Wow!! I can't believe it's been 2 years since we met & lost Mason. The time sure does fly by. I handled it very well this year...alot better than last year. They say the 1st year is the toughest & it was but this 2nd year has been tough too because of having Clay here & just thinking what Mason would have been like. But like I always say...Clay has been the best baby to have after loosing a baby...he's such a cuddler & Momma's boy :)
So yesterday Crystal had cheer practice in Evansville. They are getting ready for their 1st competition this Saturday!!!! So I was surrounded by friends & my MIL. Plus not to mention getting to watch Crystal do something she is enjoying filled my heart up :) Then we went to Toys-R-Us. I thank God my MIL was there & remember why it's been FOREVER since I went to Evansville on a weekend...esp this close to Christmas!!!! CRAZY PEOPLE!!!! On the way home we got ice cream from DQ. Jeremy had to work so when we got home he was home & heading out for an evening hunt. I had signed up to work @ our church's Fall Festival so I had to head into their w/the kids. It was fun...again surrounded by friends & family...watching Crystal have a blast. The only bad thing was Clay didn't feel good...but he did snuggle w/me the whole time :)
Afterwards we all went to Walmart & Crystal picked out Toy Story 3 for Mason's bday. We had some cupcakes from the cake walk @ the Fall Fest so we put 2 candles in there & sang happy birthday for Mason. Crystal got to blow them out w/"Mason's Bear" help. I'd like to say that I loved the movie...however I got puked on 2 times which required baths soooooo...I didn't get to see the whole thing...maybe tonight.
I truly think God & Mason watch over us. God made Clay & sent him to us being extra cuddly & a momma's boy knowing that would help fill my heart & stop it from breaking.
I'm home w/Clay this Sunday morning & Jeremy & Crystal are at church. I really wished I could go because it was All Saints Day & they were going to be reading my papaw's name but I don't want to take sickness into a public area. So as I sit here...I think & remember my papaw & Mason & pray they watch over my kids, family, & myself each & every day :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Well...we've been looking @ almost 32 acres of woods close to our house. It has a great place to build & the utilities are already there. We've walked it a few times & we really like it!! It does have some draw mineral rights & it has a junked trailer that we would have to get rid of (somebody would probably buy it for a song & dance...but to me it's an eye sore). The asking price was set at $137,000 Knowing what we do about the whole mineral rights and such we made a low offer of $107000. I thought that was a high offer considering some things but it was fair. So yesterday we got a counter offer of $120,000. Still no mineral rights & out of our price range. We are sending our offer again of the $107,000 to make a point of that is our offer. the meantime we've found out that refinancing our house is going to cut into the down payment money :( And the dollar figure the owner is going to get off the coal (which is part of the mineral rights) is sickening. Plus w/a few other things we have found out about the land & refinancing...I think somebody is sending us signs. It's hard to listen to them when you want something soooooo bad but we have to.
I just pray that one of these days the right piece of ground comes up for sale. Until then...we'll keep looking :) the meantime we've found out that refinancing our house is going to cut into the down payment money :( And the dollar figure the owner is going to get off the coal (which is part of the mineral rights) is sickening. Plus w/a few other things we have found out about the land & refinancing...I think somebody is sending us signs. It's hard to listen to them when you want something soooooo bad but we have to.
I just pray that one of these days the right piece of ground comes up for sale. Until then...we'll keep looking :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
I've been bad...
Time to catch up again!!! I thought I was going to start back into blogging...but I just haven't had the time. I know that's bad to say but I have been busy. we go:
The kids...Crystal is still in cheer and loving it!! Her first competition is 11/13/2010 @ Lexington, KY. She's sooo excited & I'm soooo nervous :) They are going to do great though :) She's also picked up taking dance too and really likes that. I think we've found her "thing to do"!!
She learned to swim all by herself this summer in our pool too. She'll go from the ladder to the other side & she's swimming under water! We had to visit the doctor because she got swimmers ear so we have to be more careful when dry her ears out. That little fish was even diving under to the bottom to get stuff...CRAZY!!
