24 weeks 6 days...
A couple of days ago Jeremy FINALLY got to feel Clay kick and move!!! We were laying in bed and I could feel Clay doing something w/his feet or hands. So I put Jeremy's hand on my belly and told him to wait a little bit and he's maybe feel him moving. About a min. went by and didn't feel him moving (I was thinking...oh boy...another Mason who's going to play "I'm not going to kick @ you when you want it") then all of a sudden WHAMMMM...a HUGE kick that caught both of us by surprise. I didn't have to ask Jeremy if he felt it...but I did...and he said he did...lol!!! So we laid there for about 10 mins and was feeling Clay move a little and kick some and he was aiming right for Jeremy's hand! We decided it was time to sleep so Jeremy rolled over and I went to my L. side and got another huge kick from Clay. Apparently he wasn't done w/his daddy and wanted more. So Jeremy rolled over and put his hand back on my belly for about 15 mins and Clay was content and just kicked and moved.
I guess Jeremy fell asleep before I did and rolled over to his other side...which meant his hand was no longer on my belly...and Clay didn't like that once again. So he kicked the crap out of me for at least an hour before he finally settled down and decided it was time for him to go to bed too. He's a little stinker!!!!
I'm sooooo glad Jeremy got to feel him because he never did get to feel Mason kick. Mason would be moving and kicking and when Jeremy would put his hand on my belly he would stop and not make a move. But as soon as Jeremy's hand was off...he's go back to kicking and moving. After what happened w/Mason I felt so horrible that Jeremy never got to feel him but Jeremy says it was their game to play :-)
And Clay has also started picking on Crystal a little. The other day she had elbowed me kind of hard in the side (which didn't really hurt me...but thought it would have hurt Clay) and Clay came back throwing his elbows my side (which was the side Crystal was on). He also likes when I read to Crystal. So I'm the book reader when she wants anything read to her.
I've also been working w/her on preschool learning books. She has 6 of them and we've now completed 3 and she FLIES through them. Needless to say...I don't think she need preschool. Anyways...yesterday I had to jump in the shower real quick. So I put one of her tv shows on, gave her one of the preschool books and a crayon and told her I'd be really quick and she could color me something. Get out of the shower and she's still sitting there...doing something w/her book so I go back and finish getting ready. She comes in and shows me a few pages she did all by herself. She had to count the items in a picture & then write the # off to the side. I could tell the 1's, 2's & kind of the 3's and then the 4's were huge...but you could kind of tell what they were...then where a 5 was suppose to go...she drew 5 dots. I asked her why she didn't draw the #5 and she said she couldn't remember how to do it...so she just drew 5 dots. I'm so glad her little mind it's a one-way street...lol!!!! I was shocked, surprised, but glad she figured that out. So once we've completed the preschool books...I guess we'll start on kindergarten books!!!
Life is soooo good right now...I'll just leave it at that :-)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Shopping in Nashville, TN
24 weeks 3 days...
On Monday we had a pretty fun day! Me, Kelly (Jeremy's mom), & Bethany (Jeremy's sister) along w/Crystal and Grant & Gabe (Bethany's 9 month old twins) all loaded into a vehicle and took off for Nashville, TN in hopes to find some good deals on clothes for the kiddos! Oh Boy...did we ever!!!! Between the 3 of us...about $1,000 was spent but all 4 kids (this includes Clay) will not need clothes again until next fall!! We got sooooo much stuff because #1 we fit the sales right @ the right time where things were up to 70% off and there were plenty of $2.99 sales going on and #2 we had coupons to go along w/that...so we saved BIG TIME!!!!
All 3 kids did soooo good too. Crystal is a definite little shopper as long as she gets to go to some stores she likes...like the Disney Store which was in the mall. She had a blast looking @ all the Disney dress up Princess outfits. She did end up getting a Tinkerbell one w/matching shoes but the other stuff she got from there she doesn't know about and won't until her bday or Christmas.
