11 weeks 3 days...
I had my 2nd doctor's appointment yesterday and everything went really good. I got to see the baby on US and it appeared to be laying on it's side napping. It's HR was 180 bpm. I have gained 2 lbs...which I contribute that to the lack of going #2 the whole weekend because my butt apparently doesn't like unfamiliar toilets...lol!!! Plus not to mention all the food we ate!!!
I went by myself (Crystal was w/me too). Crystal did soooo good and was soooo excited to play w/the toys in the doc. office.
So 1st I had to meet w/a nutritionist. That went pretty good until I had to do a run down of what I had to eat the day before. It was alright until I got to the 1 cup of banana pudding and 2 cups of dirt pudding...and then another 1/2 cup of banana pudding for supper that night! So she asked me about any of the other days that weekend and I told her this past weekend was a bad weekend to judge my eating habits (it was a holiday weekend after all!!). So I gave her a rundown of what I thought I'd probably on a normal day and that went over much better. I think I passed and got an "A".
Then it was off to see Dr. Ramsey. When the nurse weighed me she said I had only gained 2 lbs. (which I was shocked because I feel like there was much more!). Then I got into talking about how I hadn't been able to go to the bathroom since Friday because we had been camping and my butt apparently didn't like the toilet seats...if you know what I mean. (I know I'm not the only one out there w/this problem...just probably the only one who's crazy enough to talk about it!) So we agreed that since I was literally "full of crap" that is where my 2 lbs. was coming from...lol! I always have a blast in there! My BP was 114/58. I was given the ok to be able to take something for my allergies...just try to not take it everyday.
Then Dr. Ramsey came in and we got a quick peek @ the baby. Like I said it must had been napping but it's little heart was pumping away...which I was soooo glad to see. My next appointment is June 24th @ 1230pm. Jeremy's mom and sister are going w/me. Then either July 14/15/16 we get to hopefully find out what the baby is. It's during shutdown so Jeremy won't have to take any days off! Plus it'll be right before we leave to go to St. Louis so I'm hoping to get Crystal, the baby, and our little nephews all matching Cardinals outfits...how cute!!!!
So another good appointment down...and hopefully lots more to come. I would like for everybody to keep Brian, Ashley, & Trish (their little 2 yr. old daughter) Douglas from Princeton, IN in your thoughts and prayers. Jeremy and Brian are good friends and they just lost their little boy on Saturday. The story goes is that they knew the baby was going to have to have surgery because it's stomach was too high up...so the surgery was going to bring it down and inflate one of his lungs. So she was going to have him @ Riley's hospital. Her water broke on it's own ( I think she was only a couple of days away from her due date) and because of all of his organs being pushed up too high they couldn't see that one of his heart valves had a hole in it. I don't know if he wasn't strong enough for the surgery to repair that or what...but he passed at only being 2 days old. When I heard about that my heart broke into pieces and my mind went back to that moment they told me Mason was gone. I feel horrible for that family and I hope Ashley can find somebody to talk to and connect with who has gone through this because it really helps. So please pray for them because they need it.
That's all for now...keep checking back for more updates!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day fun!!
11 weeks 2 days...
Our Memorial day was PACKED w/lots of fun and traveling. Here's how it went.
Thursday: I took Crystal to the spray park in Princeton. She (as you can tell) had a blast! She played in the water for almost 2 1/2 hrs! The best part is it is free! We'll be there alot this summer!
Trying to get out the water circle before it gets too high!
Filling up her water bucket

Here is Crystal & Ally. They were BFF's by the end of our camping trip!
Here is Crystal, Avery, Ally, and Eric (Avery & Ally's dad) taking them for a ride on the golf cart. They all loved that.
Here is Crystal and Abby sharing the umbrella. We had a couple of down pours...but the kids loved playing in them.
Our Memorial day was PACKED w/lots of fun and traveling. Here's how it went.
Thursday: I took Crystal to the spray park in Princeton. She (as you can tell) had a blast! She played in the water for almost 2 1/2 hrs! The best part is it is free! We'll be there alot this summer!
