33 weeks 5 days...
This week starts my 2 times a week doctor's appointment w/ultrasounds and NST both times...which I'm glad about because we get to see Clay and hear his heartbeat and just keep a close eye on him. So Monday I didn't have a good appointment because the ultrasound tech discovered his cord was around his neck 2 times already and he was still transverse. I'll have to admit that was the most scared I've ever been. I kept telling myself not to get too upset because there are other babies born w/cords around their necks and they are alive and healthy...but the fear of loosing another baby stayed in the back of my mind. So after Monday I talked to alot of people...family, friends, and even our preacher and they gave me encouraging words to lift my spirit. Then when I woke up Tues and saw all the comments people had posted for us on my facebook account...I bawled my eyes out!!! There are some people who are pregnant themselves and taking time to pray for us...I felt soooo blessed and just reading all those comments made some of the nervousness and anxiety go away. I don't know why...it just did.
So then on Friday I had my round of ultrasound, NST, & Dr. Ramsey. 1st the ultrasound...The first thing we saw is he's head down, butt straight up and face down...ready for delivery!!! Prayer #1 had been answered :-) I asked the tech what the chances were of him flipping again and she said not very likely. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that she is right...but I can also tell things are getting tight in there and there isn't much room for him to move. Then comes the cord scanning. I have to say I was about to puke when she started that because of what Monday's ultrasound showed. She got to scanning and I noticed things didn't look the same this time as they did on Monday. I asked what she thought about his cord and she said that it appears to either #1 not be around his neck...just draped around the back of his neck (kind of like a scarf) or #2 if it is around his neck...it's definitely only 1 time and it's loose. She showed me some places where you could see fluid between the cord and him. OMG!!!! What a HUGE relief and probably the most important prayer I've said so far has been 3/4 of the way answered (it's not 100% until he gets here alive and healthy!). That tech made my day and became my best friend for the day...lol!!! We didn't get any pics of him because his face was buried down. So we got to see the back of his head and hair, his spine, heart, and 1 arm which was up by his head. I told that tech that as long as he stays in that position I'm ok w/not getting any pics!!
Then it was onto the NST. I forgot to mention that my app. started @ 1215pm which is the beginning of Clay's nap time. He's usually quite from 12-3pm then wakes up as soon as Jeremy gets home. I guess he loves hearing his daddy's voice :-) So during the NST he had to get buzzed 4 or 5 times to move to increase his HR and then go back down. Poor little guy...plus every time she buzzed him he'd move away from the little thing that was picking up his HR and we would only get 1/2 of what we needed. I'll have to remember to eat gummy worms before those apps. because on Mon. I did and he passed his test in 15 mins...compared to the 40 mins it took him yesterday!! But he did pass both the BPP w/the ultrasound and NST. Oh and his HR was 121 BPM.
Then it was to see Dr. Ramsey. My BP was 112/52 and I'm still holding @ 16 lbs. gained. I'll have to admit...I'm not eating as much because #1 I'm not hungry (that happens when you have body parts pushing up on your stomach...lol) and #2 everything I eat gives me bad heartburn...so I've just been eating small portions. Yogurt has been a really good friend to me because it doesn't give me HB and if I have HB...it gets rid of it! She told me she was very happy w/the ultrasound and thinks that maybe he rolled and got at least 1 wrap undone from his neck. She said on Mon. he definitely had that cord around their 2 times. She still wants to me to take it easy and not be bending over alot or carrying anything heavy. I did that after Mon. and it worked out for me...so I'm continuing to do that. She also said that maybe Jeremy could become "Susie Homemaker" for the rest of the pregnancy...lol!!!
This next week is going to be a hectic one!! Sun. is our nephew's 1st bday so we have their bday party to go to. I can't wait for that one...I heard there is going to be a wanna be Cookie Monster there?!?!?!?! Then Mon. is work day, Tues is 1st round of US, NST, & Doc. app, Wed is work day and Crystal's 4 yrs. doc app, Thurs is round#2 of US w/the specialist and maybe work day, and Fri is round #3 of US, NST, & doc. app w/maybe a work day plus it's Mason's 1 yr anniversary. Then Sat. Jeremy has to work and I think we are going to our church's fall festival, and then Sun we have 2 birthday parties to go to. Busy, Busy, Busy...but it's all for reassurance and good!!
So keep the prayers coming and I'll keep the updates coming too!!
Hope everybody has a safe and Happy Halloween!!!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
33 weeks appointment
33 weeks 1 day...
His 3D pic...he's getting kind of cramped in there so it's getting harder to see his face. This is kind of a profile...you can see his forehead, eye, nose, & cheek.
The top of his head is to the right. You can see his eyes (which I think were open) and his nose.

His HR... 143 BPM
Showing off that he's all boy in there...little stinker!!

His HR... 143 BPM

I had my doc. app. today and for the most part everything went good. Got some unexpected news...but I'll get to that in a little bit.
So I had my NST 1st. I ate some gummy bears about 20 mins before my app. and Clay was pretty active. Needless to say we got all we needed in 15 mins w/that test because he was moving good and his HR was doing everything it needed to while he was or wasn't moving. He got a perfect 8/8 on his testing so he's doing good in that area!!
