As we all know the past couple of weeks have been sooooo hot!!! What a better way to spend a hot day than in the pool! Luckily my mom and dad live spitting distance away and have a really nice above ground pool. So everyday for the past couple of weeks, Crystal & I have been spending 2-3 hours there a day just swimming away & man has it been soooo relaxing!! I think I'm going to ask my doctor if she can write me out a prescription to be able to go swimming indoors this fall and winter before the baby!
Crystal LOVES the water (which we are sooo glad about because we are both water nuts!) She wants to swim by herself soooo bad...but hasn't got it down just yet. She can swim a very short distance (without arm floaties) and she's starting to learn how to hold her breath and go under the water. So has already came a long way since last year because she wouldn't go under the water last year. I hope by end of summer we'll be alot closer to swimming by herself without arm floaties!
The baby loves the water too. I can feel it really kicking when I'm in the pool. He or she better be ready because next summer we'll be swimming! I've got Jeremy talked into getting a pool (he wants to do some moon light!) but we've got some other things we need to get taken care of first. I think once this baby is close to starting school we'll probably have our own pool because the kids will want to invite their friends over
Last week my friend, Amy, brought her 2 girls and her 3 nieces over. The kids had soooo much fun watching the older kids jump in and throw water balloons! That night, Crystal fell asleep @ 6pm and didn't wake up until 7 the next morning! She was wiped out but had a blast!
As for us tanning or sunburn...I've been keeping SPF 50 on Crystal and she's actually tanning really good...and so am I!! I don't think I've been this tan so early in the summer since I worked in the melon fields! I had somebody ask me if I've been laying in the tanning bed & I thought "no way...not being pregnant"! I don't know how they missed the ball sticking out in front of!
So we've been having a pretty good summer so far and hope it continues this way! I can't believe this weekend is already going to be the 4th of July!! I can't wait either cause we are going to our friends, Chris & Reyna, and having a big cookout and shooting off fireworks. Also...I can't believe that in only 3 more weeks & we find out what the baby is!! I can't wait so I can start calling it by name and not an it. Just keep on praying everything continues to go well between now and then!