7 weeks 2 days...
Well...it seems like this morning sickness is worse this time around. I thought it was suppose to get better w/every child you had...but WRONG!!!! Not only is it worse...but it last all day long too! I'm staying positive because I've heard the worse the morning sickness the healthier the pregnancy and that's what I want.
Poor Crystal though...she doesn't fully understand why I feel bad and makes "play tea" and "play cookies" to help my belly feel better. She's sooo sweet and I love her to death!! Just because of that I force myself to feel good during the day so I can play w/her and then let Jeremy have his turn as soon as he gets home & I sit a relax a little.
I'm definitely taking it alot easier this time around. I love mowing our yard...but it's kind of bumpy...so I'm not going to be mowing this year because I don't want to do anything that could cause the baby to flip flop too much. I'm also cutting out some 4wheeler riding time. I'm only riding on roads that are smooth and I'm stuffing a couple of pillows under my butt too! The one thing that I know I'll get to told to try to avoid is picking up Crystal (I was told to do that while I was pregnant w/Mason). It's sooo hard not to just want to run up and pick her up...so that's going to be the hard.
I had my 1st round of bad heartburn the other night. We had a bday cookout for Jeremy and he fixed brisket and ribs...yummy!! That night when we went to bed I was already uncomfortable because of my sunburn but @ midnight I woke up w/the worst heartburn I've ever had!!! (Poor child probably established all it's hair it's going to have that night...lol). It was soooo bad that I had to go lay in the recliner. Well...when I got into the living room Crystal had gotten out of bed @ some point and was asleep on the couch. She heard me sit down and wanted to come lay w/me. So needless to say I didn't get any sleep that night.
So far here's somethings that the baby likes and dislikes. People think I'm crazy for thinking this...but everything Crystal seemed to like before I had her followed her through. Like I say...I pay close attention to my body and the baby.
1. He/She likes seafood!! Coconut shrimp to be exact...but fried fish, shrimp, tuna salad, salmon patties...can't get enough of!! With Crystal it was Italian food and ice cream, Mason was BBQ and spicy stuff!
2. I feel my best when I'm playing w/Crystal...so I'm hoping there is that bond like Mason had w/her :-)
That's about it for now...I'm sure more will develop the farther along I get.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Morning Sickness has hit!
Six weeks & 1day!!
Well...the past couple of days morning sickness has started to kick in a little more. I found this thing on the internet that says to suck on lemon heads and it's suppose to help. So...I got some and it did help. I don't mind the sickness though because that means that the pregnancy is going good!
Alot of people have heard about our expecting news. Our church family also knows and I don't know of anybody who isn't praying for us. It means soooo much to hear somebody come up and say "We will pray for this baby to be healthy and to make it here!" I use to only think that you needed lots of prayers when you were sick or something bad had happened...but this pregnancy has brought awhole new meaning. So...thanks for everybody who is praying for us and please continue to!!
Crystal is some what excited. It's not going to hit her until she can start to feel the baby move or see it on the ultrasound. She has asked questions about what the baby is doing and if it likes or dislikes something. The other day Jeremy & I were tickling her and she turned to me and said "I'm going to tickle the baby!" So...she knows there is one in there. Another thing...she doesn't think it's Mason...which was something I was a little worried about. I think letting her see and hold Mason was the best thing because she knows Mason was a little baby and not just something in my belly. She can't decide whether she wants this new baby to be a boy or a girl. She goes back and forth...which a lot of people then say "maybe it's twins". We aren't even going to go there though...lol!
I can't wait for May 6th...which is my 1st doc. appointment!! I have an ultrasound scheduled for 1045am; lab @ 1120am; then Dr. Ramsey @ 1130am. I talked to the nurse a little over the phone when I scheduled my appointment and she said my doc. would talk lots about what they want to do and a timeline of stuff. I'm considered high risk because of my past which I was warned about when I had Mason. But I have confidence (w/a little nervousness & anxiety) that things will be fine. I know that God and Mason are watching over me and this new little miracle and will do all they can to keep things safe and sound.
Well...the past couple of days morning sickness has started to kick in a little more. I found this thing on the internet that says to suck on lemon heads and it's suppose to help. So...I got some and it did help. I don't mind the sickness though because that means that the pregnancy is going good!