On 10/12 she turned the whole hand full...we are now 5 YEARS old!!!! It truely doesn't seem possible...she should make be 3 yrs @ best! She had a great birthday. Her party was @ pump it up & had a blast!! Then we went to Huber Winery to the pumpkin patch. She got her 1st compound bow @ Bass Pro and got her ears pierced. She thinks she's hot stuff now :) We all went on her birthday hunt that lasted maybe 20!! We went to Club Tabby & she didn't get a makeover but she got a cute tutu & matching hairbow. Then we ate @ Cheeseburger in Paradise...her FAVORITE place to eat!! A friend of mine works there and he made sure to treat her good...she got a big thing on ice cream w/a candle to blow out!! We made her birthday extra special this year for a few reasons... #1 next year she'll be in school on her birthday. #2 This was her 1st birthday w/celebrating w/a sibling finally!!! She loved that Clay had "picked out the exact things she wanted" :)
Clay...such a momma's boy!!! I feel like I don't get anything done around the house because he's right there...but I'm not complaining at all because one of these days he won't do that.
He is a crawling machine! He loves to be chased :) He likes to climb on everything! He's made it up onto the couch a few times.
He's finally got 2 teeth in...YEAH!!!! He loves table food and will literally eat anything! He's not wanting to give that bottle up yet though. I've switched him over to primarily regular milk now & he's doing really good w/that.
I can always count on him to be up and wanting in our bed @430am.
He loves to give mommy kisses :) .When he's done w/something he'll throw his hands up by his head and say " A duh" (All done) :) It's soooo cute!!
He dances and claps w/his musical toys & sometimes even sing with them!! He likes to hide out under his crib. He loves playing pat-a-cake!!! He claps and rolls when I do and sings along in his own little language!!
He says "dada" "mama" "sha" (that's for Chase our dog) "A duh" (all done) "ba" (bye bye) "aya" (Nala our lab) and we think "eww" is for sissy because he looks for her when he's saying that.
He's outgoing but more reserved than Crystal was when she was his age. He always wakes up w/wild hair & a happy little grin on his face :) Still loves to cuddle. LOVES TO BE OUTSIDE!! Wagon rides & swining is his thing :)
I've also started up an ebay business. I sell the kid's clothes and other treasures I find. It's interesting & entertaining & helps a little w/money. Oh...and I do this because my boss decided to "let me go" because he needed to save some money. However I don't think that was the case but life goes on & you learn to adapt & I'm loving staying @ home & being a true "stay-at-home mom"
Oh I have to brag...I made some of the best blackberry jelly!!! I'll have enought to sell in the next couple of years :)
We've had a couple of stressful things happen that has to deal w/certain family members. I'm not going to bash them but I'd like to say that after talking to other family & our friends; I've learned life isn't about making everybody happy & saying "no" to keep my family healthy & listening to God is what is important to me
The kids...Crystal is still in cheer and loving it!! Her first competition is 11/13/2010 @ Lexington, KY. She's sooo excited & I'm soooo nervous :) They are going to do great though :) She's also picked up taking dance too and really likes that. I think we've found her "thing to do"!!
She learned to swim all by herself this summer in our pool too. She'll go from the ladder to the other side & she's swimming under water! We had to visit the doctor because she got swimmers ear so we have to be more careful when dry her ears out. That little fish was even diving under to the bottom to get stuff...CRAZY!!
On 10/12 she turned the whole hand full...we are now 5 YEARS old!!!! It truely doesn't seem possible...she should make be 3 yrs @ best! She had a great birthday. Her party was @ pump it up & had a blast!! Then we went to Huber Winery to the pumpkin patch. She got her 1st compound bow @ Bass Pro and got her ears pierced. She thinks she's hot stuff now :) We all went on her birthday hunt that lasted maybe 20!! We went to Club Tabby & she didn't get a makeover but she got a cute tutu & matching hairbow. Then we ate @ Cheeseburger in Paradise...her FAVORITE place to eat!! A friend of mine works there and he made sure to treat her good...she got a big thing on ice cream w/a candle to blow out!! We made her birthday extra special this year for a few reasons... #1 next year she'll be in school on her birthday. #2 This was her 1st birthday w/celebrating w/a sibling finally!!! She loved that Clay had "picked out the exact things she wanted" :)
Clay...such a momma's boy!!! I feel like I don't get anything done around the house because he's right there...but I'm not complaining at all because one of these days he won't do that.
He is a crawling machine! He loves to be chased :) He likes to climb on everything! He's made it up onto the couch a few times.
He's finally got 2 teeth in...YEAH!!!! He loves table food and will literally eat anything! He's not wanting to give that bottle up yet though. I've switched him over to primarily regular milk now & he's doing really good w/that.
I can always count on him to be up and wanting in our bed @430am.
He loves to give mommy kisses :) .When he's done w/something he'll throw his hands up by his head and say " A duh" (All done) :) It's soooo cute!!