2nd was my ultrasound. Right away again we saw him breathing and his little heart was going good. His HR was 143. He's changed positions again...his head is kind of down and to my left side, his body lays across the bottom of my and his feet are up in my right ribs. He's almost in the up/down position w/his head being down...but not quite. He weighs 4lbs. 6 oz. He's got more hair too!!! You could see it sticking out in the back like little needles...it was soooooo cute!!! He was very proud to show us yet again that he's a little boy still...lol!!! We couldn't get a good 3D pic of him because of how he was laying...but we got 1...which is better than none. The tech was scanning his cord again this time...and I noticed when she was scanning the top of his head you could see the red/blue colors (which is the blood in the cord) made a perfect little circle. At first I thought "why is his cord in a circle on top of his head" then I kind of put it together. I asked the tech if his cord looked good and she said everything looked fine and Dr. Ramsey would take a closer look @ things. I didn't ask if his cord was around his neck...but it was kind of obvious that it was.
So I went to see Dr. Ramsey. My BP was 114/52 and I didn't gain any weight...so still holding @ 16 lbs!!! Dr. Ramsey came in and said "I'm going to up front and honest w/ya so here it goes". That's when I knew what I saw was probably true. She said he does have his cord around his neck 2 times but it's not anything to go into a major panic attack because 4 out 5 babies are born w/cords around the neck. She said they didn't see any knots...but couldn't say 100% that was for sure...because we are relaying on the machine and can't actually get in there a see. She said there were a few things that she wants to do out of precaution and try to prevent anything bad from happening.
So 1st...I have to see the specialist and they will rescan me. They will be able to look @ the cord a lot better and give a better opinion on what to do next. If the next step is a life/death situation then an amniocentesis will be done to see how Clay's lungs are and how much steroids to start giving me to make them stronger. Then they will take him @ 36 wks. which will be Nov. 20th. Depending on how he's doing he might/might not have to spend any time in the NICCU. If they scan me and don't think the cord is going to be a problem then I'll go until 38 wks. which will be Dec. 4th. Either way I have an option of a Csection if I want and if they think it would be better for Clay. They also want to me to still come down 2 times a week starting this week...so I'll be down again on Fri. I think they are going to do an US and NST w/each visit. This way they can watch his breathing, HR, weight gain, & moving.
Just when I think I'm taking my next step forward...I feel like I'm being forced back w/this little but huge information about the cord. Plus not to mention that next Fri. (11/6) is Mason's 1 yrs. anniversary of loosing him. I knew the next few weeks were going to be tough...but they just got 10 times harder. I'm back to asking "why", I'm back to feeling like I'm doing something wrong. All I want is for Clay to get here safe, alive, & healthy. Haven't I been tested enough?!?!?!?!? I've got all those mixed emotions going through my head...I want to be happy & smile without crying and know everything is going to be ok. I don't want this feeling of paranoid, anxiety, & nervousness because I know it's not good for me or Clay. It is sooooo much easier said than done to say to "stay positive". I know I've complained before about how Clay had kicked all night long and I didn't get a lot of sleep...but if that's going to be the way to know he's ok...then that's what I'll take. I'll get sleep some other time.
Ok...I need to refocus and think positive...The doctors are going to do everything possible they can and get Clay here safe and sound and I've just got to accept that whatever happens...God has a reason. So...PLEASE keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers. We need them now more than ever. We've got this far and I pray that God takes us all the way we need to a happy, safe, alive, healthy little Clay that will be snuggled w/lots of love, kisses, and hugs.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Pictures today!!
33 weeks...
Today we had some pics taken of Crystal for her 4 yr. pics. We did a couple of outfits for her and she did sooooo good!!! She was cracking us up w/her poses and little quirky moves!!! Then after shots of just her we did some family pics and I think Cliff (the photographer) did some close ups of her and my belly. Then we did some pics of just her & my belly. By this time she was getting a little difficult to deal w/so Cliff did some pics of just me and my belly.
See last year he tried to talk me into doing some while I was pregnant w/Mason and just didn't really feel 100% comfortable doing them. I guess it's just a self image issue plus I was always uncomfortable no matter what I was doing and just wanted to lay down all the time. I now really regret not doing them after loosing Mason...so when Cliff suggested it this time I told him I would. I'm really glad that I did too because it was a lot of fun and I felt like I was being pampered...what girl doesn't want to feel like that when she's big and preggers...lol!!!
So I'm really excited to get them and see how they look. He showed me some as we were going and they were turning out really good. I'll get an unedited disc to select pics off of & then he'll retouch and do his cropping and stuff on the pics that I select. Like I said...I'm really glad I got these done and can't wait to see them...don't worry...I'll plaster them all over the place too...lol!!!
This next week isn't going to be too hectic. I've got a doc. app. w/an US & NST tomorrow so I'm definitely looking forward to that and hoping to get some good pics!! Then Fri & Sat will be halloweening @ Princeton & Owensville and then Sun. is our nephews, Grant & Gabe's 1st birthday!!!! Sunday @ church will be a little difficult because I will be 34 wks (which is how far along I was when I lost Mason) plus it's All Saints Day and Mason's name will be read in memory. But I'm going to be strong and know that God & Mason will and are watching over us...esp now.
So I guess I'll be updating tomorrow w/doc. info...so make sure to check back :-)
Today we had some pics taken of Crystal for her 4 yr. pics. We did a couple of outfits for her and she did sooooo good!!! She was cracking us up w/her poses and little quirky moves!!! Then after shots of just her we did some family pics and I think Cliff (the photographer) did some close ups of her and my belly. Then we did some pics of just her & my belly. By this time she was getting a little difficult to deal w/so Cliff did some pics of just me and my belly.
See last year he tried to talk me into doing some while I was pregnant w/Mason and just didn't really feel 100% comfortable doing them. I guess it's just a self image issue plus I was always uncomfortable no matter what I was doing and just wanted to lay down all the time. I now really regret not doing them after loosing Mason...so when Cliff suggested it this time I told him I would. I'm really glad that I did too because it was a lot of fun and I felt like I was being pampered...what girl doesn't want to feel like that when she's big and preggers...lol!!!