Then on Friday we went to a cookout and welcome home party for a friend of Jeremy's. Jeremy hadn't seen him for almost 6 years so he was excited to talk to him again. Afterwards he took me and Crystal home and we went to bed and Jeremy and Jason (his friend) got together and hung out for the night.
Then on Saturday we left to go camping. Jeremy has a friend that has 5 acres on Rough River in KY. It's about 50 miles southeast of Owensboro. That was a very interesting day. We TRIED to leave @ 9am. Got down the road and the truck's info area was saying there wasn't any trailer brakes (we were pulling our camper). So Jeremy got out and tried to clean the plug and still nothing. So we turned around and stopped @ my mom and dad's house. Jeremy & my dad messed around w/things for about 45 mins and came to the conclusion that the plug in on the truck wasn't putting out anything. So...we took the camper home and unloaded it. Then Jeremy thinks about checking the fuses. BINGO...we had blown a fuse for the trailer connection. So we load the camper back up and head that way. We stopped @ Ft. Branch to get some $$$ out of the ATM and discovered one of the camper tires was blown and all tangled up in the axle. Keep in mind that this is about 11:30am and it was heating up outside! So I called one of my friend's and her husband came to help Jeremy put the spare tire on. After that...we are FINALLY on the road. We got down there @ around 3pm. We got everything set up and got the water hooked up. Then we found out the hot water heater was leaking. So we drained it. THEN we noticed around the toilet was leaking. Jeremy pulled that up to find the ring around it was no good. Luckily where we were staying @ had a bathroom and shower we could use. I was keeping my fingers crossed that nothing else would happen because I was mentally drained! We did have a good time and left the camper down there because we are going back June 12-14 for our anniversary.
Here is Crystal & Ally. They were BFF's by the end of our camping trip!
Sunday was good...we sat around and ate too much! Then we had to leave Sunday night to come home. I can't wait to go back down and hopefully nothing will go wrong!
Monday was Jeremy's mom's side family reunion @ Henderson, KY. Once again we ate too much but had fun visiting. By Monday...I had no brain left. I was sooooo wore out and tired all I wanting to do was sleep.
Hope everybody had a fun weekend and I'm working on my blog for my doctor's appointment that I had today. I didn't have time or the energy to do 2 of them in one day...but I'll have that one up in a couple of days.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Too funny not to share...WARNING...this is a lil gross though!
10 weeks 3 days...
Last night I decided I'd fix some taco soup. Jeremy's mom makes it and it's WONDERFUL and it kind of sounded good. Right now when something sounds good I go for it! I salted my hamburger like I normally do and added only 1 pkg of taco seasoning and an extra can of tomato sauce.
Like usual I got full quick and couldn't finish what I had dished out. So I'd say I ate a small small of it. Not even 10 minutes after eating it I had severe heartburn and indigestion. I regretted even taking 1 bite...so I went and ate 1/2 the bottle of tums (not really 1/2 the bottle...but I really wanted to!). I ate a little bit of ice cream because that always seems to help and it did.
This morning I woke up and I actually felt pretty good...no sickness! I sat up and instantly started sneezing. So there went my perfect little day thanks to my allergies! Then my gut/stomach started hurting badly. I went straight to the bathroom.
*Here's where the gross part comes in...just a fair warning!!*
To put it nicely...the taco soup literally exploded out of me! Crystal heard something going on in the bathroom and came rushing in. She asked "Mommy, what popped in here?" Before I could even get the slightest answer out she took her 2 index fingers, shoved them up her nose, turned around and went running out of the bathroom say "OHHHH It stinks in here mommy!" Needless to say this baby doesn't like spicey food and or salt. It does like ice cream though :-)
I have been laughing ever since and she won't come into the bathroom while I'm in there. She tells me "I might make it stink some more in there." I LOVE the little things she does and says. Like yesterday we had a 15 min. conversation about dentures. I have no idea where she learned about them...but she knew and showed me how to take them out and that they go on a "teeth holder". She told me that the dentist gives old people new teeth. Even though sometimes she might drive me crazy some days...I would never give those days up. She is and will always be my little sunshine!