Alot of people have heard about our expecting news. Our church family also knows and I don't know of anybody who isn't praying for us. It means soooo much to hear somebody come up and say "We will pray for this baby to be healthy and to make it here!" I use to only think that you needed lots of prayers when you were sick or something bad had happened...but this pregnancy has brought awhole new meaning. So...thanks for everybody who is praying for us and please continue to!!
Crystal is some what excited. It's not going to hit her until she can start to feel the baby move or see it on the ultrasound. She has asked questions about what the baby is doing and if it likes or dislikes something. The other day Jeremy & I were tickling her and she turned to me and said "I'm going to tickle the baby!" So...she knows there is one in there. Another thing...she doesn't think it's Mason...which was something I was a little worried about. I think letting her see and hold Mason was the best thing because she knows Mason was a little baby and not just something in my belly. She can't decide whether she wants this new baby to be a boy or a girl. She goes back and forth...which a lot of people then say "maybe it's twins". We aren't even going to go there though...lol!
I can't wait for May 6th...which is my 1st doc. appointment!! I have an ultrasound scheduled for 1045am; lab @ 1120am; then Dr. Ramsey @ 1130am. I talked to the nurse a little over the phone when I scheduled my appointment and she said my doc. would talk lots about what they want to do and a timeline of stuff. I'm considered high risk because of my past which I was warned about when I had Mason. But I have confidence (w/a little nervousness & anxiety) that things will be fine. I know that God and Mason are watching over me and this new little miracle and will do all they can to keep things safe and sound.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Happy Easter!
The Easter egg hunt @ Hazelton. Her, Trenton, Calie, & William (those are all her little buddies) went there on Saturday. Crystal and Calie both one prizes!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I think it'll be easier for me to do this blogging stuff week by week...so I'll start w/Monday...
Monday...Couldn't believe I had to build a fire in the fireplace because it was actaully that cold!?!?!?! It's no fair to go from 70 degree weather to 35!! We were a little worried because they had us in a frost warning...so Tuesday morning when I woke up and saw the computer said it was 34 degrees outside @ 630am...I was relieved. All our fruit trees are starting to bloom and are looking soooo pretty! Jeremy got his big shipment of berry plants in also. They won't put any fruit on for another 2-3 yrs...but when they do...watch out cause we'll have TONS of blackberries, rasberries, blueberries, and gooseberries. Sounds like I need to learn to make jelly and jams...lol!
Tuesday...well...for those who know...we have been trying for another baby. We have been kind of going w/the flow and so far no results. I was suppose to start today and so far nothing has happend. I took a PT this morning because I've kind of been feeling some symptoms...but it came back neg. but the lines weren't dark. So I don't know if I got a faulty test or if getting up @ 230am to pee and then forcing pee out @ 630am messed it up. Either way...I'm going to wait a few more days to take another. I can't say that I don't care if it happens or not because every month that things haven't happened...it upsets me. I guess I kind of expect for God to let me "jump the line" but I know that's not the case. I'd rather try for months and know God has made me another perfect baby (no breakdancers this time...only a soccer a player...please!) than to get pregnant on the 1st time and have complications.
You know...I just realized something. When I got pregnant w/Mason I said all along that I hoped he was just like his big sister. Looking back...he was exactly like Crystal is now. Everybody knows Crystal is a little busy body, my sunshine, and my world...and Mason was too. So what if God knew that I might not have been able to enjoy him on this earth (because if he wouldn't have flipped his cord might have not tightened)...so he gave me the chance to know my unborn baby better than I could have ever thought. Anybody who knows me knows that I pay close attention to my baby while I'm pregnant. The things that Crystal liked and kicked at before she was born showed through her personality as she started growing.
My prediction for Mason was:
1. He was going to have an iron stomach and eat anything that wasn't tied down.
2. The hunter in him was going to come out as soon as he learned to sit still...which I think he was going to have a problem with...lol!
3. Him and Crystal were going to be soooo close (they already had their bond form) that it was going to be scary! I think the 2 of them against me and Jeremy...it's sad to say...but they would have out-smarted Jeremy and I by a long shot!
4. Even though him and Crystal would have been close...I think Crystal would remind him everyday that HE was the younger one and had to do what she said.
5. He might have been the baby brother...but he was going to protect his big sister, be a momma's boy, and be just like his daddy when it came to being a handyman...knowing EVERYTHING!