So I'm really excited to get them and see how they look. He showed me some as we were going and they were turning out really good. I'll get an unedited disc to select pics off of & then he'll retouch and do his cropping and stuff on the pics that I select. Like I said...I'm really glad I got these done and can't wait to see them...don't worry...I'll plaster them all over the place too...lol!!!
This next week isn't going to be too hectic. I've got a doc. app. w/an US & NST tomorrow so I'm definitely looking forward to that and hoping to get some good pics!! Then Fri & Sat will be halloweening @ Princeton & Owensville and then Sun. is our nephews, Grant & Gabe's 1st birthday!!!! Sunday @ church will be a little difficult because I will be 34 wks (which is how far along I was when I lost Mason) plus it's All Saints Day and Mason's name will be read in memory. But I'm going to be strong and know that God & Mason will and are watching over us...esp now.
So I guess I'll be updating tomorrow w/doc. info...so make sure to check back :-)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
It's Official!!!
32 weeks 4 days...
So we've been going back and forth on Clay's middle name...and we have officially decided.
Clay Briley Lance
The reason why it's official now...I'm having a blanket embroidered for him for his dedication @ our church. I wanted his full name on it and the church's name and the date. My due date is 12/15 so I know he won't be here any later than that...but we've got his dedication set for 12/20. I wanted it done in December because Crystal was dedicated then. Plus he's going to be wearing Jeremy's dedication outfit when he was a baby and it's a 0-3 months but looks pretty small. At the rate Clay is growing he'll be born @ about 8 lbs. which is good because Crystal was 7 lbs. 13oz.
Jeremy & I have also talked and decided that if my doctor will still let us...we are going to go into the hospital on 12/4 for induction that night and he should be here 12/5. I am a firm believer of "don't count your chickens before they hatch" but I also feel like doing this and setting these dates are important for me to stay positive and know things are going to alright. Plus as far as the induction goes...we have to make sure we give whoever is going to be watching Crystal (which I know the 1st night will probably be his mom and dad) plenty of time to arrange their schedules for work. It might be crazy talking about December...but if you count the weeks...it's only 6 more weeks until that 1st weekend of December!!!!!!
So just some decision making we've decided that I wanted to share w/everybody. Everybody who has been here for us and sent prayers our way are more than welcomed to come visit us @ the hospital, The Women's Hospital in Newburgh, IN (as long as you are 110% healthy :-) ) and join us @ Hillside United Methodist Church on 12/20/2009 for Clay's dedication. Trust me...getting Clay here safe and sound and healthy is soooooo important to us and it'll be a true celebration when that happens :-)
F.R.O.G - Fully Relay On God. That's what Jeremy & I taught @ the last children's church and I believe that is what is going to get us through the next 6 weeks.
So we've been going back and forth on Clay's middle name...and we have officially decided.
Clay Briley Lance
The reason why it's official now...I'm having a blanket embroidered for him for his dedication @ our church. I wanted his full name on it and the church's name and the date. My due date is 12/15 so I know he won't be here any later than that...but we've got his dedication set for 12/20. I wanted it done in December because Crystal was dedicated then. Plus he's going to be wearing Jeremy's dedication outfit when he was a baby and it's a 0-3 months but looks pretty small. At the rate Clay is growing he'll be born @ about 8 lbs. which is good because Crystal was 7 lbs. 13oz.
Jeremy & I have also talked and decided that if my doctor will still let us...we are going to go into the hospital on 12/4 for induction that night and he should be here 12/5. I am a firm believer of "don't count your chickens before they hatch" but I also feel like doing this and setting these dates are important for me to stay positive and know things are going to alright. Plus as far as the induction goes...we have to make sure we give whoever is going to be watching Crystal (which I know the 1st night will probably be his mom and dad) plenty of time to arrange their schedules for work. It might be crazy talking about December...but if you count the weeks...it's only 6 more weeks until that 1st weekend of December!!!!!!
So just some decision making we've decided that I wanted to share w/everybody. Everybody who has been here for us and sent prayers our way are more than welcomed to come visit us @ the hospital, The Women's Hospital in Newburgh, IN (as long as you are 110% healthy :-) ) and join us @ Hillside United Methodist Church on 12/20/2009 for Clay's dedication. Trust me...getting Clay here safe and sound and healthy is soooooo important to us and it'll be a true celebration when that happens :-)
F.R.O.G - Fully Relay On God. That's what Jeremy & I taught @ the last children's church and I believe that is what is going to get us through the next 6 weeks.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
32 weeks...getting closer!!
32 weeks 1 day...
I had my weekly doc app. today and things went really good!! My sister-in-law, Bethany, came w/me to help watch Crystal while I was in the ultrasound. I really wish they could have come back...but got to stick w/the hospital rules until he gets here...hehehe!!
My ultrasound was 1st. During this we got to see him breathing and his little heart was pumping away!! This is kind of funny now...but @ the time it wasn't. When the tech put the doppler on me right away we saw him breathing and his heart. She mentioned that was a very good sign and we watched him breathe for 2 1/2 mins. I guess she was sooo excited to see that happening that she forgot to tell me some info about this event. All of a sudden he just stopped breathing which made me come up out of that chair and ask why. She said that's common @ this age and the further along I get...the more he'll continue to breathe for longer periods of time. Talk about giving me a stroke!!! He passed his BPP is 3 mins but the tech didn't want to let me go just quite yet (this was a different one from last time and I liked her lots better!!).