So I know that was probably gross...but it was too cute (on Crystal's part) not to share. I probably won't blog again until after the holiday weekend. We've got a lot going on. We are going camping w/some friends for the weekend and then on Monday is Jeremy's mom's side family reunion. It should be a fun weekend w/nice weather, food, family, & friends! Hope everybody has a safe weekend!!
Last night I decided I'd fix some taco soup. Jeremy's mom makes it and it's WONDERFUL and it kind of sounded good. Right now when something sounds good I go for it! I salted my hamburger like I normally do and added only 1 pkg of taco seasoning and an extra can of tomato sauce.
Like usual I got full quick and couldn't finish what I had dished out. So I'd say I ate a small small of it. Not even 10 minutes after eating it I had severe heartburn and indigestion. I regretted even taking 1 bite...so I went and ate 1/2 the bottle of tums (not really 1/2 the bottle...but I really wanted to!). I ate a little bit of ice cream because that always seems to help and it did.
This morning I woke up and I actually felt pretty good...no sickness! I sat up and instantly started sneezing. So there went my perfect little day thanks to my allergies! Then my gut/stomach started hurting badly. I went straight to the bathroom.
*Here's where the gross part comes in...just a fair warning!!*
To put it nicely...the taco soup literally exploded out of me! Crystal heard something going on in the bathroom and came rushing in. She asked "Mommy, what popped in here?" Before I could even get the slightest answer out she took her 2 index fingers, shoved them up her nose, turned around and went running out of the bathroom say "OHHHH It stinks in here mommy!" Needless to say this baby doesn't like spicey food and or salt. It does like ice cream though :-)
I have been laughing ever since and she won't come into the bathroom while I'm in there. She tells me "I might make it stink some more in there." I LOVE the little things she does and says. Like yesterday we had a 15 min. conversation about dentures. I have no idea where she learned about them...but she knew and showed me how to take them out and that they go on a "teeth holder". She told me that the dentist gives old people new teeth. Even though sometimes she might drive me crazy some days...I would never give those days up. She is and will always be my little sunshine!
So I know that was probably gross...but it was too cute (on Crystal's part) not to share. I probably won't blog again until after the holiday weekend. We've got a lot going on. We are going camping w/some friends for the weekend and then on Monday is Jeremy's mom's side family reunion. It should be a fun weekend w/nice weather, food, family, & friends! Hope everybody has a safe weekend!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Double Digits!
10 weeks...
So much has gone on in this past week I don't know where to start. I guess I'll just start w/ Monday:
Nothing much went on...other than me and Crystal went to work and then hung out @ home the rest of the day and played. I did get her new Jumpstart preschool CD onto the computer and she loves it! Now I can never get her off of my computer...but she's learning lots of stuff...so it's all good!
Tuesday - I think this was the day that I got a call from my doctor saying on my lab tests my thyroid came back a little low and she was going to call in a med. for me to take. She called me having "sub-clinical hypothyroidism. I thought "ok...not big deal" until I got on the computer and started looking stuff up. I was just curious. Well...BIG MISTAKE!!! So I called my doctor back up and started asking all sorts of questions and just what could happen. She told me that my #'s were in normal range...but for a pregnancy they were considered a little low and the medicine would help boost it a little. She assured me everything was ok and I didn't need to worry and if I wanted to come down just to check out the baby I was more than welcomed. I wanted to go down there...but I knew things were ok w/the baby because I've still been a little sickly in the morning. She said every month they will draw blood and check my level just to keep an eye on it. Now I know what my mamaw feels like when she has to take all those medicines!! I have to take this thyroid pill 1st thing in the am w/a full glass of water and not eat anything for 1 hr. afterwards. Then I can't take any other meds within 4 hrs of taking that so I have to take my 2 prenatal vitamins in the afternoon. On top of all of that I'm suppose to be checking my blood sugar once a day. But I'm not complaining because I wanted this and I want a good and healthy baby so I'll do whatever is needed :-)
Wednesday - 1st...I got to start that lovely thyroid med and felt horrible the whole day because I didn't get to eat 1st thing when I woke up. And my allergies and sinuses were HORRIBLE so I just wanted to sleep all day...but couldn't do that. I survived until Jeremy got home and gladly handed Crystal duty over to him and sat in the recliner the rest of the night and went to bed @ 8pm. That was a rough day!