I think we are planning on going back @ the end of March to get their fall sales and markdowns...& I'm really looking forward to it. It should be pretty interesting though because we'll have Clay with us...but it'll be soooo much fun!
That's all for now...Clay is doing really good...still head down and kicks a lot and moves his legs, arms, & head but for the most part is staying pretty still. I know @ 850pm every night I can count on him to wake up and start moving and kicking and it's the best feeling in the world!!
On Monday we had a pretty fun day! Me, Kelly (Jeremy's mom), & Bethany (Jeremy's sister) along w/Crystal and Grant & Gabe (Bethany's 9 month old twins) all loaded into a vehicle and took off for Nashville, TN in hopes to find some good deals on clothes for the kiddos! Oh Boy...did we ever!!!! Between the 3 of us...about $1,000 was spent but all 4 kids (this includes Clay) will not need clothes again until next fall!! We got sooooo much stuff because #1 we fit the sales right @ the right time where things were up to 70% off and there were plenty of $2.99 sales going on and #2 we had coupons to go along w/that...so we saved BIG TIME!!!!
All 3 kids did soooo good too. Crystal is a definite little shopper as long as she gets to go to some stores she likes...like the Disney Store which was in the mall. She had a blast looking @ all the Disney dress up Princess outfits. She did end up getting a Tinkerbell one w/matching shoes but the other stuff she got from there she doesn't know about and won't until her bday or Christmas.
I think we are planning on going back @ the end of March to get their fall sales and markdowns...& I'm really looking forward to it. It should be pretty interesting though because we'll have Clay with us...but it'll be soooo much fun!
That's all for now...Clay is doing really good...still head down and kicks a lot and moves his legs, arms, & head but for the most part is staying pretty still. I know @ 850pm every night I can count on him to wake up and start moving and kicking and it's the best feeling in the world!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
What's in a Middle Name?
23 weeks 4 days...
As you all know we have "Clay" picked out for our baby's 1st name. We've been throwing around some ideas for his middle name and are kind of stuck. We've got a few picked out...but it kind of a hard decision to either name him after somebody or let his name be original like Crystal's.
So 1st off...Crystal isn't named after anybody and we picked names that nobody in our family had. I do have a cousin named Brooke...but Crystal's name meaning go together. Mason's name was the same. The name meanings didn't match...but Mason is related to being outdoors (a brand of duck decoys) and Wyatt sounded like a western name. Now we've got Clay...which is the outdoor thing. So our decisions for his middle name are: Meyer (which means farmer and it's another original name), Bryant (haven't looked the meaning up but if we go w/this then him and Crystal will have CBL as their initials which I think is cool) or Mason (obviously being named after the person who is the reason why he is here). SEE...there is some tough decisions here!!! I'm trying to go w/my heart says...which part of it's saying Mason (for obvious reasons) but the other part is saying the other 2 names.
I know I've got a little while to decide...but do you realize how fast time flies by? Plus I'd like to get some things personalized for him...which I know I can do after he's here and his middle name is official...but it's just something I've been thinking about.
So ANY input would be nice. Maybe we'll just talk to him and see which name he likes by his kicking...lol! We haven't asked Crystal for any advice on this (she did finalize his 1st name for us) because I know without a doubt what she'll pick. I don't know if that would be confusing for her to have his middle name be Mason because she might think he's suppose to be Mason.
Other than that...pretty much everything else has been going good. I finally got Clay's room cleaned & straightened up. It's looking pretty good. I'll put some pics on here sometime. We are looking for a sign w/Clay to put up in his room. We have signs for Crystal & Mason...so we are on the hunt for one. I've been checking ebay and so far nothing...at least not in my price range! We need to go to Bass Pro in Clarksville, IN because they have a good selection and see what I can find. I have some stuff packed in his diaper bag but I need to have his name added to it (you'll understand when you see it). Getting all this stuff done is soooooooooo exciting. I'm still nervous and anxious...but right now the excitement is over-coming that. Oh...Monday is a big shopping day...I'm going to Nashville, TN w/Jeremy's mom and sister. There is the huge mall w/Oshkosh and Carter's. I can't wait!!!
