Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The joys of morning sickness...

7 weeks 2 days...

Well...it seems like this morning sickness is worse this time around. I thought it was suppose to get better w/every child you had...but WRONG!!!! Not only is it worse...but it last all day long too! I'm staying positive because I've heard the worse the morning sickness the healthier the pregnancy and that's what I want.

Poor Crystal though...she doesn't fully understand why I feel bad and makes "play tea" and "play cookies" to help my belly feel better. She's sooo sweet and I love her to death!! Just because of that I force myself to feel good during the day so I can play w/her and then let Jeremy have his turn as soon as he gets home & I sit a relax a little.

I'm definitely taking it alot easier this time around. I love mowing our yard...but it's kind of bumpy...so I'm not going to be mowing this year because I don't want to do anything that could cause the baby to flip flop too much. I'm also cutting out some 4wheeler riding time. I'm only riding on roads that are smooth and I'm stuffing a couple of pillows under my butt too! The one thing that I know I'll get to told to try to avoid is picking up Crystal (I was told to do that while I was pregnant w/Mason). It's sooo hard not to just want to run up and pick her up...so that's going to be the hard.

I had my 1st round of bad heartburn the other night. We had a bday cookout for Jeremy and he fixed brisket and ribs...yummy!! That night when we went to bed I was already uncomfortable because of my sunburn but @ midnight I woke up w/the worst heartburn I've ever had!!! (Poor child probably established all it's hair it's going to have that night...lol). It was soooo bad that I had to go lay in the recliner. Well...when I got into the living room Crystal had gotten out of bed @ some point and was asleep on the couch. She heard me sit down and wanted to come lay w/me. So needless to say I didn't get any sleep that night.

So far here's somethings that the baby likes and dislikes. People think I'm crazy for thinking this...but everything Crystal seemed to like before I had her followed her through. Like I say...I pay close attention to my body and the baby.

1. He/She likes seafood!! Coconut shrimp to be exact...but fried fish, shrimp, tuna salad, salmon patties...can't get enough of!! With Crystal it was Italian food and ice cream, Mason was BBQ and spicy stuff!

2. I feel my best when I'm playing w/Crystal...so I'm hoping there is that bond like Mason had w/her :-)

That's about it for now...I'm sure more will develop the farther along I get.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry you are feeling sick! that's no fun. with B i had NO sickness what-so-ever, but with A I was sick from week 6 until week 12 all day and night with no reprieve. i didn't actually throw up- just wished i could most of the time! but you're right they say that means your hormone levels and everything are really good soooo yay for a healthy baby! i love that you put up a picture of Mason! i can't see that well, but I'm sure he was as gorgeous as crystal is :). i don't think it's weird that you know what baby likes either. it was the same with B for me, whatever he was like while I was pregnant- is still true (for him it was milkshakes and ice cream)- i had a milkshake or ice cream pretty much every night i was pregnant with him and he still does that to this day!