She found both of his feet. Oh..and I forgot to mention he was laying sideways w/his head to my right and on his belly. So...one foot was in my stomach and the other one way up by his head. Very flexible is all I can say...lol!! We discover that on one foot his 2nd toes might be longer than his big toe. The other toes on the other foot looked all in line. He's also got long skinny feet...which he gets that from his daddy :-) So after asking around we have discovered that his pappy (Jeremy's dad)...his toes are like that on his left foot. I'm anxious to see which foot has the longer toes now :-)
We also got to see his little hand make a fist and he's got some hair growing!!!!
We couldn't get a good 3D front view because of his face being buried...but we got a decent 3D profile. This little fart does not like to be bothered w/while he's sleeping either...he had his hands over his ear and he was making his "mean face". He mean business when he's sleeping...lol!!! He has to be a redhead to already have this kind of attitude...lol!!!
Then I went to see my doctor. They were all excited that I bit the bullet and got the H1N1 vaccine last Thurs. My BP was 106/40 and I had gained 2 lbs. I got in trouble for over doing myself Sat. night @ the soup supper. I told her about this pain I had in my pelvic area and she asked me if she needed to tie me to a bed down stairs in the hospital...lol...so no more of that. Oh and when she walked into the room to see me, I was in deep conversation on a play phone, that me and Crystal were playing with, talking to Crystal's stuffed animals @ home. She laughed and said she now knows all my stories are true that I come into the office telling...LOL!!! She also said I needed to have a baby every year to keep the office entertained...NO WAY will that be happening but I will miss them :-)
I have my next app. set for 10/26. I have @ 1030am the NST, ultrasound afterwards, then to see the doctor. Then for the next week I will be going every Tues & Fri. I think Tues. are ultrasounds and Fri. are NST. This way they can keep a close eye on his movements and if anything bad is going to happen (which shouldn't because so far things all look really good) then they can take Clay. It just so happens that I have an app. on 11/6 which is the day we lost Mason and it's a NST so I just pray his heart beat is really easy to find and they get on that right away.
Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers because it's getting sooooo close that I can feel him in my arms and I can't wait to get him here safe, alive, and crying :-)
Enjoy the pics!!
His 3D profile. You can see his arm bone and little fingers covering his ears and that little face making his "mean face"...lol!!
Regular front pic of his face and that's his fist under that fat little cheek!!
I had my weekly doc app. today and things went really good!! My sister-in-law, Bethany, came w/me to help watch Crystal while I was in the ultrasound. I really wish they could have come back...but got to stick w/the hospital rules until he gets here...hehehe!!
My ultrasound was 1st. During this we got to see him breathing and his little heart was pumping away!! This is kind of funny now...but @ the time it wasn't. When the tech put the doppler on me right away we saw him breathing and his heart. She mentioned that was a very good sign and we watched him breathe for 2 1/2 mins. I guess she was sooo excited to see that happening that she forgot to tell me some info about this event. All of a sudden he just stopped breathing which made me come up out of that chair and ask why. She said that's common @ this age and the further along I get...the more he'll continue to breathe for longer periods of time. Talk about giving me a stroke!!! He passed his BPP is 3 mins but the tech didn't want to let me go just quite yet (this was a different one from last time and I liked her lots better!!).
She found both of his feet. Oh..and I forgot to mention he was laying sideways w/his head to my right and on his belly. So...one foot was in my stomach and the other one way up by his head. Very flexible is all I can say...lol!! We discover that on one foot his 2nd toes might be longer than his big toe. The other toes on the other foot looked all in line. He's also got long skinny feet...which he gets that from his daddy :-) So after asking around we have discovered that his pappy (Jeremy's dad)...his toes are like that on his left foot. I'm anxious to see which foot has the longer toes now :-)
We also got to see his little hand make a fist and he's got some hair growing!!!!
We couldn't get a good 3D front view because of his face being buried...but we got a decent 3D profile. This little fart does not like to be bothered w/while he's sleeping either...he had his hands over his ear and he was making his "mean face". He mean business when he's sleeping...lol!!! He has to be a redhead to already have this kind of attitude...lol!!!
Then I went to see my doctor. They were all excited that I bit the bullet and got the H1N1 vaccine last Thurs. My BP was 106/40 and I had gained 2 lbs. I got in trouble for over doing myself Sat. night @ the soup supper. I told her about this pain I had in my pelvic area and she asked me if she needed to tie me to a bed down stairs in the hospital...lol...so no more of that. Oh and when she walked into the room to see me, I was in deep conversation on a play phone, that me and Crystal were playing with, talking to Crystal's stuffed animals @ home. She laughed and said she now knows all my stories are true that I come into the office telling...LOL!!! She also said I needed to have a baby every year to keep the office entertained...NO WAY will that be happening but I will miss them :-)
I have my next app. set for 10/26. I have @ 1030am the NST, ultrasound afterwards, then to see the doctor. Then for the next week I will be going every Tues & Fri. I think Tues. are ultrasounds and Fri. are NST. This way they can keep a close eye on his movements and if anything bad is going to happen (which shouldn't because so far things all look really good) then they can take Clay. It just so happens that I have an app. on 11/6 which is the day we lost Mason and it's a NST so I just pray his heart beat is really easy to find and they get on that right away.
Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers because it's getting sooooo close that I can feel him in my arms and I can't wait to get him here safe, alive, and crying :-)
Enjoy the pics!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Crystal's 4th Birthday & Party w/"Hannah Montana" & Friends!
31 weeks...
