister!
A rare moment...both kids asleep @ the same time. You better believe I worked like a mad woman to clean and get anything done I could. However that only lasted 30 mins and Clay was up ready to eat :-)

After a week of no new pics I had people asking for new ones...so we took some. More thing is going to hate the camera when he gets older...lol!
His 1st holiday was Christmas. He stayed awake some. This is the 1st pic of all Jeremy's mom and dad's grandkids
On Dec. 20th we baptized Clay. He was 2 wks. old. The reason we did this so early was because he wore Jeremy's little outfit that he wore when he got baptized. I also had a blanket made that has his name, our church, and the date. Another reason this was a special time was Jeremy's dad baptized him (in our church). His dad has baptized/dedicated all of his grandkids...even Mason. So it meant alot to us to have him involved and have our family and friends there. We are also soooo blessed and thankful for our church family that has prayed for Clay to be healthy and get here safe.

Clay looked sooooooo cute in his daddy's outfit :-)

There's that happy boy!!

The outfit, shoes, and even the socks were Jeremy's.
Crystal & Clay w/Kevin & Isaiah. This is the 1st time we got to do a pic for my mom and dad of all their grandkids.

The same day Clay got baptized we got to play Joseph, Mary, the angel (Crystal) and baby Jesus (Clay) for our church's Christmas program. I got to sit in a rocking chair and rock Clay while the choir sang the most beautiful song about a mom rocking her newborn (how fitting considering Clay was 2 wks. old). During the middle of it I lost it because the words were soooo touching. I was told afterwards there wasn't a dry face sitting in the crowd during the song :-)
One of our lazy days and Crystal playing mother hen to Clay.
Clay got to meet his great grandma...Mamaw Jo. She's my mom's mom and she's 92 yrs. old. She was sooo thrilled to see and hold him.

His 1st meeting w/Santa Clause.

Celebrating his 1st Christmas @ home. Crystal loved that she got to open double presents (hers and his). They got sooooo much...and not from just us either :-)

His sleeper he wore on Christmas morning

Christmas @ my mom and dad's house. He also got to celebrate Christmas @ his great grandparent Seitz & his mamaw and pappy's house.

1st time his papaw got to feed him a bottle. He's pretty proud of him!

We went on our 1st mini vacation to Nashville, TN. We stayed @ the Opry hotel. They had all their Christmas lights up and he loved looking @ all of them. I think we've started a new family tradition of going down there on winter shutdown and having fun :-)

He likes his new stroller too!

He really liked sleeping in that big bed too
He's finally starting to go some distance in his car seat and not falling asleep instantly too.

He attended his 1st wedding and got to meet my dad's side of the family. This is his great grandma Carol holding him.

We've reached 1 month here!!! I got him and Crystal matching Vols outfits!

This is what we usually do when we are home during the day...I hold my babies and snuggle them :-)
Clay laying on his favorite blanket...that is when he will lay down and not want to be held...he's not the least spoiled :-)
After a week of no new pics I had people asking for new ones...so we took some. More thing is going to hate the camera when he gets older...lol!
Clay looked sooooooo cute in his daddy's outfit :-)
There's that happy boy!!
The outfit, shoes, and even the socks were Jeremy's.
The same day Clay got baptized we got to play Joseph, Mary, the angel (Crystal) and baby Jesus (Clay) for our church's Christmas program. I got to sit in a rocking chair and rock Clay while the choir sang the most beautiful song about a mom rocking her newborn (how fitting considering Clay was 2 wks. old). During the middle of it I lost it because the words were soooo touching. I was told afterwards there wasn't a dry face sitting in the crowd during the song :-)
His 1st meeting w/Santa Clause.
Celebrating his 1st Christmas @ home. Crystal loved that she got to open double presents (hers and his). They got sooooo much...and not from just us either :-)
His sleeper he wore on Christmas morning
Christmas @ my mom and dad's house. He also got to celebrate Christmas @ his great grandparent Seitz & his mamaw and pappy's house.
1st time his papaw got to feed him a bottle. He's pretty proud of him!
We went on our 1st mini vacation to Nashville, TN. We stayed @ the Opry hotel. They had all their Christmas lights up and he loved looking @ all of them. I think we've started a new family tradition of going down there on winter shutdown and having fun :-)
He likes his new stroller too!
He really liked sleeping in that big bed too
He attended his 1st wedding and got to meet my dad's side of the family. This is his great grandma Carol holding him.
We've reached 1 month here!!! I got him and Crystal matching Vols outfits!
This is what we usually do when we are home during the day...I hold my babies and snuggle them :-)
Technically not his 1st trip to Bass Pro Shop...but he liked this one alot better and stayed awake the whole time we were there ( 2 hrs. I think). He really liked watching the fish in the fish tank and listening to the water from the waterfall.