He dances and claps w/his musical toys & sometimes even sing with them!! He likes to hide out under his crib. He loves playing pat-a-cake!!! He claps and rolls when I do and sings along in his own little language!!
He says "dada" "mama" "sha" (that's for Chase our dog) "A duh" (all done) "ba" (bye bye) "aya" (Nala our lab) and we think "eww" is for sissy because he looks for her when he's saying that.
He's outgoing but more reserved than Crystal was when she was his age. He always wakes up w/wild hair & a happy little grin on his face :) Still loves to cuddle. LOVES TO BE OUTSIDE!! Wagon rides & swining is his thing :)
I've also started up an ebay business. I sell the kid's clothes and other treasures I find. It's interesting & entertaining & helps a little w/money. Oh...and I do this because my boss decided to "let me go" because he needed to save some money. However I don't think that was the case but life goes on & you learn to adapt & I'm loving staying @ home & being a true "stay-at-home mom"
Oh I have to brag...I made some of the best blackberry jelly!!! I'll have enought to sell in the next couple of years :)
We've had a couple of stressful things happen that has to deal w/certain family members. I'm not going to bash them but I'd like to say that after talking to other family & our friends; I've learned life isn't about making everybody happy & saying "no" to keep my family healthy & listening to God is what is important to me
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Catching up...
This summer has been a lot of fun w/a few not so fun to catch up here's whats been going on since my last post which was memorial day...
Camping...we've been on 2 camping to Mill Creek in IL and the other to KY lake where we stayed @ Big Bear. Both were fun and we did a lot of swimming. If you are a FB follower...I have the pics on there.
Jeremy & I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary!!! I'm soooo glad I found him...he is the best husband, daddy, & friend :-) I love you Jeremy!!!
Cheer...Crystal is in cheer & gymnastics & she loves it! The cheer is competitive so they will be competing 11/13 @ Lexington & 1/26 @ Indy. I can't wait to see 3-5 yr olds doing this cheer's going to be sooooo cute!!!
Clay is now 8 months old!!!!! It only seems like yesterday that we were bringing in hom. He's crawling, pulling up to everything (but staying on his knees), says dadada & bubub & mmmm (which I think is mamama for now :) ). He loves the water & to be outside! He ate his 1st hand fulls of sand & grass...uck!!! He loves food & has even started eating some table food...chicken, hamburger, pizza, peaches, pears, bananas but he also really loves his I think he's going to be a tough one to get off that. Still very much a mama's boy :-) Loves his sissy more and more everyday!! Loves when daddy comes home too...he gets excited & squeaks really high...too cute! He kind of waves bye. Still has no teeth...I think his top 2 and bottom 2 are all going to come in @ the same time though :( Loves to give those big wet kisses...mommy can't get enough of those!!!
Went to another STL baseball game & are going again Sep 18th. The cards won...and we had excellent seats!!! We went to the arch & had a pretty good time. are on fb.
Been boating on the river & Patoka Lake. We got us a tube & Crystal loves riding it w/us!! She's a little dare devil!!
Switched our internet and LOVE IT!!!! Verizon is much better and way faster than Wild Blue.
Got a pool too!!!!! It's 24ft & 4 1/2 ft. deep. It's awesome & it's nice to have our own to go slip into to relax @ night after the kids go to bed. We'll still be swimming down @ mom & dad's too...esp until we get our deck built...the kids love to run & jump in. We are also adding on a tiki bar to our barn. It's going to be all part of putting the pool's going to look awesome when it's done!!! The kids love it & I can't keep Crystal out of it.
Now the not so good parts of summer...
First...Crystal has to get her little fake tooth replaced and her other front tooth...the nerve in it is dead. She hit her mouth on the back of the couch :( Her real tooth w/the damaged root is still in & should stay in but it's discolored. What matters though is it doesn't bother her.
And finally...on July 22nd @ 515pm my papaw passed away. He was 93 yrs old & fully independent until he had to have stomach surgery the 1st part of April. This has been really tough because he got really good & was probably a week away from going home and then had complications from the 1st surgery...had to have a 2nd one...and wasn't strong enough to fight that battle of infections. I always wondered what would be harder...watching somebody slip away but being able to say goodbye or something happening instantly & not getting to say goodbye...getting to say goodbye is a lot harder. At the time I did my last post, papaw was getting lots better day by day & was talking so I was going to Eville to visit him more. You never know how many more times you'll get to see somebody so within reason I tried to see him as much as possible. We had his memorial service on 7/31 & it was was papaw. Got to see & talk to alot of's just sad it was under these terms. I have alot more to say about my papaw & I'm working on my blog for that. I miss him everyday but I know he's not sick anymore and healed.