This past weekend was filled w/sooooo much celebrating and it was soooo much fun!!! It all started w/Friday. Actually Friday wasn't a lot of fun because we finally realized where our water problem in our bathroom was coming from...the water heater was about to explode!!! It was leaking in several different places and needed out of there ASAP!!! So Friday night Jeremy and his dad replaced that for us...which left a pretty big mess in our laundry room (it wasn't the guy's fault...it was all the hot water heater). So there was about 6 hours of work and cleaning that got skipped out on that we were suppose to do for Crystal's bday party the next day. I think Jeremy & I finally got to bed around 1am. Then we were up @ 7am to start cleaning and straightening for Crystal's BIG birthday party for that night. We ended up getting almost everything we needed to done.
Crystal's party was "Hannah Montana" themed so we let her pick out a Hannah Montana outfit to wear. You can't have a new outfit without new shoes...so her 1st bday present from us was her Hannah Montana shoes!!
Her and Daddy checking out those cool Hannah Montana shoes.
This past weekend was filled w/sooooo much celebrating and it was soooo much fun!!! It all started w/Friday. Actually Friday wasn't a lot of fun because we finally realized where our water problem in our bathroom was coming from...the water heater was about to explode!!! It was leaking in several different places and needed out of there ASAP!!! So Friday night Jeremy and his dad replaced that for us...which left a pretty big mess in our laundry room (it wasn't the guy's fault...it was all the hot water heater). So there was about 6 hours of work and cleaning that got skipped out on that we were suppose to do for Crystal's bday party the next day. I think Jeremy & I finally got to bed around 1am. Then we were up @ 7am to start cleaning and straightening for Crystal's BIG birthday party for that night. We ended up getting almost everything we needed to done.
Crystal's party was "Hannah Montana" themed so we let her pick out a Hannah Montana outfit to wear. You can't have a new outfit without new shoes...so her 1st bday present from us was her Hannah Montana shoes!!
Her party started @ 5pm. We had vegetable soup & chili for everybody to eat. Both soups were soooo good!!! Her mamaw Kelly made her cakes...like always...and they turned out soooo cute & neat!!!
One of the cakes Kelly made.
"Hannah Montana" & Crystal singing to "Best of Both Worlds".
"Hannah" and Crystal singing "The Climb"
"Hannah" & Crystal after their concert. Crystal had a blast w/all of that!!
"Hannah" giving Crystal her birthday present...the Hannah Montana movie. We've already watched it 2 times now...lol!!
On Crystal's invitations we put on there that a surprise "celebrity" guest would be appearing. Crystal didn't know about this part...so it was a true surprise for her! So since we had a Hannah Montana themed party...who better to have @ Crystal's party than "Hannah Montana"!!!!!!! Crystal was sooooo surprise and shocked she didn't know what to do!! She was a little shy @ first but got over it. "Hannah" came out and sang 2 of Crystal's favorite songs..."Best of Both Worlds" and "The Climb". Crystal sang her little heart out on The Climb because that is her favorite song!!
All the other little kids that were there was soooo surprised too and was excited to see "Hannah Montana". "Hannah" stayed around and we all sang Happy Birthday to Crystal and she even gave Crystal a present...The Hannah Montana Movie. Crystal was in "awww"...lol!!! After cake we tried to get pictures of people w/"Hannah" and then she had to leave. It was sooooo neat and I don't know what we are going to do for next years party...lol!!
After "Hannah" left Crystal got to open her presents. She got soooooo many cute things and loved all of it!! Thanks to everybody who got her something!!!
We always do a hayride for her birthday party too. Every year the hayride gets a little bigger and this year we almost need a 2nd wagon...but we got everybody on. I opted not to go because my doctor has said all this pregnancy not to be riding on anything bumpy. I have been good all this time and things seem to be going in the right direction...so I didn't want to chance anything. I really missed going...but I know we'll be able to go next year ;-)
Again...I can't thank everybody enough for coming out and helping us celebrate her birthday!! We along w/Crystal had a blast and it was soooo nice to see everybody and get to talk! It was really nice to see Jeremy's uncle, Patrick" who came up from GA & Jeremy 's aunt, Amy, who came up from KY. I wish gas was free and we could see everybody anytime we wanted :-)
On Sunday we all slept in and skipped church...sorry...we all needed the sleep that we got. We got ready and headed Clarkville, IN to go to the Bass Pro Shop. We go every year around all our birthdays and Crystal has a blast over there! She played her Leapster that she got for her birthday all the way over and then on the way back fell asleep while playing it...lol!
Then Monday was her official birthday...the BIG 4 YEARS OLD!!! I can't believe 4 years can fly by sooooo fast!! She woke up knowing it was her birthday and was crazy all day long!!! She got to open her presents from me and Jeremy. She was sooooo excited about everything she got and didn't know what present to play w/first! Then later that day we had to go to Evansville for mine doctor appointment. I'll have blog about how that all went here in a little bit. She did good for the most part of the day...put the craziness from her excitement was wearing on me and Jeremy and only wished we could have had 1/4 of that...lol!
31 week appointment!!
31 weeks 1 day...
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, Crystal's 4th birthday, and I'm glad to say everything is going good. The people in the ultrasound weren't the friendliest I've ever met...but that wasn't going to get me down. I was a little sad that Jeremy had the day off and him and Crystal came down and they wouldn't let Crystal back to see the ultrasound...even though I was back there for less than 10 mins (the ultrasound was suppose to take 20-25 mins).
Clay weighed 3lbs. 8 oz. and is right on track for his weight/gestational age. His HR was 134 BPM. They did biophysical profiling which keeps track of his weight, blood flow, and other stuff. He got an 8/8 which is a perfect score!! I hope things keep going good and continues to get 8/8's!! He actually didn't have his hand or arm in his face this time either...so we got a little better look @ his little face!! He really looks alot like Crystal!!