Thursday - Felt much better :-) Me and Crystal went outside and played and enjoyed the nice warm weather.
Friday - Jeremy was off work so we went fishing w/his mom and dad @ Oakland City's new lake. Us girls caught nothing...but the guys did. Nethertheless it was a great day and relaxing. We were suppose to go camping but decided not to because of storms that were heading our way. I was sooooo beat that night that I only got up 1 time to go pee in the middle of the night (that's good...usually it's 3-4 times!!)
Saturday - We went to the river and cleaned out the shed from our old river camp. I think we are officially NOT tied to that thing anymore!!! It's sad to leave from down there...but there is a whole new crowd of people down there and it just doesn't feel the same. Our river spot use to be a place to go to and relax and sit back...but the past couple of years you have people who want to mooch off you coming to your door every 5 mins, people flying down a dead end road, and only god knows what kinds of drugs are coming down there now. It's sad because we use to love going down there and now I don't feel safe there anymore. So RIP to our river camp! Saturday night we went to Evansville to eat @ Logan's. I was really looking forward to eating a nice juicy steak (which I did get) but apparently this baby doesn't like for me to eat. I took 6 bites of steak and 1/2 of my baked potato and was full!!!! Then we went to Chucky Cheese for Crystal to play some games. There the baby decided to use my bladder as a trampoline because I peed 5 times in 1 1/2 hours!! Then we went to Burlington Coat Factory to look for a baby book. I wanted to get a neutral one and get started on it. They had some really cute ones...but they only went up to the 1st birthday and I want one that goes to 5th birthday. So I'll either have to wait until we find out what we are having or search else where. Then we came home and piled into our bed and watched Madagascar 2. Crystal & I were asleep within 20 mins.
Sunday - We went to Jeremy's grandma's house for her bday. I think she's 77 years. old. She loved seeing Crystal and Grant and Gabe. Which by the way made my day cause I got to see those 2 little guys! I haven't seen them for a whole week!! I love playing w/them!
Now we are at home and then sun is going down. It's about time for me to retire to some comfy pj's & the couch and lay back and relax. Oh and whoever ordered this chilly weather should be beat!!!! It's freezing outside! Can't wait for summer time and swimming pools and the whole thing!
So much has gone on in this past week I don't know where to start. I guess I'll just start w/ Monday:
Nothing much went on...other than me and Crystal went to work and then hung out @ home the rest of the day and played. I did get her new Jumpstart preschool CD onto the computer and she loves it! Now I can never get her off of my computer...but she's learning lots of stuff...so it's all good!
Tuesday - I think this was the day that I got a call from my doctor saying on my lab tests my thyroid came back a little low and she was going to call in a med. for me to take. She called me having "sub-clinical hypothyroidism. I thought "ok...not big deal" until I got on the computer and started looking stuff up. I was just curious. Well...BIG MISTAKE!!! So I called my doctor back up and started asking all sorts of questions and just what could happen. She told me that my #'s were in normal range...but for a pregnancy they were considered a little low and the medicine would help boost it a little. She assured me everything was ok and I didn't need to worry and if I wanted to come down just to check out the baby I was more than welcomed. I wanted to go down there...but I knew things were ok w/the baby because I've still been a little sickly in the morning. She said every month they will draw blood and check my level just to keep an eye on it. Now I know what my mamaw feels like when she has to take all those medicines!! I have to take this thyroid pill 1st thing in the am w/a full glass of water and not eat anything for 1 hr. afterwards. Then I can't take any other meds within 4 hrs of taking that so I have to take my 2 prenatal vitamins in the afternoon. On top of all of that I'm suppose to be checking my blood sugar once a day. But I'm not complaining because I wanted this and I want a good and healthy baby so I'll do whatever is needed :-)
Wednesday - 1st...I got to start that lovely thyroid med and felt horrible the whole day because I didn't get to eat 1st thing when I woke up. And my allergies and sinuses were HORRIBLE so I just wanted to sleep all day...but couldn't do that. I survived until Jeremy got home and gladly handed Crystal duty over to him and sat in the recliner the rest of the night and went to bed @ 8pm. That was a rough day!