This might sound like crazy talk...but to me...his little personality shined threw any of the darkest clouds. Just a thought I think is worth writing down.
Wednesday - Finally the warm weather has came back!! I always feel much better when it's nice and warm outside. I got 5 loads of laundry washes and hung them outside. Me and Crystal also worked on cleaning the camper too. She's too funny though! There were tons of dead mud dobbers of the floor and she thoughts they were pretty interesting. So she got ahold of some of those big yellow cleaning gloves and put them on (the went up to her armpits!) and started picking up dead bugs. Whatever works because she was being pretty productive! I got almost everything out of the camper and now I can work on scrubbing it down. I can't wait to be able to take it camping...and Crystal is really excited about it too! When we talk about it she starts in and what all she NEEDS to pack. Sounds like she'll be the kind the needs everything...and the kitchen sink...lol!
Thursday... Well it didn't start out too great because I took another PT test (a cheap one from the Dollar Stor) and it came back negative. I don't know what's going on because w/both Crystal and Mason I found out I was pregnant before I was suppose to start. It has been 3 days since I was suppose to start and nothing. I've always been regular...so this is very unusual for me. I'm frustrated! Not only about the whole pregnant or not...but also I've gained back 10 lbs. in a month and a half and I really haven't changed my eating habits. Jeremy thinks that I'm being a worry wort and he thinks I am pregnant and just taking the tests too early. All I can say is if it's meant to be and we have a healthy baby on our hands that will make it here alive...I hope he's right.
Friday...Mom and I went shopping and had a really good time! I left Crystal @ home w/Jeremy so we could move a little faster. I didn't buy much but I found some really cute shoes for Easter. We picked up Crystal's kittens on the way home. Those poor little things...they hated the car ride!! Then that night we went to the movies to see Hannaha Montana the movie. It was really good and Crystal really like it!
**** This was last week and I've been horrible @ updating and getting this posted. I was going to delete it...but there was soooo many emotions that I needed to put down. I'll start frest w/some good news in a couple of days!!
Monday...Couldn't believe I had to build a fire in the fireplace because it was actaully that cold!?!?!?! It's no fair to go from 70 degree weather to 35!! We were a little worried because they had us in a frost warning...so Tuesday morning when I woke up and saw the computer said it was 34 degrees outside @ 630am...I was relieved. All our fruit trees are starting to bloom and are looking soooo pretty! Jeremy got his big shipment of berry plants in also. They won't put any fruit on for another 2-3 yrs...but when they do...watch out cause we'll have TONS of blackberries, rasberries, blueberries, and gooseberries. Sounds like I need to learn to make jelly and jams...lol!
Tuesday...well...for those who know...we have been trying for another baby. We have been kind of going w/the flow and so far no results. I was suppose to start today and so far nothing has happend. I took a PT this morning because I've kind of been feeling some symptoms...but it came back neg. but the lines weren't dark. So I don't know if I got a faulty test or if getting up @ 230am to pee and then forcing pee out @ 630am messed it up. Either way...I'm going to wait a few more days to take another. I can't say that I don't care if it happens or not because every month that things haven't happened...it upsets me. I guess I kind of expect for God to let me "jump the line" but I know that's not the case. I'd rather try for months and know God has made me another perfect baby (no breakdancers this time...only a soccer a player...please!) than to get pregnant on the 1st time and have complications.
You know...I just realized something. When I got pregnant w/Mason I said all along that I hoped he was just like his big sister. Looking back...he was exactly like Crystal is now. Everybody knows Crystal is a little busy body, my sunshine, and my world...and Mason was too. So what if God knew that I might not have been able to enjoy him on this earth (because if he wouldn't have flipped his cord might have not tightened)...so he gave me the chance to know my unborn baby better than I could have ever thought. Anybody who knows me knows that I pay close attention to my baby while I'm pregnant. The things that Crystal liked and kicked at before she was born showed through her personality as she started growing.
My prediction for Mason was:
1. He was going to have an iron stomach and eat anything that wasn't tied down.
2. The hunter in him was going to come out as soon as he learned to sit still...which I think he was going to have a problem with...lol!
