I had another doctor's appointment today and it went really good. 1st...we got to see Clay on the ultrasound. He had either his arm or his hand in his face the whole time...so we didn't get as good as pictures as last time...but we got some. The little booger weighs 2 lbs. 11 oz which is right on track. His heart rate was 156 BPM which was good. They measured the fluid around him and that was good too. He's head down and I pray he decides to just stay there and no more flipping!! He can kick the snot out of my ribs all he wants...I won't complain...lol!
Now I go every week to the doctor. They are going to rotate doing an ultrasound 1 visit and non-stress test the next. So I go next Monday morning for a non-stress test. As for me...I gained 1 lb. in 2 weeks which isn't too bad...and my BP was 112/56. Had lots more questions about the H1N1 vaccine...but I'm lucky to say I'm the 1st one on my doctor's waiting list to get what is left over from the hospital. The only problem was my thyroid # was a little high (by 1/10) but they aren't worried about it. They'll check that in about a month to see how it's doing. Thanks to the cooler weather...I have had no swelling...but my back has been killing me @ night from doing too much during the day. So I was told to take it easy and not do everything. Other than that...everything else is going good. More updates to come next Monday...please continue to keep us and other expecting mommies in your thoughts and prayers :-)
Here is one picture of him...his arm is covering his nose and mouth but you can still see an eye (which is closed), his forehead, little ear off to the side, and his should...how cute!!!!

Both of my boys ALWAYS had their hands/fists/arms in front of their faces! Glad to hear everything is going great and I pray that it continues!!!