This is Jeremy's dog Smokey. Now he gets shared by Clay & Crystal.

Now we are @ 7 wks. and things are starting to become alot of fun!!! He smiles, laughs ( a lil), coos and loves being talk to. I could sit and watch those little faces he makes all day long and get all kinds of cute smiles from him. He really melts my heart and I'm sooooo thankful for him.
This is Jeremy's dog Smokey. Now he gets shared by Clay & Crystal.
Now we are @ 7 wks. and things are starting to become alot of fun!!! He smiles, laughs ( a lil), coos and loves being talk to. I could sit and watch those little faces he makes all day long and get all kinds of cute smiles from him. He really melts my heart and I'm sooooo thankful for him.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wecomed to the World on 12/3/09...Mr. Clay Briley Lance!!!
Weclome Clay Briley Lance!!!!!
Daddy was the 1st to hold him
Now Mommy's turn in recovery
Poor little guy was having a hard time breathing
My new love :-)
Even though he didn't like all those wires...we still got smiles out of him :-)
Some Kangaroo time w/mommy...I loved this time w/him
Mr. Bright eyes!!!!!
Finally going home :-)
Crystal's 1st time to hold Clay...she loves him to pieces and is such a great big sister...and sooooo proud too!!!!
As you can tell...I've been VERY busy this past month...for a good reason too :-) Our little boy was finally born on 12/3/2009 @ 736am. Boy was that a time and a half to get him here. Here's how it all went down.
On Wed. 12/2 I had a dr. app. As you all know Clay turned breech and had been that way. My dr. said that if by some chance he had flipped to head down during any on my apps. then she wanted to admit me and get labor going asap. I was ok w/that after I had reached 37 1/2 wks. So w/my app on the 2nd I had an ultrasound and couldn't believe my eyes...he was head down!!!!! So the tech finished my BPP (which he passed w/flying colors) and we rushed over to the dr's office. When she found out he was head down she was soooooo excited and told me to get down to triage asap. So I hurried down there and was trying to text/call Jeremy (he was @ work) to let him know we were going to have a baby soon!!!
So I got down there and they got things started up really fast and hard. In like 30 mins. of being admitted I was having contractions that were uncomfortable...that's how much they had the pitocin going...lol! So the rest of the day/night went kind of slow. Clay kept moving away from the monitor and they kept coming in and waking us up to find him and then on top of that I was dilating...but not thinning out...so I couldn't have my epidural just yet. They were giving me pain meds that would last 1 1/2 hrs but that started not being enough.
Finally I had dilated to 5 cm and was 80% thinned...so I could get my epidural. Relief!!!!! Shortly after that the nurse went to check me and my water broke. I started getting excited because now things were starting to happen and I knew it wouldn't be long before he got here!! At 7am Dr. Ramsey came in to check me and showed a little concern. I knew his heart was ok because I could hear it on the monitor...but she wanted US to come down and do a scan. They scanned me and would you believe that little booger somehow managed to FLIP TO HEAD UP!!!!! Because my water had already broke they couldn't turn him...it was time for a csection. Luckily they had a time slot open right then. So in 5 mins I was prepped and being wheeled back to OR. I started getting sick when they were prepping me...I don't know if it was from nerves or what...but I felt really sorry for the anetheslogist...he kept on having to give me my puck bucket :-( Jeremy was trying to get ready and calling our parents so he couldn't help me.
They got me really numb and I didn't feel a thing. They surgery started @ 730am and Clay was born @ 736am. That 1st cry melted my heart and I'm pretty sure everybody in IN could have heard it :-) He weighed 6 lbs. 11oz and was 19 1/2 in. long. Jeremy got to hold him 1st and I got to touch and kiss him. I couldn't believe our little guy was here...I cried and was still getting sick...it was making for the perfect Kodak moment :-)
