Clay had is 4 month check up on 4/8 and did really good!! He's right on track for his age. He weighed 16 lbs. 1 oz & is 25 1/2 in. long!!!! Both are in the 75% so he's growing like a little weed!! I can't believe that only 4 months ago he was 6lbs. 11oz.
He's rolled over a few times from his belly to his back and lifts his head up really good now! I got his jumparoo out a couple of days ago and he goes WILD in it!!! He loves it too :-) My mom got him this red bird thing that he can chew on it's feet and he likes to chew on his needless to say it's going to get washed frequently. He loves putting things in his hands and straight to the mouth it goes!!
Everything is still very funny to him...esp sissy and mommy. Jeremy is very interesting to him too...but he sits and studies him and then will smile really big @ him. I think he's learning how to be just like his daddy :-) His laugh is the cutest and most wonderful sound!!!! I would love to tickle him all day long just to hear that :-) He's going to be a talker too...he's all the time making sounds and talking to the tv. He's not big into cartoons but LOVES basketball and baseball (Jeremy says "That's my boy!!!")
He's still taking 4 oz bottles but @ lunch time he eats some baby food w/cereal & takes about 2 oz...he loves his baby food!!! Right now his favorite is yogurt & homemade peach baby food. He's had green beans and applesauce and likes them...but not as much as the other two.
He loves being outside too!!! He can't wait to start walking...I can tell because his feet go 100 miles a min just Crystal run & jump outside! I think he might be a early walker because he already does his legs in the walking motion...but we'll see :-)
He's still a little momma's boy and loves to be held. I don't believe you can ever spoil a
child by holding them too much so he's in my arms A LOT & I LOVE IT!!!!