Thursday - Felt much better :-) Me and Crystal went outside and played and enjoyed the nice warm weather.
Friday - Jeremy was off work so we went fishing w/his mom and dad @ Oakland City's new lake. Us girls caught nothing...but the guys did. Nethertheless it was a great day and relaxing. We were suppose to go camping but decided not to because of storms that were heading our way. I was sooooo beat that night that I only got up 1 time to go pee in the middle of the night (that's good...usually it's 3-4 times!!)
Saturday - We went to the river and cleaned out the shed from our old river camp. I think we are officially NOT tied to that thing anymore!!! It's sad to leave from down there...but there is a whole new crowd of people down there and it just doesn't feel the same. Our river spot use to be a place to go to and relax and sit back...but the past couple of years you have people who want to mooch off you coming to your door every 5 mins, people flying down a dead end road, and only god knows what kinds of drugs are coming down there now. It's sad because we use to love going down there and now I don't feel safe there anymore. So RIP to our river camp! Saturday night we went to Evansville to eat @ Logan's. I was really looking forward to eating a nice juicy steak (which I did get) but apparently this baby doesn't like for me to eat. I took 6 bites of steak and 1/2 of my baked potato and was full!!!! Then we went to Chucky Cheese for Crystal to play some games. There the baby decided to use my bladder as a trampoline because I peed 5 times in 1 1/2 hours!! Then we went to Burlington Coat Factory to look for a baby book. I wanted to get a neutral one and get started on it. They had some really cute ones...but they only went up to the 1st birthday and I want one that goes to 5th birthday. So I'll either have to wait until we find out what we are having or search else where. Then we came home and piled into our bed and watched Madagascar 2. Crystal & I were asleep within 20 mins.
Sunday - We went to Jeremy's grandma's house for her bday. I think she's 77 years. old. She loved seeing Crystal and Grant and Gabe. Which by the way made my day cause I got to see those 2 little guys! I haven't seen them for a whole week!! I love playing w/them!
Now we are at home and then sun is going down. It's about time for me to retire to some comfy pj's & the couch and lay back and relax. Oh and whoever ordered this chilly weather should be beat!!!! It's freezing outside! Can't wait for summer time and swimming pools and the whole thing!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Happy Mother's Day...
9 weeks...
Me, Crystal, My mom (Delores) and Jeremy's mom (Kelly)
My little sunshine, Crystal Brooke, posing like a little princess!!
Jeremy, Crystal, & me by the waterfall...it's sooo beautiful there!
Me, Crystal, & Jeremy in front of a beautiful orange-colored azaela. My mission now is to find one of these!
Jeremy, Crystal and Kelly aka Mamaw
Jeremy falling out of the hammock...we all dared him to try it out...lol!

Mother's day was an awesome day this year! Crystal and Jeremy woke me up w/a cute homemade card! I got a pad for my front porch swing and a camping trip....which I was told about a few ago...thanks to my 3 year old...lol! This is soooo funny not to share w/everybody...so here's how the conversation went:
(I'm sitting @ the computer and Crystal comes in)
Crystal: Mommy, Daddy says we're going camping for mudder's day.
Me: Oh really???
Crystal: Ya...(quietly she says)but it's suppose to be a secret!!!
Me: Then why did you tell me?
Crystal: Because I saw the camper sitting outside.
How cute was that!!! Of course it was a surprise...I just wasn't suppose to find out about it until Sunday. I love that little stinker!!
So after my little fart jumps on the bed and hugs and kisses me we get ready and go to church. After church we packed a picnic and invited my mom and dad & Jeremy's mom and dad to the Azaela Path (I don't know if I spelled that right?) It was soooo pretty up there and we all had a blast!! Then we came home and I was told that if I gave Chase (my sheltie) a bath and brushed him really good and trimmed his hair then he could start staying inside. I was thrilled and jumped right on that!! I spent 1 1/2 hrs. grooming him and he loved it! He's just a little confused why he's inside...but I don't think he's complaining one bit!