Then I went to see my doctor. We had a 2 hour wait (which is why I don't like afternoon appointments). But everything went good there too. I gained 2 lbs (up to 14 lbs now). My BP was 108/58. I informed them that I was not taking the seasonal flu vaccine but I would take the H1N1 vaccine (since we don't have antibodies for that one). Dr. Ramsey told me the ultrasound report looked really good...but the tech didn't check for knots like she was suppose to (which is why my US was soooo short) but she said that w/the blood flow reports she really doubted there was any. They are still going to keep a close eye on things and are suppose to check Mon. @ my next appointment for knots. I will make sure to remind the tech of that ;-)
I knew I was nervous about this appointment but I didn't realize how mentally exhausting it was making me because afterwards I felt a huge relief off my shoulders and then just wanted to sleep because my body was so much more relaxed.
Here is his 3D pic. His forehead isn't really that big...it was the angle the tech was at to get the picture. That is placenta that is up against his nose and mouth. And it looks like he's frowning!!! I'm calling this him practicing his "mean look"...lol!! I told Bethany (Jeremy's sister) that him and Grant (one of Bethany's twins) are going to be buddies because they both seem laid back and Grant does the "mean look" to people which makes him look soooo cute and you can't help but laugh. So when I saw this pic...that was the 1st thing I thought of!!
His profile.

He was showing off his man hood...still a little boy!!
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday, Crystal's 4th birthday, and I'm glad to say everything is going good. The people in the ultrasound weren't the friendliest I've ever met...but that wasn't going to get me down. I was a little sad that Jeremy had the day off and him and Crystal came down and they wouldn't let Crystal back to see the ultrasound...even though I was back there for less than 10 mins (the ultrasound was suppose to take 20-25 mins).
Clay weighed 3lbs. 8 oz. and is right on track for his weight/gestational age. His HR was 134 BPM. They did biophysical profiling which keeps track of his weight, blood flow, and other stuff. He got an 8/8 which is a perfect score!! I hope things keep going good and continues to get 8/8's!! He actually didn't have his hand or arm in his face this time either...so we got a little better look @ his little face!! He really looks alot like Crystal!!
Then I went to see my doctor. We had a 2 hour wait (which is why I don't like afternoon appointments). But everything went good there too. I gained 2 lbs (up to 14 lbs now). My BP was 108/58. I informed them that I was not taking the seasonal flu vaccine but I would take the H1N1 vaccine (since we don't have antibodies for that one). Dr. Ramsey told me the ultrasound report looked really good...but the tech didn't check for knots like she was suppose to (which is why my US was soooo short) but she said that w/the blood flow reports she really doubted there was any. They are still going to keep a close eye on things and are suppose to check Mon. @ my next appointment for knots. I will make sure to remind the tech of that ;-)
I knew I was nervous about this appointment but I didn't realize how mentally exhausting it was making me because afterwards I felt a huge relief off my shoulders and then just wanted to sleep because my body was so much more relaxed.

He was showing off his man hood...still a little boy!!
I got back on Monday (10/19...I think). It's another afternoon appointment...so I'll get pictures up asap. I'll get another ultrasound w/the profiling and hope to get more pictures!!! I don't think they are going to check his weight...but just depends on the tech I have...I hope it's not the one I had this Monday. It doesn't matter how my day goes...just as long as I hear his little heart beating and they tell me he's still doing perfect :-)
Thanks everybody for all the prayers...they are helping and I just take things day by day and know that we've got a lot of people praying of us & Clay. We are now down to less than 2 months until he gets here...so continue sending those prayers!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Middle name and My Dream...
30 weeks 3 days...
On Sunday Jeremy & I got to go hunting. While you are sitting in a tree stand for 3 hours there's not awhole lot you can do...but there is a lot you can think about and sitting w/a buddy...talk about...quietly. We have been going back and forth on what we think Clay's middle name should be. We either wanted a "B" name so his and Crystal's initials would both be "CBL" or we also thought about Mason being his middle name...since Mason was the reason he was here. We like Mason for his middle name...but sometimes Crystal stills says stuff like "when Clay and Mason get here" and we think having his middle name be Mason would maybe be too confusing for her right now. We know she knows Clay and Mason are 2 separate people...but we don't want to make her think that Mason is physically party of Clay. It sounds really weird...but that's the best I can try to describe what we don't want to happen.
So...back on track...I think we have finally came up w/Clay's middle name. This isn't set in stone just yet...but...drum roll please...........
Clay Briley Lance
Briley comes from a name of the Parkway in Nashville, TN that leads ya to the Bass Pro Shop and the HUGE mall down there. I know people probably think we have weird ways of coming up w/names...but we have method down about it. We LOVE Nashville, TN, we LOVE the Bass Pro Shop, and I LOVE that mall...plus the Grand Ole Opry is there that we LOVE and the road that leads us to that is Briley Parkway. Like I said...it's not 100% set...but we are 99% sure. We'll probably finally decide once he gets here and just see if it fits him.
And I wanted to type down this dream I had last night. For those who know...being pregnant w/Clay has been a roller coaster ride of emotions, nerves, anxiety, excitement...just everything you could imagine going through after loosing a baby. I've really only had 1 dream about Mason...and it was a good peaceful one and he was happy and smiling and being held by a man dressed in something white flowing. There was no sound, no talking, just me looking @ Mason and knowing he's ok. I was really afraid after we lost him and we got pregnant again I would have nightmares of loosing this baby...but I haven't. In fact last night was the 1st time I've dreamt about Clay. The only part I can really remember is we were in the hospital room and he was born crying & screaming. I got to touch him and then the nurses took him to clean him up. They wrapped him up and handed him back to me and Jeremy. We were both bawling our eyes out!! I asked them to let Crystal in so she could be in there w/us and when they opened the room she came running in say "Mommy, Daddy, I heard Clay crying...I think we wants me...he's here and ok and he's alive". She climbed up on my bed and all four of us sat there just watching & smiling @ Clay and he kept looking at us. The nurses and doctors all left the room for a moment and for some reason the word "Complete" popped up on the tv screen. then I woke up crying my eyes out because I have been praying to God everyday that we don't have to ever lose another child.