3. Him and Crystal were going to be soooo close (they already had their bond form) that it was going to be scary! I think the 2 of them against me and Jeremy...it's sad to say...but they would have out-smarted Jeremy and I by a long shot!
4. Even though him and Crystal would have been close...I think Crystal would remind him everyday that HE was the younger one and had to do what she said.
5. He might have been the baby brother...but he was going to protect his big sister, be a momma's boy, and be just like his daddy when it came to being a handyman...knowing EVERYTHING!
This might sound like crazy talk...but to me...his little personality shined threw any of the darkest clouds. Just a thought I think is worth writing down.
Wednesday - Finally the warm weather has came back!! I always feel much better when it's nice and warm outside. I got 5 loads of laundry washes and hung them outside. Me and Crystal also worked on cleaning the camper too. She's too funny though! There were tons of dead mud dobbers of the floor and she thoughts they were pretty interesting. So she got ahold of some of those big yellow cleaning gloves and put them on (the went up to her armpits!) and started picking up dead bugs. Whatever works because she was being pretty productive! I got almost everything out of the camper and now I can work on scrubbing it down. I can't wait to be able to take it camping...and Crystal is really excited about it too! When we talk about it she starts in and what all she NEEDS to pack. Sounds like she'll be the kind the needs everything...and the kitchen sink...lol!
Thursday... Well it didn't start out too great because I took another PT test (a cheap one from the Dollar Stor) and it came back negative. I don't know what's going on because w/both Crystal and Mason I found out I was pregnant before I was suppose to start. It has been 3 days since I was suppose to start and nothing. I've always been regular...so this is very unusual for me. I'm frustrated! Not only about the whole pregnant or not...but also I've gained back 10 lbs. in a month and a half and I really haven't changed my eating habits. Jeremy thinks that I'm being a worry wort and he thinks I am pregnant and just taking the tests too early. All I can say is if it's meant to be and we have a healthy baby on our hands that will make it here alive...I hope he's right.
Friday...Mom and I went shopping and had a really good time! I left Crystal @ home w/Jeremy so we could move a little faster. I didn't buy much but I found some really cute shoes for Easter. We picked up Crystal's kittens on the way home. Those poor little things...they hated the car ride!! Then that night we went to the movies to see Hannaha Montana the movie. It was really good and Crystal really like it!
**** This was last week and I've been horrible @ updating and getting this posted. I was going to delete it...but there was soooo many emotions that I needed to put down. I'll start frest w/some good news in a couple of days!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Here's what we've been doing...
Where does time go?? That's all I want to know because it seems like every week the days go a little faster. Oh well...as long as your having fun...that's all that matters!
We've had such a busy week. We finally sold our river camp and finalized that deal. I'll miss it...but now we can take the camper places instead of leaving it @ the river the whole summer. I'm really looking forward to going camping and boating. I thought last year Crystal was at a good age...but this year...there is no stopping that child! She's really excited about going too and can't wait!
We finally got to mow our grass!!! Some people probably think we are crazy for being excited to do that...but I love to mow grass. It's kind of relaxing in a way. I'm crazy...but I love it!! Once we get a rain-free day...I've got my weed/grass killer and I'm going after all my problem areas.
I got a new dishwasher this week too. Our other one started having all kinds of stuff going wrong...so instead of messing w/it (it was 10 yrs. old) we decided just to get a new one. I haven't used it...I only try to run it once a week...but I'm excited to see how it works.
Thursday... me, Crystal, and Kelly went to Evansville and got Crystal's Easter dress. It's sooo pretty!! Crystal picked it out too. AND I know I've got a little shopper on my hands when after trying on a couple of dresses she says "Mommy...I like this one...but let's try on 10 more dresses!!" Not kidding...she LOVES trying on clothes...so I might have just created my little shopping buddy!!! She looked soooo cute in all of them that I couldn't decide...so I let her pick out her favorite. I'll take pics this week and post them. Then on the way home we stopped and picked out Crystal's Easter basket surprise. She's going to LOVE it!!!! Luckly she was asleep and didn't even know anything about it. I can't wait to see the look on her face Easter morning!