That's all for now...I'll try to keep up on my posts a little better...& w/this faster internet...maybe I can put some video on here :-)
Camping...we've been on 2 camping to Mill Creek in IL and the other to KY lake where we stayed @ Big Bear. Both were fun and we did a lot of swimming. If you are a FB follower...I have the pics on there.
Jeremy & I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary!!! I'm soooo glad I found him...he is the best husband, daddy, & friend :-) I love you Jeremy!!!
Cheer...Crystal is in cheer & gymnastics & she loves it! The cheer is competitive so they will be competing 11/13 @ Lexington & 1/26 @ Indy. I can't wait to see 3-5 yr olds doing this cheer's going to be sooooo cute!!!
Clay is now 8 months old!!!!! It only seems like yesterday that we were bringing in hom. He's crawling, pulling up to everything (but staying on his knees), says dadada & bubub & mmmm (which I think is mamama for now :) ). He loves the water & to be outside! He ate his 1st hand fulls of sand & grass...uck!!! He loves food & has even started eating some table food...chicken, hamburger, pizza, peaches, pears, bananas but he also really loves his I think he's going to be a tough one to get off that. Still very much a mama's boy :-) Loves his sissy more and more everyday!! Loves when daddy comes home too...he gets excited & squeaks really high...too cute! He kind of waves bye. Still has no teeth...I think his top 2 and bottom 2 are all going to come in @ the same time though :( Loves to give those big wet kisses...mommy can't get enough of those!!!
Went to another STL baseball game & are going again Sep 18th. The cards won...and we had excellent seats!!! We went to the arch & had a pretty good time. are on fb.
Been boating on the river & Patoka Lake. We got us a tube & Crystal loves riding it w/us!! She's a little dare devil!!
Switched our internet and LOVE IT!!!! Verizon is much better and way faster than Wild Blue.
Got a pool too!!!!! It's 24ft & 4 1/2 ft. deep. It's awesome & it's nice to have our own to go slip into to relax @ night after the kids go to bed. We'll still be swimming down @ mom & dad's too...esp until we get our deck built...the kids love to run & jump in. We are also adding on a tiki bar to our barn. It's going to be all part of putting the pool's going to look awesome when it's done!!! The kids love it & I can't keep Crystal out of it.
Now the not so good parts of summer...
First...Crystal has to get her little fake tooth replaced and her other front tooth...the nerve in it is dead. She hit her mouth on the back of the couch :( Her real tooth w/the damaged root is still in & should stay in but it's discolored. What matters though is it doesn't bother her.
And finally...on July 22nd @ 515pm my papaw passed away. He was 93 yrs old & fully independent until he had to have stomach surgery the 1st part of April. This has been really tough because he got really good & was probably a week away from going home and then had complications from the 1st surgery...had to have a 2nd one...and wasn't strong enough to fight that battle of infections. I always wondered what would be harder...watching somebody slip away but being able to say goodbye or something happening instantly & not getting to say goodbye...getting to say goodbye is a lot harder. At the time I did my last post, papaw was getting lots better day by day & was talking so I was going to Eville to visit him more. You never know how many more times you'll get to see somebody so within reason I tried to see him as much as possible. We had his memorial service on 7/31 & it was was papaw. Got to see & talk to alot of's just sad it was under these terms. I have alot more to say about my papaw & I'm working on my blog for that. I miss him everyday but I know he's not sick anymore and healed.
That's all for now...I'll try to keep up on my posts a little better...& w/this faster internet...maybe I can put some video on here :-)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Just a short one...
I know I haven't been on here like I should...but w/the weather getting nicer's hard to stay indoors!! So just a quick update on Mr. Clay Briley...he's 5 1/2 months old!!!! Where does time go...seriously????? He weighs 18 1/2lbs & is solid. He loves all kind of baby food...even creamed spinach...uck!!! No wonder he's 18 1/2 lbs...Lord help me when he's a!!! Here are his likes:
*Rolling from side to side
*Any and all baby food...he even ate a cracker too!
*Mommy kisses
*All about's scary because he watches every little move she does and just smiles and laughs @ her...they are 2 peas in a pod!!! God knew what he was doing when he made them brother & sister :-)
*Blowing raspberries when he is taking bites and getting food all over me :-)
*Sticking his tougne out...I just taught him that a couple of days
*Water...I think he's part!!!!