I did get a little choked up when I woke up Sunday morning and only had 1 little fart jump on the bed to wish my a Happy Mother's day. I can't help to think every day...Mason should be here doing this or going here. I know this 1st year is going to be tough but I also know that no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing my little boy is ALWAYS with me enjoying it too...I just can't see him...but I can feel him helping me every step of the way. I found this poem on one of my friend's blogs. She too lost her 2nd baby...a little boy in Feb. and is going through pretty much everything I have and still am. I read the poem and thought as much as I want Mason here on earth...there is a reason why I found that poem to read. I had to paste and copy so when I felt down I could come back and read it and know everything is going to be ok.
Dear Mr. Hallmark,
I am writing to you from heaven,and though it must appear
A rather strange idea,I see everything from here.
I just popped in to visit,your stores to find a card
A card of love for my mother,as this day for her is hard.
There must be some mistake I thought,
every card you could imagine except I could not find a card,
from a child who lives in heaven.She is still a mother too,
no matter where I reside I had to leave,
she understands,but oh the tears she's cried.
I thought that if I wrote you,that you would come to know
That though I live in heaven now,
I still love my mother so.
She talks with me, and dreams with me;
we still share laughter too,
Memories our way of speaking now,would you see what you could do?
My mother carries me in her heart,her tears she hides from sight.
She writes poems to honor me,
sometimes far into the night
She plants flowers in my garden,there my living memory dwells
She writes to other grieving parents,trying to ease their pain as well.
So you see Mr. Hallmark,though I no longer live on earth
I must find a way,to remind her of her wondrous worth
She needs to be honored,and remembered too
Just as the children of earth will do.
Thank you Mr. Hallmark,
I know you'll do your best I have done all I can do;
to you I'll leave the rest.
Find a way to tell her,how much she means to me
Until I can do it for myself,when she joins me in eternity.
by Jody
In Memory of Her Son, Cory
Posted again by Kali Lance In Memory of her little boy, Mason Wyatt Lance
Hope you enjoy the pics from Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mark the Date...December 15th!!
8 weeks 3 days...
So today was the big day!! I thought my morning sickness had been bad these past couple of days...but oh boy was it HORRIBLE today...well actually just the morning but I think my nerves had 99.999% to play in that!
So like I've said before...today has been 6 months to the date that we lost Mason. So naturally I knew I would be a little nervous...but not as bad as I was. It's a bad feeling when you've got 40 mins to get the Newburgh and every 3 mins you think you need to pull over to puke. That's how I felt this morning. I did make it down there...just on time...and NO pulling over to get sick :-) I told Jeremy I wasn't going to let my nerves make me sick.
So we get down there and have 2 mins before my app. and we have to park in Egypt and walk in the rain. YAY FUN!! So I get up there and sit and wait. I'm about to pee down my leg and get sick all over the place because my nerves were really kicking in. Finally they called my name. I get in the room (my mom and Crystal were w/me) and she tells me to go empty my bladder cause they are going to a vaginal US. I don't think anybody has ever been excited to have one of these done as I was because all I wanted to see was a beating heart. And for the record it didn't hurt or feel as uncomfortable as I thought it would.
So she starts the US and the 1st thing I'm looking for a that little heart pumping away...and sure enough...we saw it and heard it!!! 164 BPM. It sounded soooo strong and was loud. Finally my nerves calmed down & I felt soooo much better! She took measurements and the baby is right on track w/everything. We even got a little wiggle out of it...that was soooo cute!!! Just as long as it doesn't run around in there like a race track...a little wiggle here and there and kicks will please me! She said she could tell this egg came from my R. ovary which is kind of unique because w/all the trying w/all 3 kids I have never had any luck getting pregnant when I ovulated from my R. side.
After that was over I headed to the lab and had about 1/2 of my blood sucked out me (not really but it felt like it!). My blood pressure was 112/58. Then it was off to see Dr. Ramsey. I talked to her for about 25 mins and she told me everything they would do this time. Here's just a quick run down for ya:
1. Appointments every 3 weeks instead of 4
2. US every appointment (she has US machines in her rooms)
3. US and non-stress tests starting @ 26 weeks and to the doctor every 2 weeks .
4. HB monitor for my personal use starting @ 26 weeks that I can take home w/me. She's going to teach me how to use it and what to listen for, for any signs of distress.