I hope this dream was a sign of what is to come in the next couple of months. I'm trying to do what I think is right and what my doctor suggests and so far things are going good. I'm really nervous about my next appointment because they are going to be doing an ultrasound to check for knots in Clay's cord. A part of me wants to know if there are any...but I think the bigger part doesn't. I've already been told that if there is...there is nothing they can do right now other than more monitoring and praying. I've been told over and over by my doctor, nurses, other doctors...that what happened w/Mason and those knots are soooooo rare and that it shouldn't happen again.
Ok..so after all those tears and stuff...I did forget to add in my last blog that we have an option of them taking Clay either on Dec. 4th or Dec. 11th...which would mean he would probably be here Dec. 5th or Dec. 12th. We are considering maybe going until the 11th because #1...the longer he stays in the healthier he'll come out (as long as everything is good w/his heartbeat) and #2...if he arrives on Dec. 12th...then him and Crystal's bday will both be the 12th day of the months. But of course all of this really depends alot on how Clay is doing w/HR and his weight and my anxiety and nerves.
So...these next couple of months are going to start getting a little emotionally tough for us...so just please try to keep us and our families in your prayers.
On Sunday Jeremy & I got to go hunting. While you are sitting in a tree stand for 3 hours there's not awhole lot you can do...but there is a lot you can think about and sitting w/a buddy...talk about...quietly. We have been going back and forth on what we think Clay's middle name should be. We either wanted a "B" name so his and Crystal's initials would both be "CBL" or we also thought about Mason being his middle name...since Mason was the reason he was here. We like Mason for his middle name...but sometimes Crystal stills says stuff like "when Clay and Mason get here" and we think having his middle name be Mason would maybe be too confusing for her right now. We know she knows Clay and Mason are 2 separate people...but we don't want to make her think that Mason is physically party of Clay. It sounds really weird...but that's the best I can try to describe what we don't want to happen.
So...back on track...I think we have finally came up w/Clay's middle name. This isn't set in stone just yet...but...drum roll please...........
Clay Briley Lance
Briley comes from a name of the Parkway in Nashville, TN that leads ya to the Bass Pro Shop and the HUGE mall down there. I know people probably think we have weird ways of coming up w/names...but we have method down about it. We LOVE Nashville, TN, we LOVE the Bass Pro Shop, and I LOVE that mall...plus the Grand Ole Opry is there that we LOVE and the road that leads us to that is Briley Parkway. Like I said...it's not 100% set...but we are 99% sure. We'll probably finally decide once he gets here and just see if it fits him.
And I wanted to type down this dream I had last night. For those who know...being pregnant w/Clay has been a roller coaster ride of emotions, nerves, anxiety, excitement...just everything you could imagine going through after loosing a baby. I've really only had 1 dream about Mason...and it was a good peaceful one and he was happy and smiling and being held by a man dressed in something white flowing. There was no sound, no talking, just me looking @ Mason and knowing he's ok. I was really afraid after we lost him and we got pregnant again I would have nightmares of loosing this baby...but I haven't. In fact last night was the 1st time I've dreamt about Clay. The only part I can really remember is we were in the hospital room and he was born crying & screaming. I got to touch him and then the nurses took him to clean him up. They wrapped him up and handed him back to me and Jeremy. We were both bawling our eyes out!! I asked them to let Crystal in so she could be in there w/us and when they opened the room she came running in say "Mommy, Daddy, I heard Clay crying...I think we wants me...he's here and ok and he's alive". She climbed up on my bed and all four of us sat there just watching & smiling @ Clay and he kept looking at us. The nurses and doctors all left the room for a moment and for some reason the word "Complete" popped up on the tv screen. then I woke up crying my eyes out because I have been praying to God everyday that we don't have to ever lose another child.
I hope this dream was a sign of what is to come in the next couple of months. I'm trying to do what I think is right and what my doctor suggests and so far things are going good. I'm really nervous about my next appointment because they are going to be doing an ultrasound to check for knots in Clay's cord. A part of me wants to know if there are any...but I think the bigger part doesn't. I've already been told that if there is...there is nothing they can do right now other than more monitoring and praying. I've been told over and over by my doctor, nurses, other doctors...that what happened w/Mason and those knots are soooooo rare and that it shouldn't happen again.
Ok..so after all those tears and stuff...I did forget to add in my last blog that we have an option of them taking Clay either on Dec. 4th or Dec. 11th...which would mean he would probably be here Dec. 5th or Dec. 12th. We are considering maybe going until the 11th because #1...the longer he stays in the healthier he'll come out (as long as everything is good w/his heartbeat) and #2...if he arrives on Dec. 12th...then him and Crystal's bday will both be the 12th day of the months. But of course all of this really depends alot on how Clay is doing w/HR and his weight and my anxiety and nerves.
So...these next couple of months are going to start getting a little emotionally tough for us...so just please try to keep us and our families in your prayers.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
30 week appointment
30 weeks 1 day...
I had my doctor's appointment and non-stress today and everything went really good. I was really anxious because the last time I sat in that chair, the nurse couldn't find Mason's HB and that's when I found out we had lost him :-( But luckily Clay's was going strong and didn't have any problems finding it!!