As you all know we have "Clay" picked out for our baby's 1st name. We've been throwing around some ideas for his middle name and are kind of stuck. We've got a few picked out...but it kind of a hard decision to either name him after somebody or let his name be original like Crystal's.
So 1st off...Crystal isn't named after anybody and we picked names that nobody in our family had. I do have a cousin named Brooke...but Crystal's name meaning go together. Mason's name was the same. The name meanings didn't match...but Mason is related to being outdoors (a brand of duck decoys) and Wyatt sounded like a western name. Now we've got Clay...which is the outdoor thing. So our decisions for his middle name are: Meyer (which means farmer and it's another original name), Bryant (haven't looked the meaning up but if we go w/this then him and Crystal will have CBL as their initials which I think is cool) or Mason (obviously being named after the person who is the reason why he is here). SEE...there is some tough decisions here!!! I'm trying to go w/my heart says...which part of it's saying Mason (for obvious reasons) but the other part is saying the other 2 names.
I know I've got a little while to decide...but do you realize how fast time flies by? Plus I'd like to get some things personalized for him...which I know I can do after he's here and his middle name is official...but it's just something I've been thinking about.
So ANY input would be nice. Maybe we'll just talk to him and see which name he likes by his kicking...lol! We haven't asked Crystal for any advice on this (she did finalize his 1st name for us) because I know without a doubt what she'll pick. I don't know if that would be confusing for her to have his middle name be Mason because she might think he's suppose to be Mason.
Other than that...pretty much everything else has been going good. I finally got Clay's room cleaned & straightened up. It's looking pretty good. I'll put some pics on here sometime. We are looking for a sign w/Clay to put up in his room. We have signs for Crystal & Mason...so we are on the hunt for one. I've been checking ebay and so far nothing...at least not in my price range! We need to go to Bass Pro in Clarksville, IN because they have a good selection and see what I can find. I have some stuff packed in his diaper bag but I need to have his name added to it (you'll understand when you see it). Getting all this stuff done is soooooooooo exciting. I'm still nervous and anxious...but right now the excitement is over-coming that. Oh...Monday is a big shopping day...I'm going to Nashville, TN w/Jeremy's mom and sister. There is the huge mall w/Oshkosh and Carter's. I can't wait!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
23 week appointment

23 weeks 1 day...
Just wanted to let everybody know that my doctor's appointment went really good today! This has been the 1st app. that my nerves weren't making me sick to my stomach because I could feel Clay kicking all morning long. I think he knew his mommy needed that assurance ;-) Anyways...he is head down. I thought he might have flipped a few days ago because one night last week I could tell he was sideways because I wasn't comfortable at all!!! His spine is to my right side and he likes to curl up into a little ball!! He was pretty good this time...and he's for sure a boy...didn't hide it this time...lol!!! His heart rate was 153 which is good...and really strong! He put on quite the show w/waving to us to start out and then curling up into a little ball and sucking his thumb @ the end. He weighs just a little over a pound. Then I went to see my doctor and everything went good there. I've gained 3 lbs (which I'm not too excited about...but they said it was ok). My BP was 105/63. My next appointment is 9/14 in the morning. I have to do that awful sugar test and drink that nasty stuff...so I'm not really looking forward to that...uck! I think I'm suppose to get my little heart doppler then too...so that'll be good. She did say that start @ 28-30 weeks she'll have me down there every week doing a combination of non-stress test and ultrasounds...which is perfectly fine by me.
I can't begin to tell you how excited, happy, and soooooo blessed we all are to have this little in our lives!!! I worked on his room yesterday and got it pretty clean and ready...he just can't come until Dec.
Well...that's all for now...hope ya'll enjoy the pictures...he did a really good job and looks alot like Crystal's 26 week 3D pics. I thought Mason looked alot like her...but I think Clay might have been beat. Keep the prayers coming because I can tell and know they are working for all of us!!
