23 weeks 1 day...
Just wanted to let everybody know that my doctor's appointment went really good today! This has been the 1st app. that my nerves weren't making me sick to my stomach because I could feel Clay kicking all morning long. I think he knew his mommy needed that assurance ;-) Anyways...he is head down. I thought he might have flipped a few days ago because one night last week I could tell he was sideways because I wasn't comfortable at all!!! His spine is to my right side and he likes to curl up into a little ball!! He was pretty good this time...and he's for sure a boy...didn't hide it this time...lol!!! His heart rate was 153 which is good...and really strong! He put on quite the show w/waving to us to start out and then curling up into a little ball and sucking his thumb @ the end. He weighs just a little over a pound. Then I went to see my doctor and everything went good there. I've gained 3 lbs (which I'm not too excited about...but they said it was ok). My BP was 105/63. My next appointment is 9/14 in the morning. I have to do that awful sugar test and drink that nasty stuff...so I'm not really looking forward to that...uck! I think I'm suppose to get my little heart doppler then too...so that'll be good. She did say that start @ 28-30 weeks she'll have me down there every week doing a combination of non-stress test and ultrasounds...which is perfectly fine by me.
I can't begin to tell you how excited, happy, and soooooo blessed we all are to have this little in our lives!!! I worked on his room yesterday and got it pretty clean and ready...he just can't come until Dec.
Well...that's all for now...hope ya'll enjoy the pictures...he did a really good job and looks alot like Crystal's 26 week 3D pics. I thought Mason looked alot like her...but I think Clay might have been beat. Keep the prayers coming because I can tell and know they are working for all of us!!
:-) Kali
I can't begin to tell you how excited, happy, and soooooo blessed we all are to have this little in our lives!!! I worked on his room yesterday and got it pretty clean and ready...he just can't come until Dec.
Well...that's all for now...hope ya'll enjoy the pictures...he did a really good job and looks alot like Crystal's 26 week 3D pics. I thought Mason looked alot like her...but I think Clay might have been beat. Keep the prayers coming because I can tell and know they are working for all of us!!
:-) Kali
love seeing more pics of baby clay :) he is a cutie already! glad your nerves didn't get you too bad either... i hope mine go away, but they seem to get worse!