The nurse and the doctor said they were both impressed w/how his heart rate reacted to his movements and they normal don't see those kinds of #'s on a 30 week old baby...which all in all means it went really good!!! So good that I don't have to have one every other week...just every 3rd visit. I still get ultrasounds every week though...so I'm looking forward to those also! Clay's base HR was around 140 and would go up to around 160 w/his big movements and 150 w/little movements. He's still head down too...so in a week he's stayed in the same position! I'm just soooooo glad everything went good!!
As far as for me...my BP was 112/56. I actually lost a 1lb (don't know how I did that because on Sunday I ate the crap out of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies thanks to Kelly :-) ) I did have a low BP moment on Sunday that kind of scared me because I didn't know what was going on...but it got back to normal quickly so no harm was done.
On Sunday night I went hunting w/Jeremy. I didn't take my bow...just my video camera. We sat in a buddy treestand and it was sooooo uncomfortable...but I enjoyed being out there. We did see a little buck but that was about it. The interesting thing was how to make my belly comfortable...lol!!! So here's what we did:
My coveralls have 2 zippers and we managed to get the 1st one up (it was tight!) and then took the 2nd one up over my belly to make a little opening for my belly to stick through. Whatever works and feels comfy...lol!!!!! I was told by the nurse and Dr. Ramsey I'm to bring this picture in so they can see.
Well...that's all for now. I go back to the dr. on Monday for an ultrasound and then to see her. It's going to be Crystal's bday and we were really excited because Jeremy was going to be off work and him and Crystal were going to get to see Clay...but w/the whole H1N1 thing...they won't allow anybody under the age of 17 yrs. back in the ultrasound rooms. I'm upset about that...but we'll figure something out. Oh and this weekend is Crystal's bday party...so I'll have a lot of pics and updating to do.
I had my doctor's appointment and non-stress today and everything went really good. I was really anxious because the last time I sat in that chair, the nurse couldn't find Mason's HB and that's when I found out we had lost him :-( But luckily Clay's was going strong and didn't have any problems finding it!!
The nurse and the doctor said they were both impressed w/how his heart rate reacted to his movements and they normal don't see those kinds of #'s on a 30 week old baby...which all in all means it went really good!!! So good that I don't have to have one every other week...just every 3rd visit. I still get ultrasounds every week though...so I'm looking forward to those also! Clay's base HR was around 140 and would go up to around 160 w/his big movements and 150 w/little movements. He's still head down too...so in a week he's stayed in the same position! I'm just soooooo glad everything went good!!
As far as for me...my BP was 112/56. I actually lost a 1lb (don't know how I did that because on Sunday I ate the crap out of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies thanks to Kelly :-) ) I did have a low BP moment on Sunday that kind of scared me because I didn't know what was going on...but it got back to normal quickly so no harm was done.
On Sunday night I went hunting w/Jeremy. I didn't take my bow...just my video camera. We sat in a buddy treestand and it was sooooo uncomfortable...but I enjoyed being out there. We did see a little buck but that was about it. The interesting thing was how to make my belly comfortable...lol!!! So here's what we did:
Well...that's all for now. I go back to the dr. on Monday for an ultrasound and then to see her. It's going to be Crystal's bday and we were really excited because Jeremy was going to be off work and him and Crystal were going to get to see Clay...but w/the whole H1N1 thing...they won't allow anybody under the age of 17 yrs. back in the ultrasound rooms. I'm upset about that...but we'll figure something out. Oh and this weekend is Crystal's bday party...so I'll have a lot of pics and updating to do.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
1st Deer Kill in the Lance Household!
29 weeks 6 days...
So the 2009 deer season has started off pretty good for the Lance household! Tonight (the 3 days of bow season) Jeremy shot a doe w/his bow. He's pretty happy cause it's his 2nd bow kill ever and his 1st w/his new bow.
I think he said she was about 28 yards out. His 1st shot spined her but she dropped instantly but had to put another arrow in (which was a perfect shot through the lungs and heart). So needless to say he's excited!! I'm not bow hunting this year because I've become addicting to sitting in a tree stand (you can see sooooo much more!!) and me and my feet being off the ground and shooting probably is not a good combination. However I think tomorrow (Sunday) night I am going to go out w/Jeremy and take my video camera to see what I can shoot with that...lol!
Crystal was really excited to see Jeremy's deer too...she told him she can't wait to go hunting with him...and he can't wait for that day either!! It's kind of funny cause the 1st thing she asked was whether the deer was a boy or girl and then the next question she wanted to know was where he shot the deer. She didn' t want to know the location...but where on the deer did the arrow go through...lol...that's our future little outdoors woman!!
So the 2009 deer season has started off pretty good for the Lance household! Tonight (the 3 days of bow season) Jeremy shot a doe w/his bow. He's pretty happy cause it's his 2nd bow kill ever and his 1st w/his new bow.
In other exciting news...I go to the doctor on Monday...can't wait to see how Clay's doing. He gave me a little scare this morning because he wasn't kicking as big as usual. Well...I think he had turned and had his legs to the inside of me which would make since why I wasn't feeling the big kicks. I guess he decided to turn back the other way cause he's been going to town w/the kicking! But that's ok...I'll take that everyday and 1st thing in the morning...it's a great feeling to wake up to!!
What else...we've been cleaning the house, barn, and yard getting ready for Crystal's bday party next Saturday (10/10). She's looking forward to it...but I can't believe our little girl is going to be 4 years old!!!
That's all for now...I'll updated after my doctor's appointment on Monday w/good news (hopefully and keeping all fingers crossed) :-)
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