:-) Kali
I can't begin to tell you how excited, happy, and soooooo blessed we all are to have this little in our lives!!! I worked on his room yesterday and got it pretty clean and ready...he just can't come until Dec.
Well...that's all for now...hope ya'll enjoy the pictures...he did a really good job and looks alot like Crystal's 26 week 3D pics. I thought Mason looked alot like her...but I think Clay might have been beat. Keep the prayers coming because I can tell and know they are working for all of us!!
:-) Kali
Saturday, August 15, 2009
10 Year Class Reunion...
22 weeks 6 days...
I have never experienced so many closed minded people! Just recently our class president decided to start a page on Facebook to get ideas and suggestions for our 10 class reunion. We didn't have a 5 year reunion (now I know why) so this will be the 1st year for all of us to get together again. I can tell there are a lot of people who still hasn't grown up and it'll be exactly like high school was...everybody will be in their own little "groups". So...what's the point? Isn't class reunions suppose to be about EVERYBODY mingling?? Here's what is most aggravating...a girl suggested a "family day" to be part of our reunion. So she put this suggestion on the page and you would have thought she was a piece of raw meat being fed to starved dogs...people shot that idea down 6 feet under! There was some that said "they hated kids", "if we want to talk about our kids we should bring our little brag books", "they were NOT coming to a family day...BAD IDEA"...I mean just down right RUDE...and some of these people even have kids of their own. My mind is boggled!
So what does our class want to do...DRINK, DRINK, DRINK and socialize in a tavern setting where there will be people smoking and I guarantee by the end of the night they'll be several of them showing their "true colors". Oh ya...and NO KIDS ALLOWED!!
Even though I am a senior class officer will be voice be heard...probably not because I'm not part of this "group". I actually liked school and I liked all people...from the preps to the goths and everywhere in between.
Well...I feel better after ranting a little bit. I hope this all works out and everybody gets along. I know you can't satisfy everybody...but I hope everybody feels like they can voice their opinions and share their input too.
I have never experienced so many closed minded people! Just recently our class president decided to start a page on Facebook to get ideas and suggestions for our 10 class reunion. We didn't have a 5 year reunion (now I know why) so this will be the 1st year for all of us to get together again. I can tell there are a lot of people who still hasn't grown up and it'll be exactly like high school was...everybody will be in their own little "groups". So...what's the point? Isn't class reunions suppose to be about EVERYBODY mingling?? Here's what is most aggravating...a girl suggested a "family day" to be part of our reunion. So she put this suggestion on the page and you would have thought she was a piece of raw meat being fed to starved dogs...people shot that idea down 6 feet under! There was some that said "they hated kids", "if we want to talk about our kids we should bring our little brag books", "they were NOT coming to a family day...BAD IDEA"...I mean just down right RUDE...and some of these people even have kids of their own. My mind is boggled!
So what does our class want to do...DRINK, DRINK, DRINK and socialize in a tavern setting where there will be people smoking and I guarantee by the end of the night they'll be several of them showing their "true colors". Oh ya...and NO KIDS ALLOWED!!
Even though I am a senior class officer will be voice be heard...probably not because I'm not part of this "group". I actually liked school and I liked all people...from the preps to the goths and everywhere in between.
Well...I feel better after ranting a little bit. I hope this all works out and everybody gets along. I know you can't satisfy everybody...but I hope everybody feels like they can voice their opinions and share their input too.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Heart Beat = Washer...this is too funny!!
22 weeks...