What else?? Oh on Saturday...that was a really busy day for us. 1st...we went to Toyota's Easter egg hunt. Crystal had a blast!!! They had things they could jump in and games to play...it wore her out!!! I got my first real sunburn...and it kind of hurts...ouch! Then we went to pick up our new truck! It's sooooo pretty!!! It's a 2009 GMC Sierra 2500 HD Ext. Cab 4x4. It's midnight blue metalic and soooooo awesome!!! Now we have some pulling power and can take the camper anywhere we want! It's got Onstar free for 1 yr and it has XM radio. Setting up our Onstar was something because I've never messed w/something like that before. AND...we can make phone calls from our truck. How AWESOME is that!!! We only have 30 mins. and then that feature expairs unless we sign up for it. Oh...and did I mention we got a really good deal on it!!! Not many people can buy a new truck and get a lower payment and lower the insurance...but we sure did. I'm really excited about it. The only bad thing is the 4wheeler won't fit into the bed... :-( so that means we are in the market for a hauling trailer.
Then Sat. night we went to my sister's for about an hour. She was having a small fire and cookout. The kids got to play and entertain.
On Sunday we went to church and then got to see our nephews, Grant & Gabe. They get soooo big when you only get to see them once a week. Today Grant was my buddy. He'd just lay back in my arms and stare and then smile really big. Probably trying to figure me out...which his uncle Jeremy told him good luck on that...haha!!
That's about it for now...I'll post some pics later of our truck. It's nice and cozy in the barn...didn't want to get it wet yet...lol!
We've had such a busy week. We finally sold our river camp and finalized that deal. I'll miss it...but now we can take the camper places instead of leaving it @ the river the whole summer. I'm really looking forward to going camping and boating. I thought last year Crystal was at a good age...but this year...there is no stopping that child! She's really excited about going too and can't wait!
We finally got to mow our grass!!! Some people probably think we are crazy for being excited to do that...but I love to mow grass. It's kind of relaxing in a way. I'm crazy...but I love it!! Once we get a rain-free day...I've got my weed/grass killer and I'm going after all my problem areas.
I got a new dishwasher this week too. Our other one started having all kinds of stuff going wrong...so instead of messing w/it (it was 10 yrs. old) we decided just to get a new one. I haven't used it...I only try to run it once a week...but I'm excited to see how it works.
Thursday... me, Crystal, and Kelly went to Evansville and got Crystal's Easter dress. It's sooo pretty!! Crystal picked it out too. AND I know I've got a little shopper on my hands when after trying on a couple of dresses she says "Mommy...I like this one...but let's try on 10 more dresses!!" Not kidding...she LOVES trying on clothes...so I might have just created my little shopping buddy!!! She looked soooo cute in all of them that I couldn't decide...so I let her pick out her favorite. I'll take pics this week and post them. Then on the way home we stopped and picked out Crystal's Easter basket surprise. She's going to LOVE it!!!! Luckly she was asleep and didn't even know anything about it. I can't wait to see the look on her face Easter morning!
What else?? Oh on Saturday...that was a really busy day for us. 1st...we went to Toyota's Easter egg hunt. Crystal had a blast!!! They had things they could jump in and games to play...it wore her out!!! I got my first real sunburn...and it kind of hurts...ouch! Then we went to pick up our new truck! It's sooooo pretty!!! It's a 2009 GMC Sierra 2500 HD Ext. Cab 4x4. It's midnight blue metalic and soooooo awesome!!! Now we have some pulling power and can take the camper anywhere we want! It's got Onstar free for 1 yr and it has XM radio. Setting up our Onstar was something because I've never messed w/something like that before. AND...we can make phone calls from our truck. How AWESOME is that!!! We only have 30 mins. and then that feature expairs unless we sign up for it. Oh...and did I mention we got a really good deal on it!!! Not many people can buy a new truck and get a lower payment and lower the insurance...but we sure did. I'm really excited about it. The only bad thing is the 4wheeler won't fit into the bed... :-( so that means we are in the market for a hauling trailer.
Then Sat. night we went to my sister's for about an hour. She was having a small fire and cookout. The kids got to play and entertain.
On Sunday we went to church and then got to see our nephews, Grant & Gabe. They get soooo big when you only get to see them once a week. Today Grant was my buddy. He'd just lay back in my arms and stare and then smile really big. Probably trying to figure me out...which his uncle Jeremy told him good luck on that...haha!!
That's about it for now...I'll post some pics later of our truck. It's nice and cozy in the barn...didn't want to get it wet yet...lol!
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