This past weekend was filled w/sooooo much celebrating and it was soooo much fun!!! It all started w/Friday. Actually Friday wasn't a lot of fun because we finally realized where our water problem in our bathroom was coming from...the water heater was about to explode!!! It was leaking in several different places and needed out of there ASAP!!! So Friday night Jeremy and his dad replaced that for us...which left a pretty big mess in our laundry room (it wasn't the guy's was all the hot water heater). So there was about 6 hours of work and cleaning that got skipped out on that we were suppose to do for Crystal's bday party the next day. I think Jeremy & I finally got to bed around 1am. Then we were up @ 7am to start cleaning and straightening for Crystal's BIG birthday party for that night. We ended up getting almost everything we needed to done.
Crystal's party was "Hannah Montana" themed so we let her pick out a Hannah Montana outfit to wear. You can't have a new outfit without new her 1st bday present from us was her Hannah Montana shoes!!
Her party started @ 5pm. We had vegetable soup & chili for everybody to eat. Both soups were soooo good!!! Her mamaw Kelly made her always...and they turned out soooo cute & neat!!!
One of the cakes Kelly made.
"Hannah Montana" & Crystal singing to "Best of Both Worlds".
"Hannah" and Crystal singing "The Climb"
"Hannah" & Crystal after their concert. Crystal had a blast w/all of that!!
"Hannah" giving Crystal her birthday present...the Hannah Montana movie. We've already watched it 2 times!!
On Crystal's invitations we put on there that a surprise "celebrity" guest would be appearing. Crystal didn't know about this it was a true surprise for her! So since we had a Hannah Montana themed party...who better to have @ Crystal's party than "Hannah Montana"!!!!!!! Crystal was sooooo surprise and shocked she didn't know what to do!! She was a little shy @ first but got over it. "Hannah" came out and sang 2 of Crystal's favorite songs..."Best of Both Worlds" and "The Climb". Crystal sang her little heart out on The Climb because that is her favorite song!!
All the other little kids that were there was soooo surprised too and was excited to see "Hannah Montana". "Hannah" stayed around and we all sang Happy Birthday to Crystal and she even gave Crystal a present...The Hannah Montana Movie. Crystal was in "awww"!!! After cake we tried to get pictures of people w/"Hannah" and then she had to leave. It was sooooo neat and I don't know what we are going to do for next years!!
After "Hannah" left Crystal got to open her presents. She got soooooo many cute things and loved all of it!! Thanks to everybody who got her something!!!
We always do a hayride for her birthday party too. Every year the hayride gets a little bigger and this year we almost need a 2nd wagon...but we got everybody on. I opted not to go because my doctor has said all this pregnancy not to be riding on anything bumpy. I have been good all this time and things seem to be going in the right I didn't want to chance anything. I really missed going...but I know we'll be able to go next year ;-)
Again...I can't thank everybody enough for coming out and helping us celebrate her birthday!! We along w/Crystal had a blast and it was soooo nice to see everybody and get to talk! It was really nice to see Jeremy's uncle, Patrick" who came up from GA & Jeremy 's aunt, Amy, who came up from KY. I wish gas was free and we could see everybody anytime we wanted :-)
On Sunday we all slept in and skipped church...sorry...we all needed the sleep that we got. We got ready and headed Clarkville, IN to go to the Bass Pro Shop. We go every year around all our birthdays and Crystal has a blast over there! She played her Leapster that she got for her birthday all the way over and then on the way back fell asleep while playing!
Then Monday was her official birthday...the BIG 4 YEARS OLD!!! I can't believe 4 years can fly by sooooo fast!! She woke up knowing it was her birthday and was crazy all day long!!! She got to open her presents from me and Jeremy. She was sooooo excited about everything she got and didn't know what present to play w/first! Then later that day we had to go to Evansville for mine doctor appointment. I'll have blog about how that all went here in a little bit. She did good for the most part of the day...put the craziness from her excitement was wearing on me and Jeremy and only wished we could have had 1/4 of!
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