19 weeks 4 days...
Things have been sooo hectic around here since Monday that I almost forgot to blog about our 2nd little family vacation we took while Jeremy was on shutdown vacation.
Last Friday we headed to St. Louis for a couple of days. No real plans other than going to the Cardinals game that night. It was such a PERFECT weekend to be outdoors!!! Everything went good on the way over there. Crystal did AWESOME and watched videos the whole time. When we got over there we went to the Union Station to try to find Crystal a Cardinals outfit to wear. We weren't in there long but came out w/$28 in fudge (didn't expect to get that), an $80 hair straightener/curler (I haggled the guy down $10 and made him throw in free shampoo, conditioner, & smell good spray...lol!), and finally Crystal's little outfit. It's soooo cute...and she actually had one when she was younger. It's a little white tennis dress w/the Cardinals logo on it...needless to say she looked adorable!!
Then we went to check into our hotel room. We had a really neat view of the arch and yes...Crystal got to jump on both beds!!!
Then over to the stadium. On the way to our seats a guy for Fox Sports Midwest TV wanted to video us looking @ some hats. He said to call somebody to have the game recorded (which we had already set our recorder before we left) because we would be on tv!!!! Jeremy's mom had bought him 2 tickets to this game for his bday. The seats were AWESOME!!! We were 3 rows from the field and a little behind 3rd base. We were definitely in foul ball territory! Before the game started Crystal got her 1st autograph from the Diamondback's relief pitcher, Clay Z. (I have no idea how to spell his last name), & the neat part was he pitched that game!!! Like I said earlier...the weather was sooo good for a ballgame and we all had a blast!! During the 4th & 5th innings Crystal and I got up to walk around because our butts were getting numb...lol!! We saw Albert hit 2 home runs and Nick S. hit one. We didn't get any foul balls...but some people reaching distance from us had one land in their laps. To top it off...the Cardinals won...so we saw fireworks and it was just a good atmosphere!!
Then Saturday we got ready and headed for the zoo. Crystal had a blast and I think she wore herself out within the 1st 30 mins!!! She was dragging us everywhere and was soooo excited to see everything. We took a train ride @ the end to see the places we didn't make it too. I think we were there for 3 or 4 hours...and the best part was the weather was still nice, I was on my feet the whole time & didn't swell!!! I sure was glad to sit down though...lol!
We can't be 15 mins away from a Bass Pro Shop and not go...so we went over to St. Charles and visited the Bass Pro Shop. We looked @ boats, 4wheelers, the fish in the fish tank, and toys. We spent under $50 (which is really good for us). After that is was on our way to home sweet home!!
I'm glad to report no broken teeth, no damage to the vehicle, & we came back w/$$ left over and had a blast!! This little vacation went a lot better than our camping trip and we all had fun!
glad you had such a good time!! crystal looked adorable in her little outfit :)