I finally got to hold Clay in recovery. I could not begin to tell you the feeling that came over me when they put him on my check and I could feel him breathing and moving and crying. I didn't want to ever let go ;-) I tried nursing a little and he wasn't interested just yet. Because of the wonderful drugs they had given me I couldn't keep my eyes open plus they were getting ready to take me to my room. So they took Clay to the nursery to get him all cleaned up.
I don't know @ what point it was but somebody told me they had to take Clay to NICU because he was having probs. breathing. I was in Lala land...so I wasn't 100% concerned but did want to know when I would get to see him and if Crystal got to see him yet. Our family did get to see him through the glass of the regular nursery.
Then the next thing I remember was the NICU dr. coming in telling us why Clay was in there. At that time they thought he either had an infection in his lungs or they were still too premature because he was having a hard time breathing on his own. They had done an xray and it showed some haze in his lungs. The dr. kept telling us to expect him to be in there 7-10 days. My heart broke when I heard that because I had waited 2 yrs. for a little boy and now there's a huge chance he won't come home w/us. I kept asking the dr. when I could come down and see him and he said probably around supper time (this was lunch when he was talking to us). There was noooooo way I was waiting that long to see my little guy again so when I left I called for my nurse and told her to get my a wheelchair...I wanted to go see my baby. I didn't care how much it was going to physically hurt me...I was going to do whatever it took to be by his side. They got me the wheelchair and Jeremy pushed me down there.
That same dr. was checking on Clay when we came in and was shocked to see me out of bed just 5 hrs. after a csection. He told me that if Clay is as strong as his mommy...he'll recover fast :-) We couldn't hold him just yet...but we could touch him. He was sooooo tiny and just a miracle in my eyes! I was still getting sick but was determined to stay down there as long as I could. I think they finally had to "nicely kick us out" but they had a web cam on him and they gave me a computer to watch him.
My poor little guy had a nasal cannula w/room air, umbilical IV for antibiotics, and lots of other wires hooked up to him. It broke my heart to see all that...but I knew it would make him better and he needed it. The next time we went down I got to do the "kangaroo care". That was the greatest feeling getting to hold him skin to skin. I could tell he was calm and he'd breathe a lot easier when I did that. After a couple of days he finally got to start feeding what I was pumping for him. He liked his food too :-) Clay had to be in the NICU for 5 days and come to find out there was no infection...just irritation from swallowing fluid and being born via csection @ 37wks. 6 days. And the good news was we didn't have to leave him down there by himself. The day I was discharged we did the parent room that night and got to go home the next day. I was still a lil sad because Crystal still hadn't got to hold Clay...but she was waiting @ home for him.
It was such a great feeling to finally be home...w/both my kiddos and I thank God everyday not only for Crystal but for Clay too. I feel like the next chapter in my life has started. It took sooooo much work and patience to get this little guy here that I will be up front...he will be spoiled.
I'll reflect on this past month at a later date...just had to get started here first. Jeremy & I along w/our family can't thank people enough for all the prayers & thoughts...God has truely blessed us w/Clay and we are sooooo thankful he's here alive, safe, happy, & healthy :-)
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