My friend gave me a little device that you can listen to your baby's heartbeat. It's one like Walmart sells so nothing too fancy. The other day I decided I'd buy batteries and try it out. I went and laid on our bed and got everything hooked up and ready to go. I started listening and heard what I thought @ the time was Clay's heartbeat. I was sooooo excited & thought I'm going to do this everyday...probably every hour!!! So I laid there was just listening away when all of a sudden the heartbeat slowed way down!!!! I started to panic and took the little device off my belly and discovered I could still hear this thumping sound. Needless to say I was really confused. Then it hit me...it was the washing machine I was hearing (I was washing clothes that day). So I put the device back on my belly and sure enough I could hear that washing machine. When the washer changed cycles it slowed down. So the whole time I thought I was hearing Clay's heartbeat...it was the washing machine. Needless to say I was a little disappointed but I knew everything was fine because I could feel him kicking me.
I told Jeremy about it and he kind of laughed @ me and told me I have to tell my Dr. about this one...she'll get a kick out of it! (I always have some kind of story to tell them in there...they say it brightens their day!) I hoping that maybe she'll feel a little sorry for me & go ahead & give me the more advance device...lol!!! We'll see come Monday...8/17 that's my next appointment w/an ultrasound and I can't wait to see this little booger again!! I think he's head up because I have a lot of kicking going on @ my panty line! One good thing is...he's not a moved but a kicker...so God has listened and answered another prayer!!
My friend gave me a little device that you can listen to your baby's heartbeat. It's one like Walmart sells so nothing too fancy. The other day I decided I'd buy batteries and try it out. I went and laid on our bed and got everything hooked up and ready to go. I started listening and heard what I thought @ the time was Clay's heartbeat. I was sooooo excited & thought I'm going to do this everyday...probably every hour!!! So I laid there was just listening away when all of a sudden the heartbeat slowed way down!!!! I started to panic and took the little device off my belly and discovered I could still hear this thumping sound. Needless to say I was really confused. Then it hit me...it was the washing machine I was hearing (I was washing clothes that day). So I put the device back on my belly and sure enough I could hear that washing machine. When the washer changed cycles it slowed down. So the whole time I thought I was hearing Clay's heartbeat...it was the washing machine. Needless to say I was a little disappointed but I knew everything was fine because I could feel him kicking me.
I told Jeremy about it and he kind of laughed @ me and told me I have to tell my Dr. about this one...she'll get a kick out of it! (I always have some kind of story to tell them in there...they say it brightens their day!) I hoping that maybe she'll feel a little sorry for me & go ahead & give me the more advance device...lol!!! We'll see come Monday...8/17 that's my next appointment w/an ultrasound and I can't wait to see this little booger again!! I think he's head up because I have a lot of kicking going on @ my panty line! One good thing is...he's not a moved but a kicker...so God has listened and answered another prayer!!
StL Vacation...Take #2!
22 weeks 4 days...
We had the privilege of taking another little family vacation to St. Louis again. We left Tuesday (Jeremy came home @ lunch time). Had a good trip over other than trying to get Crystal to take a nap that she really needed...but didn't succeed @ that. We stay @ the Hotel Lumeria (I think that's how you spell it). It's kind of close to the Arch. It was a really neat hotel and the rooms were wonderful!! We had a 2 room suite w/a king bed in 1 room and a smaller bed in the other. Crystal thought that was really neat...but she wanted the king bed...needless to say...she ended in the smaller bed cause there is no way Jeremy & I could have left on it...lol! In the bottom of the hotel was a casino that we'll have to visit sometime...it looked kind of fun!
Here is the inside of the hotel. The hotel is 8 floors and this water fountain went all the way up to the 8th floor!

Waiting on daddy to finish checking us in and getting our room
The view from our room...we saw 2 barges and 1 tugboat go down river
We had the privilege of taking another little family vacation to St. Louis again. We left Tuesday (Jeremy came home @ lunch time). Had a good trip over other than trying to get Crystal to take a nap that she really needed...but didn't succeed @ that. We stay @ the Hotel Lumeria (I think that's how you spell it). It's kind of close to the Arch. It was a really neat hotel and the rooms were wonderful!! We had a 2 room suite w/a king bed in 1 room and a smaller bed in the other. Crystal thought that was really neat...but she wanted the king bed...needless to say...she ended in the smaller bed cause there is no way Jeremy & I could have left on it...lol! In the bottom of the hotel was a casino that we'll have to visit sometime...it looked kind of fun!