*Watching baseball w/daddy
*Laughing...everything is funny & it melts my heart to hear him laugh :-) He's such a good and happy little guy!!
*Not taking a nap during day...going to bed @ 8pm and getting up @!!
*Being outside
* Dogs...esp our sheltie. He has this look in his eyes like "One of these days I'm going to get a great big fist full of your hair & I'm going to pull and laugh"
*Water in his sippy cup..he'll drink some juice but I think prefers water..which is ok cause it's free.
*, shirts, cell phones...whatever comes close enough his little hands are reaching for!!
*Cuddling w/his momma :-)
I can't believe that next week he's going to be 6 months old...that's 1/2 a yr away from his 1st birthday!!!!!! He just amazes me on how good and lovable he is...he's what I needed after loosing Mason. It's so neat to feel the difference between a Mother/daughter bond and a Mother/son bond. I love both my kids to pieces and what I love them for I can't say I love one more than the other because it's certain little things that child does that melts my heart. All I can say is that I love being a mommy!!!! If it weren't for all the "possible" complications...I'd have more kids...but having my 2 plus Mason is good enough for me...they are my life. So I know this blog was mainly about Clay...but I just want to say...I love you Crystal & Clay & Mason!!!!
*Rolling from side to side
*Any and all baby food...he even ate a cracker too!
*Mommy kisses
*All about's scary because he watches every little move she does and just smiles and laughs @ her...they are 2 peas in a pod!!! God knew what he was doing when he made them brother & sister :-)
*Blowing raspberries when he is taking bites and getting food all over me :-)
*Sticking his tougne out...I just taught him that a couple of days
*Water...I think he's part!!!!
*Watching baseball w/daddy
*Laughing...everything is funny & it melts my heart to hear him laugh :-) He's such a good and happy little guy!!
*Not taking a nap during day...going to bed @ 8pm and getting up @!!
*Being outside
* Dogs...esp our sheltie. He has this look in his eyes like "One of these days I'm going to get a great big fist full of your hair & I'm going to pull and laugh"
*Water in his sippy cup..he'll drink some juice but I think prefers water..which is ok cause it's free.
*, shirts, cell phones...whatever comes close enough his little hands are reaching for!!
*Cuddling w/his momma :-)
I can't believe that next week he's going to be 6 months old...that's 1/2 a yr away from his 1st birthday!!!!!! He just amazes me on how good and lovable he is...he's what I needed after loosing Mason. It's so neat to feel the difference between a Mother/daughter bond and a Mother/son bond. I love both my kids to pieces and what I love them for I can't say I love one more than the other because it's certain little things that child does that melts my heart. All I can say is that I love being a mommy!!!! If it weren't for all the "possible" complications...I'd have more kids...but having my 2 plus Mason is good enough for me...they are my life. So I know this blog was mainly about Clay...but I just want to say...I love you Crystal & Clay & Mason!!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
4 month Stats on my Big Boy!!
Clay had is 4 month check up on 4/8 and did really good!! He's right on track for his age. He weighed 16 lbs. 1 oz & is 25 1/2 in. long!!!! Both are in the 75% so he's growing like a little weed!! I can't believe that only 4 months ago he was 6lbs. 11oz.
He's rolled over a few times from his belly to his back and lifts his head up really good now! I got his jumparoo out a couple of days ago and he goes WILD in it!!! He loves it too :-) My mom got him this red bird thing that he can chew on it's feet and he likes to chew on his needless to say it's going to get washed frequently. He loves putting things in his hands and straight to the mouth it goes!!
Everything is still very funny to him...esp sissy and mommy. Jeremy is very interesting to him too...but he sits and studies him and then will smile really big @ him. I think he's learning how to be just like his daddy :-) His laugh is the cutest and most wonderful sound!!!! I would love to tickle him all day long just to hear that :-) He's going to be a talker too...he's all the time making sounds and talking to the tv. He's not big into cartoons but LOVES basketball and baseball (Jeremy says "That's my boy!!!")
He's still taking 4 oz bottles but @ lunch time he eats some baby food w/cereal & takes about 2 oz...he loves his baby food!!! Right now his favorite is yogurt & homemade peach baby food. He's had green beans and applesauce and likes them...but not as much as the other two.