5. An open door to the office for an US whenever I feel like I "just need to see".
6. Considered high risk...mainly for insurance reasons.
7. No major restrictions just yet...other than no excessive bumpiness (is that even a word...lol), no heavy lifting, no over-head reaching, and plenty of relaxing and resting!
She is such a great doctor...she told me that if I could she'd let me live w/her for the last couple of months because she's less than a mile from the hospital and she'd hook me up to any machines I wanted...lol! She also said that I was a brave person going through what I did and wanting to try for another baby. I told her that I think Crystal deserves to have a sibling and I'll do anything to make that happen. She said I put a new definition to the word "strong" because to have gone through all of that w/Mason and not fallen into depression...especially post-partum depression takes a lot of faith, will, determination, and trust. I told her I was putting all of that into God hands and just pray that he'll make this dream come true. I told her that I felt like I couldn't be mad because what I experienced w/Mason before he passed was beautiful and wonderful and I couldn't be mad for God giving me him no matter how his life ended. I love my doctor!!
So here's a few photos...hope you enjoy!! Next appointment is May 26 (Tuesday) @ 10am.
We I got to hear and see the HB...which was 164 BPM.
So today was the big day!! I thought my morning sickness had been bad these past couple of days...but oh boy was it HORRIBLE today...well actually just the morning but I think my nerves had 99.999% to play in that!
So like I've said before...today has been 6 months to the date that we lost Mason. So naturally I knew I would be a little nervous...but not as bad as I was. It's a bad feeling when you've got 40 mins to get the Newburgh and every 3 mins you think you need to pull over to puke. That's how I felt this morning. I did make it down there...just on time...and NO pulling over to get sick :-) I told Jeremy I wasn't going to let my nerves make me sick.
So we get down there and have 2 mins before my app. and we have to park in Egypt and walk in the rain. YAY FUN!! So I get up there and sit and wait. I'm about to pee down my leg and get sick all over the place because my nerves were really kicking in. Finally they called my name. I get in the room (my mom and Crystal were w/me) and she tells me to go empty my bladder cause they are going to a vaginal US. I don't think anybody has ever been excited to have one of these done as I was because all I wanted to see was a beating heart. And for the record it didn't hurt or feel as uncomfortable as I thought it would.
So she starts the US and the 1st thing I'm looking for a that little heart pumping away...and sure enough...we saw it and heard it!!! 164 BPM. It sounded soooo strong and was loud. Finally my nerves calmed down & I felt soooo much better! She took measurements and the baby is right on track w/everything. We even got a little wiggle out of it...that was soooo cute!!! Just as long as it doesn't run around in there like a race track...a little wiggle here and there and kicks will please me! She said she could tell this egg came from my R. ovary which is kind of unique because w/all the trying w/all 3 kids I have never had any luck getting pregnant when I ovulated from my R. side.
After that was over I headed to the lab and had about 1/2 of my blood sucked out me (not really but it felt like it!). My blood pressure was 112/58. Then it was off to see Dr. Ramsey. I talked to her for about 25 mins and she told me everything they would do this time. Here's just a quick run down for ya:
1. Appointments every 3 weeks instead of 4
2. US every appointment (she has US machines in her rooms)
3. US and non-stress tests starting @ 26 weeks and to the doctor every 2 weeks .
4. HB monitor for my personal use starting @ 26 weeks that I can take home w/me. She's going to teach me how to use it and what to listen for, for any signs of distress.
5. An open door to the office for an US whenever I feel like I "just need to see".
6. Considered high risk...mainly for insurance reasons.
7. No major restrictions just yet...other than no excessive bumpiness (is that even a word...lol), no heavy lifting, no over-head reaching, and plenty of relaxing and resting!