Waiting on daddy to finish checking us in and getting our room
We went the Cards game that night. Our seats were really good again. We were a little higher up but a little closer to home plate. The Cards lost...but they tried to pull off a win in the end. Remember I said earlier that we weren't very successful @ getting Crystal to take a nap on the way over...well...it kind of showed while we were @ the game. She became very restless and by the 2nd inning was asking to go back to the hotel. At about the 5th inning we thought she was going to crash...but didn't...actually she got a 2nd wind and turned into a dancing machine!! She was standing on the seats and would dance everytime they played music or did a cheer.
Crystal & daddy waiting for a foul ball or an autograph...got neither though :-(
Shaq pitching the 1st pitch
Here is Shaq again...he's one BIG & TALL guy!!!
Shaq & Albert talking about a home run derby hitoff!!
Our little dancing machine got the make her big debut on this big screen during the 9th inning while the Reds were making a pitching change. So...here's the setting:
9th inning...about 10pm...I am beyond tired, Jeremy is energetic because the Cards are making a comeback and Crystal is standing in her seat waiting for a song to come on. They start playing "Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy". Crystal is just going to town w/the dancing & doing moves I never knew she knew!! I glance up on the big screen and see this little girl in an outfit just like Crystal's and think "Oh she looks like Crystal...OH S**T!!!! That is Crystal!!!" I'm hitting Jeremy to get his attention and he sees her up there too...then I think "My camera...I've got to get a picture of this!!!" Well...my fingers weren't working fast enough and missed the chance but she was up on the big screen dancing away for at least 45 seconds @ a sold out Cardinals/Reds game!!! All I can say is HOW NEAT!!!!!! We had at least 20 people/strangers comment after the game saying they saw her up there and how cute she was!!! I don't think her daddy would mind her being on the Cardinals cheer team and darn the luck her getting us season tickets...lol!!! I videoed her dancing prior to them putting it up on the big screen & I'm trying to get it up on here. So if I succeed @ that...just imagine seeing that up on this big screen in front of 40,000 + fans!!!
We finally made it back to the hotel and took some well needed showers. I think it was midnight before we got to bed. I couldn't believe Crystal has stayed awake from 8am to midnight!!! The next morning we got up and went swimming for a little bit. Then got ready and went to the Magic House. That place was HUGE!!! We were there for @ least 3 hours and didn't get to see everything. Crystal had fun climbing on things, playing dress up, making new friends, and just exploring! One little friend she made...her mom was pregnant and due Dec. 8th and is having a little boy too!! I guess you can say I made a friend also!
Crystal climbing the Jack and the Bean Stalk ladder to slide
Taking a carriage ride in Cinderella's coach
Dressed in play clothes
I think Jeremy had fun @ this station...the following pictures will tell the story!! They are playing w/magnets.

The 2 are deciding what to build.
Jeremy's finished product. Not 3 seconds after he left the table some little girl came over and destroyed it!!!

Crystal working on her paper clip art.
Here are the new friends we made. We were having a tea party w/dress up clothes!
Jeremy's shadow on the green wall
I think Jeremy had fun @ this station...the following pictures will tell the story!! They are playing w/magnets.
The 2 are deciding what to build.
Crystal working on her paper clip art.
After the Magic House we went to Bass Pro Shop and got Jeremy's 2009 Fall hunting classic hat. He has one from the years Crystal & Mason were born and needed one for Clay! Crystal also got a stuffed dog for her wildlife animals collection and Clay got a moose head, bob cat stuff animal, & Crystal picked out a camo jacket for him.
We had soooo much fun and can't wait to go back next year!