He loves being outside too!!! He can't wait to start walking...I can tell because his feet go 100 miles a min just Crystal run & jump outside! I think he might be a early walker because he already does his legs in the walking motion...but we'll see :-)
He's still a little momma's boy and loves to be held. I don't believe you can ever spoil a
child by holding them too much so he's in my arms A LOT & I LOVE IT!!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Mommy Break Down Ahead...proceed w/Caution :-)
This past weekend I had a major breakdown!!! It started w/Friday night. We decided to test Clay out in his baby bed. I was hesitant because I just like him being right there beside me in his bassinet where I can take a peak @ him if I wake up in the middle of the night. But I stayed strong and decided I would be ok...I had the monitor right next to my head to hear any little peep he made. He did really good though so we decided it was ok to start letting him sleep in there. Saturday was good...nothing major changed. Then Sunday morning came. His morning feeding became his last time for me to nurse him. It made me sad to quit but @ the same time I think he was getting close to being need to wean off because he's starting to teeth and he has bit me a couple of times the past week. I didn't want him to continue to do that & telling him "No"...well...that broke my heart too plus he'd just smile really big @ me. Plus w/my new birth control I'm taking I couldn't be nursing. Then on Monday I went to get him dress so we could leave for work and his clothes were too we had to switch out to 3-6 month clothes :-( Then on top of that I get to work and my boss is anything but friendly so I sat and cried most of the time I was @ work. There was just too much stuff that was changing in a short period of time.
I'm a little better now...but this week has been an emotional roller coaster for me. For the past 2 yrs I've either been pregnant or trying to get pregnant so I've not really done a lot of stuff for's always been for the sake of getting pregnant or for the little boys I carried or nursing Clay...which I'm not complaining about that at all...but I kind of don't know what to do with myself now. Just yesterday I had bad sinus stuff going on and I was sitting there wondering what I could take...then it came to me that I can take anything now. It sounds silly to get upset over something like that but I did. I think that w/me starting a new birth control and not nursing now I've got more hormones to deal with and it's making me emotional.
Then there's the issue of having more kids or not. Jeremy doesn't and I really don't...but when I talk about no more kids...I get upset w/that too. I'm 95% sure I don't want anymore because I don't want to take any more risks and I have 2 of the most happy and healthy kids anybody could ask for. It's not like there aren't with me 24/7 because they go to work w/me, they go shopping w/me...there's really not alot I don't do w/them. But since I've been having all this overwhelmness I'm going to drop my 2 hr. day @ work and just be there for 2-3hr days. I want to stay home more and enjoy my kids. I think this will help alot because summer is coming up and it's always so nice to be outside and go swimming. Jeremy gave me to ok to just stop working all together but I can't let go of a job that lets me bring my kids to work and where I get to make my own work schedule. I really think I jumped too fast into coming back to work and didn't take the time off that I needed. I started back @ 6 hrs. a week 2 weeks after I had Clay & my 8 hrs. a week 4 wks after I had I don't think I allowed myself to have that "at home time" because @ that point I was scared to death of the NICU bills that we were maybe going to have...but that's all paid off and wasn't as bad as I thought they were going to be. People might think it's silly to not be able to work 8 hrs. a week...but when you have 2 kids and you take care of all the household chores time goes by wayyyyyy toooooo fast!!!! When they both get in school...I have no problem taking on a full time job. But I see it as Jeremy right now has an excellent job & since I do all the housework that allows him to come home and play w/the kids, we have a nice house that's comfortable for us (it's by no means our "dream home" but it does it's job), & we have dependable vehicles. Plus not to mention our outdoor toys we have and everything we get to do...and Jeremy wants me to stay home.
Well...I feel much better after typing this all out...maybe that's what I needed. I'd have to say that having these 2 little rays of sunshine is a blast!!!!! They love each other and are starting to learn how to interact w/each other too!! I think Crystal is past her little jealous point she had @ first. It took a little while but now she knows she ALWAYS gets her "me and mommy" time everyday...she just has to be a little patient. She's into makeup and painting nails and doing right now that's what we've been doing and she LOVES it!!! We were going to send her to preschool this fall...but I'm going to try to home school her for preschool. She's sooooo smart now & I hate to pay close to $200 a month for her to sit and hear what she already knows. I plan on doing K workbooks w/her and then I've found some neat things and ideas on the internet....and I promised her field trips too!!! She's a little disappointed...but @ the same time exicted because we are going to do everything she would have to do in the mornings to get ready and then just have school @ home.
Clay is waking up and Crystal is needing a to whoever reads this...thanks for listening :-) The picture above is my favorite time...when I get both to have both of my little blessings on my lap :-)
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