She is such a great doctor...she told me that if I could she'd let me live w/her for the last couple of months because she's less than a mile from the hospital and she'd hook me up to any machines I wanted...lol! She also said that I was a brave person going through what I did and wanting to try for another baby. I told her that I think Crystal deserves to have a sibling and I'll do anything to make that happen. She said I put a new definition to the word "strong" because to have gone through all of that w/Mason and not fallen into depression...especially post-partum depression takes a lot of faith, will, determination, and trust. I told her I was putting all of that into God hands and just pray that he'll make this dream come true. I told her that I felt like I couldn't be mad because what I experienced w/Mason before he passed was beautiful and wonderful and I couldn't be mad for God giving me him no matter how his life ended. I love my doctor!!
So here's a few photos...hope you enjoy!! Next appointment is May 26 (Tuesday) @ 10am.

Monday, May 4, 2009
Goodbye Coconut Shrimp...Hello Strawberry Pie...YUM!!
8 weeks 1 day...
So if I didn't say this before...I had this HUGE craving for coconut shrimp. I couldn't get enough of it...I even bought a 2 lbs box of it @ Sam's! Then one morning I woke up and coconut shrimp was NOT on the craving list anymore! If fact...if I think about it...I feel sick to my stomach! But...the new craving is Strawberry pie...yumyumyum!!! Luckily I have this AWESOME recipe for it and made myself 2 pies today!! I'm proud to say that 1/2 of 1 pie is gone and the nights not over...hehehe!!
The past couple of days (actually for almost a whole week) I have felt horrible!! Thinking about food was something I didn't want to do because it made me feel horrible! Poor Jeremy & Crystal though...I couldn't even make supper without it making me sick to my stomach. But...I haven't got sick yet (I hate doing that!!). I told Jeremy whoever said the more babies you have the less the morning sickness...they apparently didn't know what they were talking about. But...that comes w/the whole pregnancy...I just hope it doesn't last all 9 months!
Wish me luck cause on Wednesday is my 1st doc. appointment. I have an US @ 1045am. I'm excited but also nervous! My mom is going w/me...I think I'll make sure to take somebody w/me to every appointment. Jeremy is going to try to be w/me on the phone. I know we should be able to see the HB...hopefully we'll be able to hear it too! I'll post something that night or next morning to let everybody know how things went and maybe even be able to put some US pics up. So...just keep me in mind on Wednesday. It's going to be kind of a weird day because it'll be exactly 6 months to the date that we lost Mason...and we are meeting our next little miracle. Definitely some mixed emotions...but I just hope that means for an excellent appointment. Wish me luck!!
So if I didn't say this before...I had this HUGE craving for coconut shrimp. I couldn't get enough of it...I even bought a 2 lbs box of it @ Sam's! Then one morning I woke up and coconut shrimp was NOT on the craving list anymore! If fact...if I think about it...I feel sick to my stomach! But...the new craving is Strawberry pie...yumyumyum!!! Luckily I have this AWESOME recipe for it and made myself 2 pies today!! I'm proud to say that 1/2 of 1 pie is gone and the nights not over...hehehe!!
The past couple of days (actually for almost a whole week) I have felt horrible!! Thinking about food was something I didn't want to do because it made me feel horrible! Poor Jeremy & Crystal though...I couldn't even make supper without it making me sick to my stomach. But...I haven't got sick yet (I hate doing that!!). I told Jeremy whoever said the more babies you have the less the morning sickness...they apparently didn't know what they were talking about. But...that comes w/the whole pregnancy...I just hope it doesn't last all 9 months!
Wish me luck cause on Wednesday is my 1st doc. appointment. I have an US @ 1045am. I'm excited but also nervous! My mom is going w/me...I think I'll make sure to take somebody w/me to every appointment. Jeremy is going to try to be w/me on the phone. I know we should be able to see the HB...hopefully we'll be able to hear it too! I'll post something that night or next morning to let everybody know how things went and maybe even be able to put some US pics up. So...just keep me in mind on Wednesday. It's going to be kind of a weird day because it'll be exactly 6 months to the date that we lost Mason...and we are meeting our next little miracle. Definitely some mixed emotions...but I just hope that means for an excellent appointment. Wish me luck!!
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