* I have been trying to upload the video of Crystal dancing for almost 5 hours and I'm giving up. Her dancing moves consisted of "The PeeWee Herman" skii move, shaking her hips and butt, moving her shoulders, twirling like a ballerina, and doing cheerleader moves...it was soooo funny!! Maybe I'll try putting it up when I get a chance to be @ a computer w/cable internet...lol!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
My Mom's Bday+ KY Lake =Tons of Fun!!!
21 weeks 2 days...
For my mom's bday I started a tradition last year where I would take her to KY Lake for the day and let her pick where we went, what we did, and where we ate and I would pay for most of it. I think it's a pretty good idea because it's hard to buy for people who have everything...lol!!! I I was hoping to plan an actual camping trip over the weekend w/the whole family...but that didn't work out. So this year we left bright and early and headed down. It was me, Crystal, my mom, & cousin Natalie. It was a great trip...no accidents, trips to a medical center or to Walmart because of forgetting something. Crystal was sooo excited and couldn't wait to go swimming, mom & Natalie couldn't wait to get out on a boat and cruise the lake, and I couldn't wait to swim and relax w/friends. This picture is taken on the bridge that goes over the dam. This is the main body of the lake. All you see is water for miles and miles!!!
We went to the camp ground we use to camp at when we took our family vacations...Big Bear. I was reminded that 16 years ago we met this amazing family "The Wagners" and have kept in touch w/them ever since. People grow up and move away and start families...but true friends always keep in touch!!! In this picture is me, Crystal, Lindsay, & Leah. My sister & I became friends w/these girls 16 years ago and still keep in touch w/them and their families!!
While mom & Natalie were out on a boat ride, me and Crystal took a dip in the lake. It was soooo relaxing and Crystal had such a good time swimming and bringing me "treasures" aka rocks and putting them on my float. She also had a good time entertaining everybody by her cute personality shining brightly!! Here's one of many conversations that took place while we were all out swimming:
Here is my mom, Crystal, Natalie, & me @ a lookout point by the dam. We made a few stops here and there...but the majority of the time we were @ the campground swimming w/friends!
Here's Crystal @ a rock beach @ Lighthouse landing. The sunset was sooooo beautiful!!!! I was experimenting a little w/the shadowing effecting & sunset. I think it turned out pretty good!!
Here is one of the lighthouses @ the Lighthouse Landing. There was a beach there that mom wanted to go to...but it was a pretty far walk/waddle for me...so we didn't go...maybe next year though!!
For my mom's bday I started a tradition last year where I would take her to KY Lake for the day and let her pick where we went, what we did, and where we ate and I would pay for most of it. I think it's a pretty good idea because it's hard to buy for people who have everything...lol!!! I I was hoping to plan an actual camping trip over the weekend w/the whole family...but that didn't work out. So this year we left bright and early and headed down. It was me, Crystal, my mom, & cousin Natalie. It was a great trip...no accidents, trips to a medical center or to Walmart because of forgetting something. Crystal was sooo excited and couldn't wait to go swimming, mom & Natalie couldn't wait to get out on a boat and cruise the lake, and I couldn't wait to swim and relax w/friends. This picture is taken on the bridge that goes over the dam. This is the main body of the lake. All you see is water for miles and miles!!!
Me: Crystal, can you tell Lindsay about the ballgame and the zoo you went to?
Lindsay: oh that sounds like fun...what ballgame did you go to?
Crystal : I didn't go to no (wrinkled nose) stink'n ballgame!
Before we knew it all 20+ people who were out there swimming w/us had all gathered around and was listening to this 3 yr. old and her stories!!
I try to think of creative things to do for people and I knew going w/mom to the lake is always a hit! So mom...if you read this...I hope you had a great day (even though we didn't stay the night) and one of these days we'll get you out on the tubes and you can show all the grandchildren just how it's done ;-) Happy 60th Birthday Mom & we all love you!!!
ps...There's still more to come for this year's bday...we're just trying to keep that a surprise until the weekend...and keep in mind the whole weekend is your bday...you'll understand by Sunday afternoon...lol!
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